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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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# assuming the data is created from an ecological system that creates an
# exponential size distribution (e.g. you sample individuals from a population that can be
# expected to follow this distribution), but this measurments are done with
# a considerable lognormal observation error
# for a realistic application see
meanSize <- 10
trueLogSd <- 1
sampleSize <- 500
truevalues = rexp(rate = 1/meanSize, n = sampleSize)
observations = rlnorm(n = length(truevalues), mean = log(truevalues), sd = trueLogSd)
# plotting true and observed data
maxV <- ceiling(max(observations,truevalues))
counts <- rbind(
obs = hist(observations, breaks = 0:maxV, plot = F)$counts,
true = hist(truevalues, breaks = 0:maxV, plot = F)$counts
barplot(t(counts), beside=T)
# Model specification of a non-hierarchical model in JAGS
# that does not account for the observation error
# textConnection avoids having to write the string to file (default option)
normalModel = textConnection('
model {
# Priors
meanSize ~ dunif(1,100)
# Likelihood
for(i in 1:nObs){
true[i] ~ dexp(1/meanSize)
# Bundle data
positiveObservations <- observations[observations>0]
data = list(true = positiveObservations, nObs=length(positiveObservations))
# Parameters to be monitored (= to estimate)
params = c("meanSize")
jagsModel = jags.model( file= normalModel , data=data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt= 500)
results = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=params,n.iter=5000)
# I explain how to interpret these plots in
# note that parameter estmiates are biased
# Model specification if hierarchical model that accounts for the
# observation error in Jags
hierarchicalModel = textConnection('
model {
# Priors
meanSize ~ dunif(1,100)
sigma ~ dunif(0,20) # Precision 1/variance JAGS and BUGS use prec instead of sd
precision <- pow(sigma, -2)
# Likelihood
for(i in 1:nObs){
true[i] ~ dexp(1/meanSize)
observed[i] ~ dlnorm(log(true[i]), precision)
# Bundle data
data = list(observed = observations, nObs=length(observations))
# Parameters to be monitored (= to estimate)
params = c("meanSize", "sigma")
jagsModel = jags.model( file= hierarchicalModel , data=data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt= 500)
#update(jagsModel, 2500) # updating without sampling
results = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=params,n.iter=5000)
# it's allways good to check the correlation structure in the posterior
# check correlations using
# or using you can plot
# betterPairs(as.matrix(results))
# see for comments on interpreting correlations
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