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Created February 21, 2019 18:11
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QuickSort algorithm in PHP
class sort
public function quicksort(array $data, $left, $right)
if ($left < $right) {
$splitpos = $this->split($data, $left, $right);
$data = $this->quicksort($data, $left, $splitpos -1);
$data = $this->quicksort($data, $splitpos +1, $right);
return $data;
public function split(array &$data, $left, $right)
$pivot = $right;
$pivotValue = $data[$pivot];
do {
while ($data[$left] < $pivotValue && $left < $right){
while ($data[$right] >= $pivotValue && $left < $right){
$temp = $data[$left];
$data[$left] = $data[$right];
$data[$right] = $temp;
while($left < $right);
$temp = $data[$left];
$data[$left] = $data[$pivot];
$data[$pivot] = $temp;
return $left;
$sort = new sort();
$data = [4,2,3,7,6,9,1,8,8,9,1,3];
print_r($sort->quicksort($data,0, count($data) - 1));
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