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Last active December 5, 2016 04:01
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An enumeration of all bitmaps
#lang racket
(require data/enumerate)
(require data/enumerate/lib)
(require racket/draw)
(require pict)
;; adjust byte size to shrink the range of colors
(define byte-size 256)
(define byte/e (below/e byte-size))
(define (byte->actual x)
(* (/ 255 (sub1 byte-size)) x))
(define (row/e /e n) (listof-n/e /e n))
(define (color-bytes/e w h)
(listof-n/e (row/e (listof-n/e byte/e 3) w) h))
(define (full-color-bytes/e mw mh)
(cons/e (nat+/e mh) (nat+/e mw))
(lambda (w/h)
(color-bytes/e (car w/h) (cdr w/h)))
#:f-range-finite? #t))
;; Maps between the enumerations of lists
;; and actual bitmaps
(define (color-img/e mw mh)
(lambda (l)
(define w (car (car l)))
(define h (cdr (car l)))
(define bytes (make-bytes (* 4 w h) 255))
(define img (cdr l))
(for ([y (in-naturals)] [row (in-list img)])
(for ([x (in-naturals)] [pixel (in-list row)])
(for ([offset (in-naturals 1)] [component (in-list pixel)])
(define c (+ offset (* 4 x) (* w 4 y)))
(bytes-set! bytes c (byte->actual component)))))
(define b (make-object bitmap% w h))
(send b set-argb-pixels 0 0 w h bytes)
(lambda (b)
(define w (send b get-width))
(define h (send b get-height))
(define bytes (make-bytes (* 4 w h) 0))
(send b get-argb-pixels 0 0 w h bytes)
(cons w h)
(for/list ([y (in-range h)])
(for/list ([x (in-range w)])
(for/list ([offset (in-range 1 4)])
(define c (+ offset (* 4 x) (* 4 w y)))
(bytes-ref bytes c))))))
#:contract (is-a?/c bitmap%)
(full-color-bytes/e mw mh)))
(define all-img/e (color-img/e 0 0))
(define (random-image)
(define i (random-index all-img/e))
(from-nat all-img/e i)))
(define (encode p)
(to-nat all-img/e p))
(define (decode p)
(from-nat all-img/e p))
(define circ-i (encode (pict->bitmap (circle 100))))
#; circ-i ;; It takes longer to print the index than it does to compute it
(decode circ-i)
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