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Biodiversity Audit-II-Condition-of-Biological-Assets-version-MASTER-FAUNA-v17-xlsm

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Scale,DPaW region,Schedule,Scientific name,Common name,Geographic distribution,ESU number,ESU number reliability,ESU trend,ESU trend reliability,ESU notes,Population number,Population number translocated,Population IUCN category,Population number reliability,Population trend,Population trend reliability,Population notes,Mature individuals number,Mature individuals IUCN category,Mature individuals number reliability,Mature individuals trend,Mature individuals number trend reliability,Mature individuals notes,EOO area ha,EOO area IUCN category,EOO method,EOO trend,EOO notes,AOO area ha,AOO area IUCN category,AOO method,AOO trend,AOO notes,Habitat specificity fire,Habitat specificity restriction,Habitat specificity restriction reliability,Habitat specificity restriction trend,Habitat specificity notes,Last survey detected year,Last survey not detected year,Last survey anecdotal year,Additional notes 1,Conservation status EPBC,Conservation status WA,Conservation status assignment year,Conservation status IUCN criteria,Past pressures category,Past pressures comments,Future threats category,Future threats comments,Recovery plan commencement date,Recovery Goals,Recovery Targets,Reassessment of conservation status required,Management requirements research category,Management requirements research comment,Management requirements evaluation,Management requirements evaluation comment,Management requirements conservation planning category,Management requirements conservation planning comment,Management requirements direct intervention category,Management requirements direct intervention comment,Management requirements indirect intervention category,Management requirements indirect intervention comment,Management requirements other category,Management requirements other comment,Additional notes 2,References,Is full assessment condition,Last full assessment date,Last updated on
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Atrichornis clamosus,Noisy Scrub-bird,mainland & Bald Island,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,,2,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = losses),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: some reintroductions but haven't met criteria for translocations. Other introductions have expanded to extant populations and coalesced into 1 meta populaiton. Bald Island is introduction. All pops considered to be in JAF02 not ESP01.,460,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: estimate of 460 singing males,36170,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Unknown,South Coast workshop: area cal & trend fluctuates. S&C: 10935ha ESP01 + 73350 JAF02,28000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Sum of mapped polygons,Unknown,"South Coast workshop: area, fluctuates according to fire history. Habitat type has different response to fire.",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),South Coast workshop: population increase and dispersal has resulted in birds found wider range of habitats; fire management has improved; likely decline in predators,2012,,2013,"South Coast workshop: past pressures, future threats. ",Vulnerable,Endangered,1988,"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,2009,,,,PD i) Current population size,census of non-singing birds,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),"finalise reservation of Waychinicup Water Reserve UCL (PNP 04), Goodga Reserve (PNR08) ",,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Atrichornis clamosus,Noisy Scrub-bird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Atrichornis clamosus,Noisy Scrub-bird,mainland & Bald Island,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,,2,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = losses),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: some reintroductions but haven't met criteria for translocations. Other introductions have expanded to extant populations and coalesced into 1 meta populaiton. Bald Island is introduction. All pops considered to be in JAF02 not ESP01.,460,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: estimate of 460 singing males,36170,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Unknown,South Coast workshop: area cal & trend fluctuates. S&C: 10935ha ESP01 + 73350ha JAF02,28000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Sum of mapped polygons,Unknown,"South Coast workshop: area, fluctuates according to fire history. Habitat type has different response to fire.",,,,,,2012,,2013,"South Coast workshop: past pressures, future threats. ",Vulnerable,Endangered,1988,"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,2009,,,,PD i) Current population size,census of non-singing birds,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),"finalise reservation of Waychinicup Water Reserve UCL (PNP 04), Goodga Reserve (PNR08) ",,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Atrichornis clamosus,Noisy Scrub-bird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"South Coast workshop: Boundary around Waychhinicup NP is incorrect, should be included in JAF02 and not ESP01. This species is treated as if boundary occurrs to the east of Waychinicup, therefore all pops occur in JAF02. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,KW & Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009: genetic analysis indicate same taxa throughout range.,7,0,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009: 6 sites, monitoring at 4 sites Canal Rocks, Ellensbrook, Cosy Corner and Cape Leeuwin. KW: advised an additional site known since surveys but not sure which subregion occurs in. ",Unknown,Unknown,Expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,KW & Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009,9217,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),S&C: area calc. KW: expanding due to survey. JM: historic collection locations in Warren Region not included in this calc as no records post 1992.,< 10,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),KW: expanding due to survey.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,KW: Freshwater seeps and springs derived from limestone near the coast,2013,,,KW: past pressures & future threats.,,Vulnerable,2006,D2,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,2009,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitats (eg. Boodjidup Creek and Deepdene occurrences have not yet been fully surveyed) and historic collection sites (eg. Donnelly River and near Windy Harbour).,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with Friends of Cape to Cape track, NRM organisations and other relevant stakeholders regarding weed control at population sites",,,JM: management actions taken from Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009 as per instructions of KW.,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: 1980s collection locations at Donnelly River and near Windy Harbour are not included in EOO as no records post 1992.,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,Canal Rocks,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009: Canal Rocks,Unknown,Unknown,Expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,KW & Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),KW: expanding due to survey. S&C: 164,< 10,< 10ha (sub-region),Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),KW: expanding due to survey.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,KW: Freshwater seeps and springs derived from limestone near the coast,2013,,,KW: past pressures & future threats.,,Vulnerable,2006,D2,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,2009,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitats (eg. Boodjidup Creek and Deepdene occurrences have not yet been fully surveyed),EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with Friends of Cape to Cape track, NRM organisations and other relevant stakeholders regarding weed control at population sites",,,JM: management actions taken from Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009 as per instructions of KW.,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,"Ellensbrook, Cosy Corner, Cape Leeuwin, private property",Refer to State level,,,,,4,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009: Ellensbrook, Cosy Corner, Cape Leeuwin, private property. ",Unknown,Unknown,Expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009: Ellensbrook pop estimated at 1954, no estimates for other populations",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),KW: expanding due to survey. S&C: 8890,< 10,< 10ha (sub-region),Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),KW: expanding due to survey.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,KW: Freshwater seeps and springs derived from limestone near the coast,2013,,,KW: past pressures & future threats.,,Vulnerable,2006,D2,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,Weeds (specify dominant spp),weed invasion of freshwater seeps,2009,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of historic collection sites (eg. Donnelly River and near Windy Harbour) and potential habitats,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with Friends of Cape to Cape track, NRM organisations and other relevant stakeholders regarding weed control at population sites",,,JM: management actions taken from Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail Monitoring Report 2009 as per instructions of KW.,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: historic collection locations at Donnelly River and near Windy Harbour from 1980s. BB advises no recent records, however both those locations remain relatively undisturbed (apart from some bushfire impact and rec site development) and no reason why the snail would not be still present at these locations. ",,,,,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,Pollution (agriculture),weed control chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BB: resurvey of original collection locations,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Austroassiminea letha,Cape Leeuwin Freshwater Snail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,Water abstraction (specify),changed hydrology,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Static,Expert opinion,,4,2,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,MAP: Bernier & Dorre Islands are the only natural pops,7000,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,"Mammal workshop: approx figure, adjusted from MAP (total 10,000 but includes interstate translocations). RP 5600-6600",491245.695605,"> 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),"Mammal workshop: level of certainty = confident. Expanding due to translocation, ",111100,"< 200,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),"MAP: 150,000 but includes interstate translocations. ",,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop,2013,,2013,"Mammal workshop: survey, past pressures & future threats",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1998,D.2 Very restricted area of occupancy,Environmental stochasticity,environmental changes cause fluctuations,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,SC i.b) Nomenclature,revise taxonomy according to results of genetic studies,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include all populations (currently only Shark Bay)",MD ix) Translocation,"reintroductions, some restocking where appropriate","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species & importance of biosecurity (Shark Bay & Dryandra),Mammal workshop: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats [any particular one?],,,,,SC vi) Phylogeography & genetic structuring,finalise study of genetic differences,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass control,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain populations in other states,,,JM: I assed awareness raising for consistency with other Shark Bay species,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (mainland sites)",Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,"PVA, modeling for genetic exchange",,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with NGOs regarding management of Faure Island,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to small island populations",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirisson