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Last active December 4, 2024 19:05
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Some useful JCR queries (XPATH, SQL2) for AEM/CQ development.


All nodes with a specific name

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS node
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(node, "/search/in/path")
AND NAME() = "nodeName"

All pages below content path

SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS page
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(page ,"/search/in/path")

All components of a specific Resource Type

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS comp
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(comp, "/search/in/path")
AND [sling:resourceType] = "componentType"

All nodes where a property contains some String

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS node
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(node, "/search/in/path")
AND CONTAINS([propertyName], "someString")

All nodes where a property is not null and not empty

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS node
WHERE node.[propertyName] IS NOT NULL AND node.[propertyName] <> ""

All nodes where a property is null or empty

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS node
WHERE (node.[propertyName] = "" OR node.[propertyName] IS NULL)

All nodes where a property is of type Date (also possible: String, Long, Boolean and more)

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS node
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(node, "/search/in/path")
AND PROPERTY(node.[propertyName], "DATE") LIKE "%"

Date property of child node is greater than

SELECT page.* FROM [cq:Page] AS page
INNER JOIN [cq:PageContent] AS jcrcontent ON ISCHILDNODE(jcrcontent, page)
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(page, "/content/path/to/page")
AND jcrcontent.[cq:lastModified] >= CAST("2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" AS DATE)

Every page with specific name

SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS page
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(page, "/search/in/path")
AND name() = "pageName"

Every page with specific name, that has a child node with a specific name

SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS page
INNER JOIN [nt:base] AS childnode ON ISCHILDNODE(childnode, page)
WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(page, "/search/in/path")
AND name(page) = "pageName"
AND name(childnode) = "nodeName"


Property not empty

/jcr:root/content/path/to/page//nodeName[@propertyName != ""]

Specific property contains


Any property contains

/jcr:root/content/path/to/page//*[jcr:contains(., 'someValue')]

AND operation (for more than one property)

/jcr:root/content/path/to/page//*[@firstPropertyName = "someValue", @secondPropertyName != "anotherValue"]

Get all jcr:content nodes that

  • have a specific resourceType
  • have any property that contains a specific (text-) value
  • have a "grandchild" node, which has a specific resourceType
  • have a "grandchild" node, which has a property called "date" greater than "2012-06-01" and less than "2016-07-01" and order the result by the date property in descending order.
/jcr:root/content/path/to/node//element(*,cq:PageContent)[@sling:resourceType="someType" and jcr:contains(., "someValue") and */*/@sling:resourceType="anotherType" and */*/@date >= xs:dateTime("2012-06-01T00:00:00.000+02:00") and */*/@date <= xs:dateTime("2016-07-01T00:00:00.000+02:00")] order by pathto/grandchild/@date descending
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ZktSn0w commented Nov 28, 2023


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