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Created April 21, 2023 19:27
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.EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES Microsoft.Graph (v.2.0.0-preview)
This script monitors apple token expiration in Intune (Intune) and checks if DEP, VPP, and APNS tokens,
certificates are valided after the number of specified days.
It utilizes Microsoft.Graph (v.2.0.0-preview) module to authenticate with the system managed identity of your
Azure Automation Account.
Permissions Required: DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All, DeviceManagementApps.Read.All Directory.Read.All
Based on the original script of,
Migrated by Florian Obradovic (@volksvertreter) for use with Microsoft.Graph v2 module & Managed System Identities
!!!! Mail-Function is untested and needs to be migrated to work with managed identities: !!!!
# treshold days before expiration notification is fired
$notificationTresholdDays = 90
# Microsoft Teams Webhook URI
$webHookUri = "
# Connect to Microsoft Graph using Microsoft.Graph V2 Preview module and system managed identity
# Locally connect with: Connect-MgGraph -ForceRefresh -scopes "DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All,DeviceManagementApps.Read.All,Directory.Read.All"
Connect-MgGraph -Identity
# Get initial domain name to display as tenant name on teams card
$orgDomain = Get-MgDomain | Where-Object {$_.isInitial} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
# optional mail configuration
$mailConfig = @{
SMTPServer = ""
SMTPPort = "587"
Sender = ""
Recipients = @("", "")
Header = "Apple token expiration in Intune for tenant: $orgDomain"
# JSON template for teams card message
$bodyTemplate = @"
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"summary": "Apple token expiration in Intune",
"themeColor": "D778D7",
"title": "Apple token expiration in Intune",
"sections": [
"facts": [
"name": "Tenant:",
"value": "TENANT_DOMAIN"
"name": "Token Type:",
"value": "TOKEN_TYPE"
"name": "Token Name:",
"value": "TOKEN_NAME"
"name": "Expiration datetime:",
"name": "Help URL:",
"value": "[Microsoft Docs: Renew iOS certificate and tokens]("
"text": "The following Apple token in your Intune Tenant is about to expire:"
# Mail message template
$mailTemplate = @"
<h1>Attention: Apple token expiration in Intune!</h1>
Please make sure to renew your expired apple token in Intune!
<b>Token type:</b> TOKEN_TYPE
<b>Token Name:</b> TOKEN_NAME
<b>Expiration Datetime:</b> TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME <br>
<b>Help URL: <a href="">Microsoft Docs</a><br>
# Add configured days to current date for treshold comparison
$notificationTreshold = (Get-Date).AddDays($notificationTresholdDays)
# Process Apple push notification certificate and check for expiration
$applePushNotificationCertificate = Get-MgDeviceManagementApplePushNotificationCertificate
if ($notificationTreshold -ge $applePushNotificationCertificate.expirationDateTime){
Write-Output "Apple Push Notification Certificate $($applePushNotificationCertificate.'@odata.context'): $($applePushNotificationCertificate.appleIdentifier) will expire soon!"
# if mailconfig is enabled use mail template instead of teams card
if ($mailConfig){
$body = $mailTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_TYPE", "Apple Push Notification Certificate")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", $applePushNotificationCertificate.appleIdentifier)
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $applePushNotificationCertificate.expirationDateTime)
$creds = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $mailConfig.sender
Send-MailMessage -UseSsl -From $mailConfig.Sender -To $mailConfig.Recipients -SmtpServer $mailConfig.SMTPServer -Port $mailConfig.SMTPPort -Subject $mailConfig.Header -Body $body -Credential $creds -BodyAsHtml
$body = $bodyTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_TYPE", "Apple Push Notification Certificate")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", $applePushNotificationCertificate.appleIdentifier)
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $applePushNotificationCertificate.expirationDateTime)
if (-not $mailConfig){
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $webHookUri -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
else {
Write-Output "Apple Push Notification Certificate $($applePushNotificationCertificate.'@odata.context'): $($applePushNotificationCertificate.appleIdentifier) still valid!"
# Process all Apple vpp tokens and check if they will expire soon
$appleVppTokens = Get-MgDeviceAppManagementVppToken
$appleVppTokens | ForEach-Object {
$appleVppToken = $PSItem
if ($notificationTreshold -ge $appleVppToken.ExpirationDateTime){
Write-Output "Apple VPP Token $($appleVppToken.'@odata.context'): $($appleVppToken.appleIdentifier) will expire soon!"
# if mailconfig is enabled use mail template instead of teams card
if ($mailConfig){
$body = $mailTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace('TOKEN_TYPE', "Apple VPP Token")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", "$($appleVppToken.organizationName): $($appleVppToken.appleId)")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $appleVppToken.expirationDateTime)
$creds = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $mailConfig.sender
Send-MailMessage -UseSsl -From $mailConfig.Sender -To $mailConfig.Recipients -SmtpServer $mailConfig.SMTPServer -Port $mailConfig.SMTPPort -Subject $mailConfig.Header -Body $body -Credential $creds -BodyAsHtml
$body = $bodyTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace('TOKEN_TYPE', "Apple VPP Token")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", "$($appleVppToken.organizationName): $($appleVppToken.appleId)")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $appleVppToken.expirationDateTime)
if (-not $mailConfig){
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $webHookUri -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
else {
Write-Output "Apple VPP Token $($appleVppToken.'@odata.context'): $($appleVppToken.appleId) still valid!"
# Process all Apple DEP Tokens (we have to switch to the beta endpoint)
$appleDepTokens = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "beta/deviceManagement/depOnboardingSettings").value
$appleDepTokens | ForEach-Object {
$appleDepToken = $PSItem
if ($notificationTreshold -ge $appleDepToken.tokenExpirationDateTime){
Write-Output "Apple DEP Token $($appleDepToken.'@odata.context'): $($appleDepToken.appleIdentifier) will expire soon!"
# if mailconfig is enabled use mail template instead of teams card
if ($mailConfig){
$body = $mailTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_TYPE", "Apple DEP Token")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", "$($appleDepToken.tokenName): $($appleDepToken.appleIdentifier)")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $appleDepToken.tokenExpirationDateTime)
$creds = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $mailConfig.sender
Send-MailMessage -UseSsl -From $mailConfig.Sender -To $mailConfig.Recipients -SmtpServer $mailConfig.SMTPServer -Port $mailConfig.SMTPPort -Subject $mailConfig.Header -Body $body -Credential $creds -BodyAsHtml
$body = $bodyTemplate
$body = $body.Replace("TENANT_DOMAIN", $orgDomain )
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_TYPE", "Apple DEP Token")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_NAME", "$($appleDepToken.tokenName): $($appleDepToken.appleIdentifier)")
$body = $body.Replace("TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATETIME", $appleDepToken.tokenExpirationDateTime)
if (-not $mailConfig){
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $webHookUri -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
else {
Write-Output "Apple DEP Token $($appleDepToken.'@odata.context'): $($appleDepToken.appleIdentifier) still valid!"
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