Prong & Lorna Glen,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),"recreational use of islands (increased risk of fire, weed/feral introduction, human disturbance)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong, Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime); also luoins and boxthorn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",Faure Island,Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: translocation 2002. Faure is a reintroduced population.,2500,"< 2,500 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"JM: MAP estimate 3000-4000 but not all are mature. KC: 2500 seems like a large no for faure or is this the total pop size? In mid 2000s, it was estimated 150 animals",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),S&C: 83647ha,7700,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Faure Island: 7700ha,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop,,,2013,"Mammal workshop: survey, past pressures & future threats",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1998,D2,Environmental stochasticity,environmental changes cause fluctuations,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,"reintroductions, some restocking where appropriate","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),Mammal workshop: management actions,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats [any particular one?],,,,,,,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with NGOs regarding management of Faure Island,,,JM: I assed awareness raising for consistency with other Shark Bay species,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Buffel, lupins and boxthorn. there must be other past pressures as it once disappaered from Faure. ?black rats?",Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (cats, foxes)",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock (habitat impacts),Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to small island populations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),"recreational use of islands (increased risk of fire, weed/feral introduction, human disturbance)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",Bernier & Dorre Islands & Heirisson Prong,Refer to State level,,,,,3,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Heirisson Prong is translocation but prior to last 10 years (1992).,4500,"< 10,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: Bernier 842 + Dorre 3291 + Heirisson 400-500 (not all are mature) = 4533-4633 (MAP). Approx figure used.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),S&C: 4576ha,103400,"< 200,000ha (sub-region)",Sum of mapped polygons,Static (no change),Bernier & Dorre: 16500ha + Heirisson 86900ha = 103400ha,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Static,Mammal workshop,2013,,,"Mammal workshop: survey, past pressures & future threats",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1998,D2,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirisson Prong,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),Mammal workshop: management actions,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,environmental changes cause fluctuations,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"cats, foxes",,DPaW input to planning processes,,,JM: I assed awareness raising for consistency with other Shark Bay species,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),,Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to Dirk Harthog Island,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to small island populations",,,,,,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),"recreational use of islands (increased risk of fire, weed/feral introduction, human disturbance)",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Shark Bay Boodie, Burrowing Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",Lorna Glen,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,N/A,-,"Mammal workshop: translocation, not yet considered successful",N/A,N/A,,,,"Mammal workshop: 300 (translocation, do not include, not yet considered successful)",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,,N/A,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,2013,,,"Mammal workshop: survey, past pressures & future threats",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1998,D2,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes, wild dogs/dingoes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include all populations (currently only Shark Bay)",MD ix) Translocation,"restocking, expansion of population",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen Pastoral Lease,,,"JM: I added management actions from other Lorna Glen species, please check",,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong & Lorna Glen,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to enclosure populations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",Dryandra,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,N/A,-,"Mammal workshop: translocation, not yet considered successful",N/A,N/A,,,,"Mammal workshop: translocation, not yet considered successful, unknown numbers",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,,N/A,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,2013,,,,,,1998,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include all populations (currently only Shark Bay)",MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Dryandra),"JM: I added management actions from other Dryandra species, please check",,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,,,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of fencing,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to enclosure populations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur lesueur,"Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,,2,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: Also introduced to Alpha Island, Montebello Islands and Lorna Glen but not considered to be established pops (MAP). ",3600,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),,"RP Barrow Island 3000; Boodie Island 200; MAP Barrow 3400 + Boodie Island 200 = 3600. Alpha, Montebello and Lorna Glen pops not yet counted as successful",30200,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"MAP reports same figure as for AOO, however this can't be true as its 2 islands. JM calc: 30200ha is polygon cut to shape of Barrow Island in the north and over ocean to boundary of Boodie island in the south. ",23800,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),MAP,,Unknown,-,Unknown,JM: habitat specificty not included in MAP,2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats as for other Barrow Island species,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,D2,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",2012,,,,SC i.b) Nomenclature,revise taxonomy according to results of genetic studies,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,Notes from workshop: Action Plan threatened macropods Jackie Richards,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes, wild dogs/dingoes (mainland). ",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,finalise study of genetic differences,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents (gas development),,,"JM: management actions added for Barrow Island and Lorna Glen consistent with other species, please check",,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),black rats on boodie,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to enclosure populations",,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,reasses on recommendations of MAP,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes) (Lorna Glen)",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Lorna Glen,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),use of Lorna Glen as ex situ conservation site,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie","Barrow Island, Boodie Island, Montebellos",Refer to State level,,,,,2,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Boodie island translocation 1993.,3600,"< 10,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP. Alpha and Montebello Islands not included as not yet considered successful.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),,23800,"< 100,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),MAP,,,,,,,,2013,JM follow up Biota and Short,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,"JM: management actions added for Barrow Island , please check",,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures and future threats as for other Barrow Island species,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,,,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents (gas development),,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,"potential wildfire, significant risk to enclosure populations",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),use of Lorna Glen as ex situ conservation site,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",Lorna Glen,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,N/A,-,MAP: translocated pop established 2011 but not yet considered successful,N/A,N/A,,,,"165-251 individuals (MAP), not counted as translocation inot yet considered successful",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,,N/A,N/A,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures and future threats as for other Lorna Glen species,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes, wild dogs/dingoes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",MD ix) Translocation,"restocking, expansion of population",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen Pastoral Lease,,,"JM: management actions added for Lorna Glen consistent with other species, please check",,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes) (Lorna Glen)",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term higher temperatures),,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Lorna Glen,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,"small population, environmental changes cause fluctuations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,"small population, high risk",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),buffel grass (influences fire regime),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia lesueur ssp. (WAM M10733),"Burrowing Bettong (Barrow Island), Boodie",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop: number & trend, however RP states there are 4 genetically distinct indigenous populations (Dryandra, Tutanning, Perup and Kingston). The No. of introduced vs known populations suggest that all/or most populations have been re/introduced. Is this correct?",> 20,> 20,≤ 20 (does not meet IUCN location/subpopulation criteria),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Loss of populations (new knowldge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop: Only 3 natural populations. Wayne et al 2013: WA pop count = 10 with greater than 100 in 2010. JM: Not currently considered extant = North Kalgarin NR, Walpole-Denmark, Nambung, Francois Peron, Paruna, Lake Magenta. ","<18,000","< 100,000 (does not meet IUCN mature individual criteria)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM - This fig from MAP includes other States but small numbers??,3926331,"> 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"S&C: 3926331ha. JM to check. Mammal workshop: certainty of expert opinion = confident. EOO in MAP is 199,900km2 but this includes other States",54400,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"JM - 51,200ha in MAP",,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,2013,,2013,"Adrian Wayne: Fire regimes and Pc included in MAP but not listed here as only top 80% of threats are included, relatively minor threats compared to those listed for subregions. ",Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (if any breach of enclosure and for animals outside enclosures)",2012,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,investigate factors of woylie decline (including disease agent) and mesopredator release (predator interactions),EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),PVA and genetic modeling used to inform population management plan. What does this refer to? Is this a research plan needed?,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosures ",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),formalise relationships with