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Last active July 19, 2016 12:31
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* Field plugin Subpagelist
* @package Kirby CMS
* @author Flo Kosiol <>
* @link
* @version customized version for
class SubpagelistField extends BaseField {
const LANG_DIR = 'languages';
* Assets
public static $assets = array(
'css' => array(
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$baseDir = __DIR__ . DS . self::LANG_DIR . DS;
$lang = panel()->language();
if (file_exists($baseDir . $lang . '.php')) {
require $baseDir . $lang . '.php';
else {
require $baseDir . 'en.php';
* Set field property and default value if required
* @param string $option
* @param mixed $value
public function __set($option, $value) {
/* Set given value */
$this->$option = $value;
/* Validation */
switch($option) {
case 'flip':
$this->flip = false;
* Generate label markup
* @return string
public function label() {
$label = parent::label();
return $label;
* Generate field content markup
* @return string
public function content() {
$wrapper = new Brick('div');
$children = $this->subpages();
// add pagination to the subpages
$limit = ($this->limit()) ? $this->limit() : 1000;
$children = $children->paginate($limit, array('page' => get('page')));
// use custom template instead of existing snippet
$wrapper->html(tpl::load(__DIR__ . DS . 'template.php', array(
'title' => l(''),
'page' => $this->page(),
'subpages' => $children,
'addbutton' => !api::maxPages($this, $this->subpages()->max()),
'pagination' => $children->pagination(),
return $wrapper;
* Get subpages
* @return object
public function subpages() {
$field = &$this;
$subpages = $this->page()->children();
if (isset($this->flip) && $this->flip == TRUE) {
$subpages = $subpages->flip();
return $subpages;
<?php if ($subpages()->count() > 0): ?>
# copy and paste the sidebar subpages snippet from here: panel/app/snippets/pages/sidebar/subpages.php
# inside this code replace the snippet for a single subpage (new Snippet('pages/sidebar/subpage', array('subpage' => $subpage)))
# with the content of this file: panel/app/snippets/pages/sidebar/subpage.php
# adjust the template as you like
<?php else: ?>
<div class="input input-with-items">
<div class="item subpagelist-item-empty">
<?php echo l::get('subpagelist.empty') ?>
<?php endif ?>
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