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Created March 23, 2021 20:18
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Metropols MCMC
trueA = 5
trueB = 0
trueSd = 10
sampleSize = 31
# create independent x-values
x =(-(sampleSize-1)/2):((sampleSize-1)/2)
# create dependent values according to ax + b + N(0,sd)
y = trueA * x + trueB + rnorm(n=sampleSize,mean=0,sd=trueSd)
plot(x,y, main="Test Data")
likelihood = function(param){
a = param[1]
b = param[2]
sd = param[3]
pred = a*x + b
singlelikelihoods = dnorm(y, mean = pred, sd = sd, log = T)
sumll = sum(singlelikelihoods)
# Example: plot the likelihood profile of the slope a
slopevalues = function(x){return(likelihood(c(x, trueB, trueSd)))}
slopelikelihoods = lapply(seq(3, 7, by=.05), slopevalues )
plot (seq(3, 7, by=.05), slopelikelihoods , type="l", xlab = "values of slope parameter a", ylab = "Log likelihood")
# Prior distribution
prior = function(param){
a = param[1]
b = param[2]
sd = param[3]
aprior = dunif(a, min=0, max=10, log = T)
bprior = dnorm(b, sd = 5, log = T)
sdprior = dunif(sd, min=0, max=30, log = T)
posterior = function(param){
return (likelihood(param) + prior(param))
######## Metropolis algorithm ################
proposalfunction = function(param){
return(rnorm(3,mean = param, sd= c(0.1,0.5,0.3)))
######## Metropolis algorithm ################
proposalfunction = function(param){
return(rnorm(3,mean = param, sd= c(0.1,0.5,0.3)))
run_metropolis_MCMC = function(startvalue, iterations){
chain = array(dim = c(iterations+1,3))
chain[1,] = startvalue
for (i in 1:iterations){
proposal = proposalfunction(chain[i,])
probab = exp(posterior(proposal) - posterior(chain[i,]))
if (runif(1) < probab){
chain[i+1,] = proposal
chain[i+1,] = chain[i,]
startvalue = c(4,0,10)
chain = run_metropolis_MCMC(startvalue, 10000)
burnIn = 5000
acceptance = 1-mean(duplicated(chain[-(1:burnIn),]))
### Summary: #######################
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
hist(chain[-(1:burnIn),1],nclass=30, , main="Posterior of a", xlab="True value = red line" )
abline(v = mean(chain[-(1:burnIn),1]))
abline(v = trueA, col="red" )
hist(chain[-(1:burnIn),2],nclass=30, main="Posterior of b", xlab="True value = red line")
abline(v = mean(chain[-(1:burnIn),2]))
abline(v = trueB, col="red" )
hist(chain[-(1:burnIn),3],nclass=30, main="Posterior of sd", xlab="True value = red line")
abline(v = mean(chain[-(1:burnIn),3]) )
abline(v = trueSd, col="red" )
plot(chain[-(1:burnIn),1], type = "l", xlab="True value = red line" , main = "Chain values of a", )
abline(h = trueA, col="red" )
plot(chain[-(1:burnIn),2], type = "l", xlab="True value = red line" , main = "Chain values of b", )
abline(h = trueB, col="red" )
plot(chain[-(1:burnIn),3], type = "l", xlab="True value = red line" , main = "Chain values of sd", )
abline(h = trueSd, col="red" )
# for comparison:
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