NGOs,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species. I would broaden this to something like…""Education and awareness campaign targeted at specific stakeholders and general public, with the aim of acheiving support for woylie recovery/Western Shield program and habitat/threat management.""",Mammal workshop: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RP 2012: estimated population size of 10,845 in the Upper Warren with a further 15,000 woylies in all other populations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: severe and dramatic decline in abundance as a result of increased adult mortality; pop has declined by approximately 95%,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop understanding of limitations on recovery,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement management plan; recovery team,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. fenced exclosures managed for conservation, other landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",,,KC: hasn’t enough research been done on mesopredator release? what's enough? Isn’t it known that there is a switching of predators. What exactly needs to be known?) I would ask KM&AW what exactly is the question being answered through research and add that. The topic of 'mesopredator...' is too vague.,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,One of the issues with WS/woylie evaluation is that there is no comprehensive evaluation program that measures and analyses data at the (1) activity; (2) threat and (3) changes to population parameters/state and trends; and reporting framework. Also information management is an issue. Hence need for a MERI plan and implementation,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),"use of fenced exclosures; training, reporting, management and compliance with code of practice for wildlife rehabilitators",,,JM: not included in FMP 2014-2023,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,potential for this species to be killed or injured as a result of hunting for other species (TOs),,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,PVA and/or genetic modeling,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),captive breeding; populatiosns in other States,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",Wadderin,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: recent reintroductions but not yet counted as a population,N/A,N/A,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = decreases),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: recent reintroductions but not yet counted as a population,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO.,N/A,N/A,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO. Wayne et al 2013: 52590ha.,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. fenced exclosures managed for conservation, other landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: predators and decline pathogens were included in MAP but not by workshop, please check. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"historic decline - foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (if any breach of enclosure and for animals outside enclosures)",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","Boyagin NR, Tutanning",Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Boyagin NR (extant, translocated 1992). Mammal workshop & AW: Tutanning thought to be EX after 2010, loss of pop; JM - Dryandra included in JAF01",562,"< 1,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Boyagin 562, decline in pop 1999 to 2010. Mammal workshop & AW: Tutanning thought to be EX after 2010, loss of pop. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Mammal workshop & AW: Tutanning thought to be EX after 2010, loss of pop. S&C: 335356",4781,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Wayne et al 2013: Boyagin 4781ha. Mammal workshop & AW: Tutanning thought to be EX after 2010, loss of AOO. S&C: estimate 2103ha",,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (if any breach of enclosure and for animals outside enclosures)",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,potential for this species to be killed or injured as a result of hunting for other species (TOs),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","Dryandra, Julimar, Karakamia, northern and central jarrah forest, Avon Valley NP, Batalling, Paruna",Refer to State level,,,,,6,5,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = losses),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Dryandra, Batalling (translocation 1982), Karakamia (translocation 1994), northern and central jarrah forest (translocation 1995), Julimar (translocation 1995), Avon Valley NP (translocation 2002). Mammal workshop: Paruna not considered extant; Wayne et al 2013: Paruna translocation (2000), disappeared by 2010. ",3792,"< 10,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Dryandra mean 2370 (1000-4000) in 2010, decreasing trend 1999-2006, increase 2006-2010; AW: this may be an over estimate of pop size. Wayne et al 2013: Batalling 242 (100-400) in 2010, overall decline 1999-2010, but some fluctuation; RP 2012: Batalling pop is only marginally detectable since 2007. Wayne et al 2013: Karakamia 500 (400-600), Static. northern and central jarrah forest 500 (400-600), Static. Wayne et al 2013: Julimar NR mean 130 (40-1000), fluctuations but small numbers. Avon Valley NP mean 50 (0-200) in 2010, Static. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Wayne et al 2013: very large reduction in population numbers over time but pop locations haven't changed. S&C: 1507734,827747,"< 1,000,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Wayne et al 2013: Dryandra 12192ha + Batalling 8000ha + Karakamia 280ha + northern and central jarrah forest 774905ha + Julimar 28000ha + Avon Valley NP 4370ha. JM: decline in AOO is presumed with decline in population.,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,2012,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),formalise relationships with NGOs,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. fenced exclosures managed for conservation, other landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","Upper Warren (includes Tone-Perup), Middle Warren/Lake Unicup/Lake Muir",Refer to State level,,,,,2,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Wayne et al 2013: Upper Warren + Middle Warren/Lake Unicup/Lake Muir (translocation 2002). MAP: recent translocation to fenced area at Perup but not yet counted as a population.,8919,"< 10,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Upper Warren mean 8313 (7,000-11,000) in 2010, decline in numbers 1999-2010. Wayne et al 2013: Middle Warren/Lake Unicup/Lake Muir mean 600 (300-1000), Static. MAP: recent translocation to fenced area at Perup but not yet counted as a population. RP 2012: estimated population size of 10,845 in the Upper Warren",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Wayne et al 2013: very large reduction in population numbers over time but pop locations haven't changed. S&C: 1324881,147239,"< 200,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Wayne et al 2013: Upper Warren 110,000ha + Middle Warren/Lake Unicup/Lake Muir 37239ha. JM: decline in AOO. S&C: 24472ha.",,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,2012,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,,,"JM: I have added EIA actions to address mining threats, please check",,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"gold and bauxite, clearing and fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","Sunklands & Pemberton, Walpole/Denmark area",Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Wayne et al 2013: Sunklands & Pemberton (translocation 1998); Walpole/Denmark area had very small pop estimate in 2010, unknown if extant. ",250,< 250 (sub-region),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Sunklands & Pemberton mean 250 (10 -1000) in 2010, small numbers fluctuating over time. Walpole/Denmark area mean 10 (0-50), unknown if extant. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,Wayne et al 2013: Walpole/Denmark unknown if extant. S&C: 329028,89925,"< 100,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Unknown,"Wayne et al 2013: Sunklands & Pemberton 89925ha, Walpole/Denmark 8988ha but unknown if extant. ",,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,2010,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,2008,A3be;A4be,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (eg. landholders with a role in predator control), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",Kalbarri NP,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: translocated pop success is inconclusive. Wayne et al 2013: translocation 2000.,unknown,unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP: this pop was not added to pop/mature individuals as translocation status is inconclusive. Wayne et al 2013: mean 20 (0-50) in 2010, fluctations over time but overall decline, ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO.,N/A,N/A,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO. Wayne et al 2013: 183000ha.,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","Nambung, Whiteman Park",Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,,Static (increases = losses),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Nambung translocation 2004 had disappeared by 2010, not considered extant. MAP: Whiteman Park is recent reintroduction and not yet counted as a population. ",N/A,N/A,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = decreases),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Nambung translocation 2004 had disappeared by 2010, not considered extant. MAP: Whiteman Park is recent reintroduction and not yet counted as a population. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO.,N/A,N/A,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO. Wayne et al 2013: 18400ha.,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,,A3be;A4be,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),Pathogens (specify),disease may predispose animals to predation (disease agents remains to be verified),,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land managers (Whiteman Park), Perth Zoo, proponents, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",Francois Peron NP Shark Bay,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,,Static (increases = losses),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Francis Peron NP Shark Bay translocation (1997) but low pop estimates over time and had disappeared by 2010, not considered extant. ",N/A,N/A,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (increases = decreases),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: Francis Peron NP Shark Bay translocation (1997) but low pop estimates over time and had disappeared by 2010, not considered extant. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO.,N/A,N/A,,N/A,JM: pop not added to EOO. Wayne et al 2013: 52590ha.,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,JM - Any further translocations planned? If so include in management actions,,,,,Pathogens (specify),"disease (disease agents remains to be verified), may predispose animals to predation",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),"disease (disease agents remains to be verified), may predispose animals to predation",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong","North Kalgarin NR, Lake Magenta NR",Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Wayne et al 2013: North Kalgarin NR (translocation 2005) very small number of individuals in 2010, unknown if extant; Lake Magenta NR (translocation 1997) became extinct between 2001 and 2006. ",N/A,N/A,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Wayne et al 2013: North Kalgarin NR mean 10 (0-50) in 2010, Lake Magenta NR pop considered extinct (2001)",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,N/A,JM: not considered extant in subregion,N/A,N/A,,N/A,JM: not considered extant in subregion,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Mammal workshop,,,,JM - Any further translocations planned? If so include in management actions,,,,,Pathogens (specify),"disease (disease agents remains to be verified), may predispose animals to predation",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator control (foxes, cats); maintenance of fenced predator exclosure","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",Compliance with disease risk management protocols,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species,"JM: mammal workshop defined management actions for taxa as a whole, I have refined for subregion, please check",,,,
