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Florian Cargoët floriancargoet

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floriancargoet /
Created October 31, 2024 17:07
Relations ink
// On a deux relations
LIST Relations = Fait_En, A_Trahi
// On a des matières
LIST Matières = Or, Argent, Fer, Bois, Carton
// Des objets
LIST Objets = Clé, Lance
floriancargoet / Emojis.i7x
Created May 2, 2024 07:05
Emojis extension for Inform 7
Emojis (for Glulx only) by Florian Cargoët begins here.
I'm a bit conflicted with that code:
I don't remember having a good enough understanding of these things to have written it myself. It's not that complicated so it's possible I learned enough to make it work and then forgot about it but it's also possible I cobbled together bits of code found elsewhere and it's not my code.
[ A simple emoji (1 code point). ]
To say emoji (code point - number):
say code point as unicode;
floriancargoet / readme.txt
Created April 21, 2024 08:38
Lawnmower (PuzzleScript Script)
Play this game by pasting the script in


Copy the code of binksi_import_map.js in the console, then execute:


Or to select a file on your computer:


Copy the code of binksi_import_tileset.js in the console, then execute:


Or to select a file on your computer:

floriancargoet / 000 - Inform 7
Last active September 20, 2021 19:08
Inform 7 recipes

Inform 7 recipes

This a collection of small Inform 7 recipes.

floriancargoet / Makefile
Last active May 5, 2017 03:06
Love2D Android Makefile
# Put this Makefile in love-android-sdl2/
# Put your Lua files in love-android-sdl2/assets/game/
src_path := assets/game
src_files := $(wildcard $(src_path)/*)
# do not change
love_file := assets/
apk_file := bin/love-android-debug.apk
# if you change these, update AndroidManifest.xml and source
app_package :=
floriancargoet / ellipse.js
Created March 17, 2015 18:41
ctx.ellipse polyfill
var ctx = document.getElementById('c').getContext('2d');
function ellipse(context, cx, cy, rx, ry, rot, aStart, aEnd){;
context.translate(cx, cy);
context.translate(-rx, -ry);
context.scale(rx, ry);
context.arc(1, 1, 1, aStart, aEnd, false);
floriancargoet /
Last active April 5, 2016 21:49

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am floriancargoet on github.
  • I am floriancargoet ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC6yjGjO1X7rAiK1uueJKX-PhwzWmQdhdxA96vo0YThSQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

floriancargoet / trello-grid
Last active March 5, 2017 03:42
Trello Grid
javascript:(function(){$('.list-area').css('max-width','100%');$('.list').css('margin','10px 0 0 10px');var max = Math.max.apply(null,$('.list').map(function(){return $(this).height();}));$('.list').each(function(){$(this).css('margin-bottom', max - $(this).height())});})();