MAL02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures & future threats,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),"disease (disease agents remains to be verified), may predispose animals to predation",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,re-stocking of existing populations and establishment of new populations where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),potential conflicts with predator baiting,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Bettongia penicillata,"Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,populations below,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,"1 ESU in WA, 2 ESUs in Australia",1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,96,< 250 (potentially meets mature individual criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP & Garnett 2011: 38-154 (mean), population estimates done at whole of state level",2163216,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"South Coast workshop: S&C polgon 1928333ha does not include eastern part of distribution near Esperence, also exclude Lake Bryde; trend Static as recent records from wetlands on edges of EOO, however there are very small numbers of birds at these wetlands. JM: I have recalculated according to workshop instructions, using S&C polygon plus narrow extension to just east of Esperance. ","< 50,000","< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"RP: 114000ha (whole of Australia), loss of habitat has resulted in less habitat",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2012,,,"draft RP: five Imnportant Bird Areas occur in WA - Benger Swamp, Lake Pleasant View System, Muir-Unicup Wetlands, Owingup Swamp and Boat Harbour Wetlands, and Two Peoples Bay and Mount Manypeaks, which means they regularly supported at least one pair in all years in which conditions were suitable and should be regarded as the highest priority for conservation management for the Australasian bittern. ",Endangered,Endangered,1990,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,quantify effects of climate change (changes to seasonality and long term reduction in rainfall) on bitterns,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),finalise IRP & form recovery team,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"wetland management, important indicator of wetland health",Notes from workshop: Conservation advice for EPBC nomination SEWPAC 2011,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"South Coast, Swan and Warren workshops + draft RP: past pressures and future threats",,,,,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine food and other habitat requirements,,,CP iv) Wetland management plan (specify),,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting ?for what?,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress proposed additions to Esperance Coastal Reserves (eg. Big Boom wetlands),,,"South Coast, Swan and Warren workshops + draft RP: management actions",,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),"effects on ground water of historic clearing, acid sulphate soils",Salinity,"effects on ground water of historic clearing, acid sulphate soils",,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine current population size,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate ?for what?,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Other,grazing of wetlands,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,"impacts on wetlands, habitat requirements, impacts of water drawdown",,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,Other,burning while dry,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,impacts of cat and fox predation of chicks in wetlands,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,use of recording devices to detect occupancy and change in activity patterns,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),plantations & use for stock,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, use for stock, removal of plantations (impacts on ground and surface water)",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),better targetted survey required (evening calls) and known site and other potential locations,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),nutrient enrichment of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),acid sulphate soils,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,"Forrestdale Lake, James Swamp, Thomson’s Lake, Benger Swamp",Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"draft RP: decline in number of records for birds and in number of wetlands found, limited habitat available",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 7037ha,1500,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"JM: Forrestdale & Thompson lakes 491ha + Benger approx 1000ha, I couldn't find boundaries for James Lake. South Coast and Swan workshops: trend",Moderate - mid & late seral stages,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2012,,,draft RP: Vasse Wonnerup provides useful seasonal feeding habitat but not breeding habitat,Endangered,Endangered,,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Forrestdale Lakes Management Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,South Coast and Swan workshops + draft RP: management actions,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"draft RP: recent records from Forrestdale Lake, James Swamp, Thomson’s Lake, Benger Swamp; historic records from Peel Yalgorup ",,,,,Water abstraction (specify),groundwater,Water abstraction (specify),groundwater,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,draft RP: Benger Swamp is an Important Bird Area for this species which means it regularly supported at least one pair in all years in which conditions were suitable and should be regarded as the highest priority sites for conservation management for the Australasian bittern.,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),urbanisation,Altered drainage (specify),"urbanisation, acid sulphate soils",,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Swan workshops + draft RP: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Urban development,ongoing historic effects of clearing effects on ground water,Urban development,ongoing historic effects of clearing effects on ground water,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,too frequent,Fire frequency,too frequent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),arson,Illegal activity (specify),arson,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,"Lake Quaelup (near Kojonup), Muir-Unicup System, Lake Pleasant View System, South Coast wetlands (Lake Jasper to Bremer Bay) shared with WAR01",Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,draft RP: loss of suitable habitat,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 1316245,Unknown,Unknown,-,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"South Coast workshop: changes to wetlands where birds are found year to year, dependant on rainfall & freshwater habitat. RP: loss of Lake Cobertup habitat in Muir-Unicup system, bittern last recorded in 2007 but wetland is now acidified and unsuitable habitat",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2012,,,"draft RP: Muir-Unicup System, Lake Pleasant View System and Two Peoples Bay/Mount Manypeaks are Important Bird Areas for this species which means they gave regularly supported at least one pair in all years in which conditions were suitable and should be regarded as the highest priority sites for conservation management for the Australasian bittern.",Endangered,Endangered,1990,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Perup & surrounding reserves management plans,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,South Coast workshop + draft RP: management actions,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,South Coast + draft RP: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Salinity,grazing of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,Other,burning while dry,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,Other,fragmentation has reduced refuges,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),plantations & use for stock,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, use for stock, removal of plantations (impacts on ground and surface water)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,South Coast wetlands (Lake Jasper to Bremer Bay) shared with JAF02,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,draft RP: loss of suitable habitat,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 442133,Unknown,Unknown,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),South Coast workshop: survey effort,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2012,,,draft RP: Owingup Swamp and Boat Harbour Wetlands is an Important Bird Area for this species which means it regularly supported at least one pair in all years in which conditions were suitable and should be regarded as the highest priority sites for conservation management for the Australasian bittern.,Endangered,Endangered,1990,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP iv) Wetland management plan (specify),,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,Warren workshop + draft RP: management actions,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012,,,Warren workshops + draft RP: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,,,,,,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),"Shannon-D'entrecastreaux, Walpole Wilderness management plans",MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,,,,,,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Capes Parks Management Plan (Gingalup area),MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,,,,,,,,,CP xi) Other (specify),FMG wetlands (riivers & reeds); FDIS,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),plantations & use for stock,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, use for stock, removal of plantations (impacts on ground and surface water)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),acid sulphate soils,Altered drainage (specify),acid sulphate soils,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"pigs, grazing and trampling of wetlands",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"pigs, grazing and trampling of wetlands",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"dumping of pigs, deer and horses (grazing and trampling of wetlands)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),deer & horses grazing and trampling of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,peat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,South Coast wetlands (Lake Jasper to Bremer Bay),Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: no current records despite adequate survey effort and suitable habitat,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),South Coast workshop: no current records despite adequate survey effort and suitable habitat. S&C: 128710,N/A,N/A,Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),South Coast workshop: no current records despite adequate survey effort and suitable habitat.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2009,2012,,"South Coast workshop: loss of habitat in this subregion and no current records, however birds could re-occupy habitat in future.",Endangered,Endangered,1990,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),plantations & use for stock,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, use for stock, removal of plantations (impacts on ground and surface water)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,South Coast wetlands (Esperance to Cape Arid),Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"draft RP: recent records for wetlands, decline in habitat not noted as for other areas",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend.,Unknown,Unknown,-,Static (no change),draft RP: decline in habitat not noted as for other areas,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",2012,,,South Coast workshop + draft RP: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1990,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with private landholders, catchment management organisations, NRM organisations and NGOs",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,South Coast workshop + draft RP: management actions,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"draft RP: recent records from Big Boom Swamp, SW of Adams, S of Adams, E of Merivale Road, Frenchmans Peak East and Dunn Rock Swamp. ",,,,,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress proposed additions to Esperance Coastal Reserves (eg. Big Boom wetlands),,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,herbivore control where appropriate,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,Fire seasonality,burning while dry,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,Fire scale,fragmentation has reduced refuges,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),plantations & use for stock,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, use for stock, removal of plantations (impacts on ground and surface water)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,Lake Bryde,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,South Coast workshop & Garnett et al 2010: 1 pop for all of SW WA,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,"South Coast workshop: most recent record is Lake Bryde record from 1997, unknown if birds are currently present. RP: habitat is likely to be unsuitable.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 12937,145,"< 1,000ha (sub-region)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Unknown,South Coast workshop: area is Lake Bryde only present when wetland is flooded,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South Coast workshop: freshwater wetlands, requires suitable cover; ",1997,,,"South Coast workshop: Lake Bryde record is accurate (SAP survey, checked with Adrian Pinder and Dave Cale); Peter Lacey to follow up recent records",Endangered,Endangered,2010,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes,draft in prep.,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey of known and potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD x) Surface water control (specify),"Lake Bryde, managing saline surface water flows",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),continue to implement recovery catchment at Lake Bryde,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),ongoing public education re: biodiversity values of wetlands,South Coast workshops + draft RP: management actions,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,South Coast workshop + draft RP: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,Salinity,salinisation of freshwater wetland habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,predator baiting,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing of wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),"water skiing on Lake Bryde (boats, vehicles, visitors), occurs when wetland is full, bittern breeding",Recreational disturbance (specify),"water skiing on Lake Bryde (boats, vehicles, visitors), occurs when wetland is full, bittern breeding",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Botaurus poiciloptilus,Australasian Bittern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: taxonomy accepted,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: 1 pop for whole of SW,15000,"< 100,000 (does not meet IUCN mature individual criteria)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010,6100000,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),Garnett 2010. S&C: 5355139ha. RP: does not include EOO.,2000000,"> 1,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN area of occupancy criteria)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Garnett 2010. RP: does not include AOO.,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2012,,2013,Swan workshop: past pressures & future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine factors affecting breeding success and recruitment,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan; Forest Cockatoo Recovery Group,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings. There is also education of stakeholders to prevent shooting of birds, and road kills etc. need to be specfic about what the education is targeted at.","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: RP notes that historic shooting of birds by orchardists and other land holders has reduced population and also mentioned by Swan workshop as a past pressure for Carnabys, hence I have included it. Historic shooting included as hunting and within last 10 years it is included as illegal activities. ",,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,changes is in habitat availability over time,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"WAM: This subspecies occurs in the humid and subhumid south-west; mainly in hilly interior, north to Gingin (formerly to Dandaragan) and east to Mt Helena (formerly to Toodyay), Christmas Tree Well, near Brookton, North Bannister (formerly to Wandering), Mt Saddleback, Kojonup, Rocky Gully, upper King River and east to the Green Range. It is endemic to Western Australia.",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine relative impacts of threatening processes,EV ix) Determine forward projection of changes in EOO or AOO or degree of degradation of TECs/PECs and wetlands,,,,MD xiv) Other,"not sure whether this is under 'direct' or indirect' but management of poaching and illegal killing of birds need to be picked up, ie enforcement and compliance etc. & also education, eg illegal shooting etc",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 237251ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2010,,,Wheatbelt workshop: sometimes seen in subregion but not thought to be breeding in subregion.,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,control bees if nesting in subregion (Dryandra),MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings to assist with determining whether this taxa is breeding in subregion. ",Wheatbelt workshop: management actions,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: S&C records indicates distribution at western edge of subregion. WAM & RP info notes eastern extent of range is Williams (eastern JAF01) and Kojonup (eastern JAF02).,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine if breeding in subregion,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,"JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have added relevant actions to subregion, please check. ",,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
AVW02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1389925ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 498001ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2013,,,Swan workshop: past pressures and future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WAM & RP: distribution is southern part of SCP south of Perth,,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 0,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,,,,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",no record,,,JM: subregion added as no records in S&C data but Gingin is noted as northern extent of range by WAM,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 2476740ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 506824ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 15000 mature indivuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 182577ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2000000ha at State level, area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"Swan workshop. RP: Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata and Karri E. diversicolour in south-west forests and may only breed in years when Marri is fruiting in abundance. Feeds on Marri and Jarrah in south-west forests and Blackbutt E. patens, Albany Blackbutt E. staeri, Sheoak Allocasuarina fraseriana, Snottygobble Persoonia longifolia. Also feeds on the non-indigenous native Spotted Gum E. maculata and Cape Lilac Melia azedarach on the Swan Coastal Plain.",2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2005,A2c+3c+4c,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WAM & RP: distribution in western part of subregion eastern extent is Green Range,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus banksii naso,Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: taxonomy accepted,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,12500,"< 100,000 (does not meet IUCN mature individual criteria)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010: number and trend. Johnston & Kirkby 2008: 15000 birds.,7000000,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),"Garnett 2010: area and trend. RP & Johnston & Kirkby 2008: no area figures or trends included. S&C: shape looks ok, 5386120ha. ",2500000,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: area and trend or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter. RP & Johnston & Kirkby 2008: no area figures or trends included. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2012,,2013,"WAM: Occurs in south-western humid and subhumid zones, north to Gidgegannup, east to Clackline, Wandering, Quindanning, the Perup River, Lake Muir and King River, and west to eastern strip of Swan Coastal Plain including West Midland, Gosnells, Byford, North Dandalup, Yarloop, Wokalup and Bunbury also the Stirling and Porongurup Ranges and along the south coast to Waychinicup
National Park. It is endemic to Western Australia.",Vulnerable,Endangered,,A3,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine factors affecting breeding success and recruitment,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan; Forest Cockatoo Recovery Group,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings Also education of orchardists/landholders about interaction with baudins, applicable to carnaby's","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,changes is in habitat availability over time,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,CP iii) Threat abatement plan (specify),forest management plan,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine relative impacts of threatening processes,EV ix) Determine forward projection of changes in EOO or AOO or degree of degradation of TECs/PECs and wetlands,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,WC Act enforcement for shooting/capture,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),eduaction to address at illegal shooting/capture,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1476912ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Endangered,1996,A3,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,"JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"WAM: eastern extent of distribution is Clackline, Wandering, Quindanning",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 462317ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2013,,,WAM: distribution north to Gidgegannup (JAF01) therefore not included for SWA01. SCP as far north as West Midland & Gosnells.,Vulnerable,Endangered,,A3,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Swan workshop: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 2409680ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2012,,2013,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Endangered,1996,A3,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"WAM: eastern extent of range is Perup River, Lake Muir, Striling Range NP, Porongurup Ranges, King River",Vulnerable,Endangered,2004,A3,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vulnerable,Endangered,2004,A3,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 781741ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2010,,,,Vulnerable,Endangered,1996,A3,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vulnerable,Endangered,2004,A3,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 65501ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2009,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Endangered,1996,A3,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"WAM: Waychincup, Stirling Range NP",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett 2010 & RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"Garnett 2010: 12500 mature individuals and declining at State level, Not available at sub-regional level. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 7003ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Garnett 2010: 2500000ha at State level or 1,000,000ha based on area most birds occupy during winter; area of habitat declining especially due to loss of nest trees. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,"RP: Nesting habitat - Nests in the hollows of mature Marri Corymbia calophylla, Karri Eucalyptus diversicolour and Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata in the lower south-west. Feeding habitat: Mainly feeds on the seeds and flowers of Marri in the forested regions of the south-west, the seeds of the Proteaceous Banksia grandis, B. littoralis, B. ilicifolia, Hakea undulata, H. prostrata, H. trifurcata, and Dryandra spp., as well as Erodium botrys, Jarrah and insect larvae. Also feeds on apple and pear seeds in orchards.",2003,,,JM: past pressures and future threats adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop,Vulnerable,Endangered,1996,A3,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,S&C: Hopetoun & Lake Shaster NR area records from Johnston & Kirkby around 2003 although this area isn't mentioned in published material.,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus baudinii,Baudin's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,populations below,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: genetic structuring east to west.,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Expert opinion,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"RP: one large interconnected population; Garnett et al 2010: 1 population but birds found in 4 main geographic regions northern wheatbelt, upper southern wheatbelt, south east wheatbelt and Esperance coast. Swan workshop: 2 pops centred on west coast and south coast. ",40000,"< 100,000 (does not meet IUCN mature individual criteria)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP: number of mature individuals & trend, range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",3.642E7,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. Garnett et al 2010: 18,000,000ha & declining. S&C: 10071522ha. ",3450000,"> 1,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN area of occupancy criteria)",10 x 10 km grid applied to point occurrences,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"RP: area and trend but thre figs are presentd for AOO post 2003 - 6,052,500ha (15x15km grid) or 8,680,000ha (20x20km grid); Garnett et al 2010: 1,000,000ha AOO & declining. ",,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2013,,,"RP: widespread in the SW of WA, highly mobile and seasonally migratory according to breeding",Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings. See notes above for red and baudins","JM: Wheatbelt workshop included some management actions (including survey, revegetation and Land for Wildlife) but not a comprehensive; Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check",,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RP: 13 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) have been designated specifically for Carnaby’s cockatoo, these are noted in relevant subregions. ",,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine factors affecting breeding success and recruitment,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,changes is in habitat availability over time,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine relative impacts of threatening processes,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,law enforcement too,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Other,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),Other,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 0",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),,,,Midwest workshop: Past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan, please check",,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: pop at Kalbarri NP,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
GES01,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
GES01,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
GES01,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 0",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,,,,,2013,,,Midwest workshop: past pressures & future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: Important Bird Area Coomallo supports up to 40 breeding pairs which nest in woodland remnants and isolated paddock trees and feed in native shrublands.,,,,,Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Urban development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),Phytophthora spp impacts on feeding habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 91242",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),,,2013,Midwest workshop: past pressures. Wheatbelt workshop: present at Lake Mears near Quairading but don't appear to be present in the rest of subregion.,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Wheatbelt workshop included some management actions (including survey, revegetation and Land for Wildlife) but not a comprehensive; Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),Phytophthora spp impacts on feeding habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. Wheatbelt workshop: declining. S&C: 1173072ha.",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2012,,,Wheatbelt workshop: past pressures & future threats. Clearing within last 10 years for urban expansion of town sites and recreation sites,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Wheatbelt workshop included some management actions (including survey, revegetation and Land for Wildlife) but not a comprehensive; Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RP: Important Bird Areas Calingiri (supports up to 20 breeding pairs which nest in woodland remnants and isolated paddock trees and feed in native shrublands), Koobabbie (Supports up to 32 breeding pairs which nest in Salmon Gum on the property), Moora (supports up to 60 breeding pairs) and Walebing (Supports up to 40 breeding pairs which nest in woodland remnants and isolated paddock trees and feed in native shrublands).",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,lack of burning in Kwongan feeding habitat (senescence),Fire frequency,lack of burning in Kwongan feeding habitat (senescence),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting to protect horticultural crops",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting to protect horticultural crops",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (temperature, short periods)",extreme temperature days,"Climate change (temperature, short periods)",extreme temperature days,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),Plantation,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 0",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2013,,2013,Swan workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN v) Threatened & priority flora locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: Important Bird Area Gillingarra supports up to 20 breeding pairs which nest in Marri trees and feed in native shrublands.,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",Roads & rail,"clearing for road construction, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"clearing for new plantations, hydrological changes within catchment",Plantation,"clearing for new plantations, hydrological changes within catchment",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,Pollution (agriculture),poisoning by agricultural chemicals,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting to protect horticultural crops",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting to protect horticultural crops",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),Phytophthora spp impacts on feeding habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,3871,"< 10,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Number: various data sources none of which use subregion boundaries but Great Cocky Count 2012 figure for Greater Perth Metro is included here, trend GCC results over time. RP: Northern SCP Lancelin to Perth = 4,600-15,000 birds in the non-breeding season and a small number of pairs of breeding birds; GCC 2012: 3871 for Greater Perth Metro. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 0",not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2013,,,Swan workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Urban development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: Important Bird Areas Cataby (supports up to 24 breeding pairs which nest in woodland remnants and isolated paddock trees and feed in native shrublands),,,,,Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Industrial development,historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,Swan workshop: institutional reforms and incentives added by Swan workshop.,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),effects on habitat,Water abstraction (specify),"effects on habitat, reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,OT i) Other (specify),changes to statutory planning and EIA processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),management of habitat,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Other,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),Other,removal of pine plantations (food and roosting resource),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,165,< 250 (sub-region),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Number: Great Cocky Count 2012 separates Darling Plateu from Greater Metro Perth so this figure is included but does not include rest of subregion, trend from GCC and RP. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 1542040ha",not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2012,,,Swan workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RP: Important Bird Areas Bindoon-Julimar (supports at least 110 pairs in nesting and associated feeding habitat; this is the largest population of breeding birds in south-west Australia), Northern Swan Coastal Plain Lancelin to Perth (supports 4,600-15,000 birds in the non-breeding season and a small number of pairs of breeding birds; this is the largest population of non-breeding birds in south-west Australia).",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns feeding and/or nesting habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 2105988ha.",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2012,,,JM: past pressures and future threats copied from Baudin's Cockatoo (adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop),Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: Important Bird Area Jalbarragup supports at least 20 breeding pairs and at least three breeding pairs and associated habitat within a 10 km radius of the locality of Jalbarragup.,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 578105ha. ",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2009,,,JM: past pressures and future threats copied from Baudin's Cockatoo (adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop),Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 937354ha; Wheatbelt workshop: contracting trend. ",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2011,,,JM: past pressures and future threats copied from Baudin's Cockatoo JAF02 (adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop),Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"locate and map breeding sites, including currently recognised Important Bird Areas across the breeding range and identify those that are most important for the conservation of the species",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan and Midwest workshops advised to include management actions as per recovery plan. I have added these actions from management plan and for consistency with other fauna, please check. ",,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"RP: Important Bird Areas East Borden (supports at least 20 breeding pairs which nest in woodland remnants and feed in native shrublands), Kwobrup-Badgebup (Supports up to 20 breeding pairs).",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),replanting of feeding and nesting habitat where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xiv) Capacity building (specify),support of development of non-lethal methods to limit damage to horticultural industry,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 264952ha",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2013,,,JM: past pressures and future threats copied from Baudin's Cockatoo (adapted from Garnett 2010 and Swan workshop),Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: Important Bird Area Stirling Range NP supports birds,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,South West of WA,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,RP: 1 pop for whole of SW,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"RP: 40,000 and declinging at State level; range 10,000 to 60,000; Garnett et al 2010: 10,000 and decreasing. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),"RP 2012: area & trend; taxa has become locally extinct in many areas within its historical range, but it is still present close to the northern, southern and western limits of this range. S&C: 0",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: 3450000ha and declining at State level. S&C: no estimate,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,More habitat types occupied (new knowledge - biological survey),Swan & Midwest workshops: new feeding habitats (non native),2013,,,,Endangered,Endangered,1996,A2bcde+3bcde+4bcde,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"promotion of conservation values of black cockatoos, encourage reporting of sightings","JM: Swan workshop advised to include management actions from Garnett 2010 and RP. I have done so, please check. ",,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),Livestock farming (specify),historic and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of habitat (reduces nesting hollows roost sites & food availability),,,,,IN i) Vegetation mapping (specify scale),map feeding and breeding habitats critical to survival,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,honey bee control where appropriate; corella and/or galah control where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, dewatering",Mining,"clearing, dewatering",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,Forestry/Silviculture,removal of nest hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",Illegal activity (specify),"poaching, shooting by landholders",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",burns nest trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,EP Act; WC Act to address poaching and illegal shooting,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,Dams,reduces stream flows and roosting/drinking sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NRM organisations, industry organisations, proponents, LGAs and other relevant organisations",,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,Water abstraction (specify),reducing stream flows and standing water for drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,Invasive/introduced invertebrates (specify),Feral bees taking over hollows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",Problem native spp. (specify),"Corellas, galahs taking over hollows",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",Pollution (industrial),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",Pollution (agriculture),"pollution of waterways, waste water, runoff, eutrophication (drinking water sources)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,"Climate change (drought, short periods) ",effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),effects on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Calyptorhynchus latirostris,Carnaby's Cockatoo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,Hunting,historic reduction in population numbers due to shooting by landholders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,Recherche,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast Workshop,631,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Unknown,Expert opinion,"Garnett et al 2010: but count from 1993, trend unknown. South Coast Workshop: no more recent estimates. ",3300000,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Estimate based on expert opinion,,"South Coast workshop: includes known and potential breeding habitat, EOO polygon shape around islands and coastline. S&C: 31348ha",10000,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Unknown,Garnett et al 2010: area. South Coast workshop: trend unknown.,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,South Coast workshop,1993,,2013,,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1988,D1,Environmental stochasticity,fluctuations in rainfall drives breeding success,Environmental stochasticity,fluctuations in rainfall drives breeding success,none,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,sustainable harvest levels,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),finalise draft Esperance Reserves Management Plan,,,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",implement island quarantine protocols,,,South Coast workshop: habitat is reserved and naturally small population size,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rodents,,,,,PD i) Current population size,survey required,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"dogs, cats, foxes",,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),"breeding success, better understanding of habitat use & movements",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),rabbits,,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,"genetic structuring, comparison to Eastern States taxa",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),boxthorn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,customary activities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,Recherche,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast Workshop,631,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Unknown,Expert opinion,"Garnett et al 2010: but count from 1993, trend unknown. South Coast Workshop: no more recent estimates. ",3300000,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Estimate based on expert opinion,,"South Coast workshop: includes known and potential breeding habitat, EOO polygon shape around islands and coastline. S&C: 31348ha",10000,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Unknown,Garnett et al 2010: area. South Coast workshop: trend unknown.,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,South Coast workshop,1993,,2013,,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1988,D1,Environmental stochasticity,fluctuations in rainfall drives breeding success,Environmental stochasticity,fluctuations in rainfall drives breeding success,none,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,"sustainable harvest levels ????as far as I'm aware, this species is not harvested in the wild, so why is this research required to determine 'sustainable harvest levels'? RE; customary hunting, what is the level of hunting would be the first question to answer",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),finalise draft Esperance Reserves Management Plan,,,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)",implement island quarantine protocols,,,South Coast workshop: habitat is reserved and naturally small population size,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rodents ??any one in particular?,,,,,PD i) Current population size,"survey required for what? Should be self explanatory in field, eg ""determine trend in population size over every 10 years"" or something like that",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"dogs, cats, foxes",,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),"breeding success, better understanding of habitat use & movements",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),rabbits,,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,"genetic structuring, comparison to Eastern States taxa ??is this a priority given its already recognised as as sub-species",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),boxthorn,,,,,,,,,,,,boxthron is listed as a threat but no management action,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea,Recherche Cape Barren Goose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hunting,customary activities,,,,,,,,,,,,custonmary activity is listed as a threat but no management action,,,,I would add enforcement and eduaction associated with hunting,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,1,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"EPBC listing advice: can interbreed with smooth marron Cherax cainii and produces hybrids. Bunn 2004: Cherax tenuimanus and Cherax cainii were previously described as one species, but genetic and morphological differences resulted in taxonomic revision. ",1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"JM: Margaret River; information sources refer to locations and sites, but don't state whether they are considered separate populations. EPBC listing advice: smooth marron is displacing hairy marron over time, also hybridisation is evident. ",<10000,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"EPBC listing advice: number and trend, declinging in relative numbers and overall trend. ",<10,< 10ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),EPBC listing advice; draft IRP 2008,< 10,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),JM: AOO isn't listed in any information sources but restricted to river pools and smaller area than EOO.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Bunn 2004 & draft IRP 2008: upper (forested) part of catchment Margaret River,2009,,2013,"JM: most recent survey from S&C threatened fauna database; there is an ongoing community noted on DoF website, so more recent anecdotal info. ",Critically Endangered,Critically Endangered,2004,"A2+B2a,b+C1+D2+E",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",draft in prep.,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine mechanism for replacement of hairy marron by smooth marron,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),finalise IRP; recovery team,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,removal of smooth marron and hybrides in Margaret River and tributaries,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),captive population for maintenance of genetic diversity,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"community eduction of conservation for this species, and to avoid illegal fishing impacts",JM: management actions taken from draft IRP 2011,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KW & MP: this taxa is managed by Dept of Fisheries,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),competition and interbreeding with smooth marron,Problem native spp. (specify),competition and interbreeding with smooth marron,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),catchment management,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with Department of Fisheries, NRM organisations, cathment management groups, community groups, land holders, Water Corporation, Department of Water",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures and future threats from EPBC listing advice and draft IRP 2004.,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"taxa is found in the presence of very good water quality in forested catchment, therefore poor water quality is thought to be a threat but the variables are unknown",Pollution (agriculture),"taxa is found in the presence of very good water quality in forested catchment, therefore poor water quality is thought to be a threat but the variables are unknown",,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire regimes in the catchment on water quality and population,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,restocking of native & and dam populations with captive bred animals,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fishing,historic fishing reduced population size and introduced smooth marron to habitat,Fishing,historic fishing reduced population size and introduced smooth marron to habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),illegal fishing,Illegal activity (specify),illegal fishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"mosquito Fish, redfin Perch, yabby",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"mosquito Fish, redfin Perch, yabby",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,"deposition of sediments in river pools, reduces depth, increases water temperature, reduces disolved oxygen",Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,"deposition of sediments in river pools, reduces depth, increases water temperature, reduces disolved oxygen",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced river flows,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced river flows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,1,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"EPBC listing advice: can interbreed with smooth marron Cherax cainii and produces hybrids. Bunn 2004: Cherax tenuimanus and Cherax cainii were previously described as one species, but genetic and morphological differences resulted in taxonomic revision. ",1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"JM: Margaret River; information sources refer to locations and sites, but don't state whether they are considered separate populations. EPBC listing advice: smooth marron is displacing hairy marron over time, also hybridisation is evident. ",<10000,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"EPBC listing advice: number and trend, declinging in relative numbers and overall trend. ",<10,< 10ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),EPBC listing advice; draft IRP 2008,< 10,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),JM: AOO isn't listed in any information sources but restricted to river pools and smaller area than EOO.,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Bunn 2004 & draft IRP 2008: upper (forested) part of catchment Margaret River,2009,,2013,"JM: most recent survey from S&C threatened fauna database; there is an ongoing community noted on DoF website, so more recent anecdotal info. ",Critically Endangered,Critically Endangered,2004,"A2+B2a,b+C1+D2+E",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",draft in prep.,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine mechanism for replacement of hairy marron by smooth marron,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),finalise IRP; recovery team,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,removal of smooth marron and hybrides in Margaret River and tributaries,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),captive population for maintenance of genetic diversity,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"community eduction of conservation for this species, and to avoid illegal fishing impacts",JM: management actions taken from draft IRP 2011,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KW & MP: this taxa is managed by Dept of Fisheries,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),competition and interbreeding with smooth marron,Problem native spp. (specify),competition and interbreeding with smooth marron,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),catchment management,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with Department of Fisheries, NRM organisations, cathment management groups, community groups, land holders, Water Corporation, Department of Water",,,KW & MP: this taxa is managed by Dept of Fisheries,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures and future threats from EPBC listing advice and draft IRP 2004.,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),"taxa is found in the presence of very good water quality in forested catchment, therefore poor water quality is thought to be a threat but the variables are unknown",Pollution (agriculture),"taxa is found in the presence of very good water quality in forested catchment, therefore poor water quality is thought to be a threat but the variables are unknown",,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire regimes in the catchment on water quality and population,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,restocking of native & and dam populations with captive bred animals,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fishing,historic fishing reduced population size and introduced smooth marron to habitat,Fishing,historic fishing reduced population size and introduced smooth marron to habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),illegal fishing,Illegal activity (specify),illegal fishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"mosquito Fish, redfin Perch, yabby",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"mosquito Fish, redfin Perch, yabby",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,"deposition of sediments in river pools, reduces depth, increases water temperature, reduces disolved oxygen",Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,"deposition of sediments in river pools, reduces depth, increases water temperature, reduces disolved oxygen",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Cherax tenuimanus,"Margaret River Marron, Hairy Marron",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced river flows,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced river flows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma","northern coastal end of the Mitchell Plateau, Mount Trafalgar (Prince Regent National Park)",Unknown,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,subspecies shared with NT,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,"Kimberley workshop: JM trend must be Static as it is included as 1 biological pop and still considered extant. MAP - Mitchell Plateau: Surveyors Pool, Warrender Lookout and Lone Dingo; Mount Trafalgar",unknown,unknown,-,Static (increases = decreases),Expert opinion,"IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",60506,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"S&C calc. IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",Unknown,Unknown,-,Static (expansion = contraction),"IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",,Unknown,-,Unknown,,2011,,,"Kimberley woprkshop: Survey effort is patchy, distribution is declining in NT. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A4c,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,IN v) Threatened & priority flora locations (individual species),further survey of potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),requires recovery plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat control where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,Kimberley workshop: monitoring underway for Kim small mammals; Kim Science Strategy Landscape Cons Initiative.,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Ian Radford: Pre 1993 there were apparent records of Conilurus penicillatus at the Yampi Military Training area north of Derby, in the King Leopold Range and near Kalumbaru. However since 1993 they have only been found at the Mitchell and at Prince Regent. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A4c,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP i) Quantifying threatening processes – landscapes,determine which threatening processes are affecting this taxa,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"JM: I added indirect actions for consistency with other species, pls check. ",,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MA i) Mitigating threatening processes – landscapes,determine methods of threat mitigation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,"I think this needs to be expanded given little is known about the current size, extent and trend in population",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,quantify sampling methods (potential trapping effect),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Au iii) Ecological niche and life history (forecasting changes in populations),more detailed understanding of ecology of this taxa is required,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma","northern coastal end of the Mitchell Plateau, Mount Trafalgar (Prince Regent National Park)",Unknown,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,subspecies shared with NT,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,"Kimberley workshop: JM trend must be Static as it is included as 1 biological pop and still considered extant. MAP - Mitchell Plateau: Surveyors Pool, Warrender Lookout and Lone Dingo; Mount Trafalgar",unknown,unknown,-,Static (increases = decreases),Expert opinion,"IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",60506,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"S&C calc. IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",Unknown,Unknown,-,Static (expansion = contraction),"IR: some expansion at northern end of pop due to changes to fire regimes, but fluctuations at Lone Dingo. ",,Unknown,-,Unknown,,2011,,,"Survey effort is patchy, distribution is declining in NT; refer to NMc/Tony Start. Targetted survey Ian Radford. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A4c,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),further survey of potential habitat,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),requires recovery plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat control where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,Kimberley workshop: monitoring underway for Kim small mammals; Kim Science Strategy Landscape Cons Initiative.,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Ian Radford: Pre 1993 there were apparent records of Conilurus penicillatus at the Yampi Military Training area north of Derby, in the King Leopold Range and near Kalumbaru. However since 1993 they have only been found at the Mitchell and at Prince Regent. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A4c,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP i) Quantifying threatening processes – landscapes,determine which threatening processes are affecting this taxa,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"JM: I added indirect actions for consistency with other species, pls check. ",,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MA i) Mitigating threatening processes – landscapes,determine methods of threat mitigation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PD iii) Forward projections of population size,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,quantify sampling methods (potential trapping effect),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus,"Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, tree-rat, Pakooma",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Au iii) Ecological niche and life history (forecasting changes in populations),more detailed understanding of ecology of this taxa is required,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Cynotelopus notabilis,WA Pill Millipede,populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,York Main et al 2002: all populations sampled represent a single species. Warren and South Coast workshop: don't know of any genetic work.,≤ 20,0,≤ 20 (does not meet IUCN location/subpopulation criteria),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"Warren and South Coast workshop: population structure unknown but now recorded at many locations, increase due to survey",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,Warren and South Coast workshop: unknown,66328.4679565,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"Warren and South Coast workshop: polygon ok. York Main et al 2002: trend, population locations were known by 2002. S&C: WAR01 52842ha. ",Unknown,Unknown,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Warren and South Coast workshop: area unknown but expanding due to survey.,,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,York Main et al 2002: high rainfall areas. Warren and South Coast workshop: unknown.,2011,,,South Coast and Warren regions suggest not threatened and reassess conservation status. No known past pressures or future threats.,,Endangered,2003,B2ab(iii),No known past pressures,,No known future threats,No future threats likely,none,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,reassess conservation status,,,,,,,,,,,South Coast and Warren workshops: reassessment of conservation priority is necessary before other management actions (if required),,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Cynotelopus notabilis,WA Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Warren workshop: survey date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Cynotelopus notabilis,WA Pill Millipede,"Walpole area, William Bay/Denmark area, West Cape Howe NP area",1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,York Main et al 2002: all populations sampled represent a single species. Warren and South Coast workshop: don't know of any genetic work.,≤ 20,0,≤ 20 (does not meet IUCN location/subpopulation criteria),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,"Warren and South Coast workshop: population structure unknown but now recorded at many locations, increase due to survey",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,Warren and South Coast workshop: unknown,66328.4679565,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"Warren and South Coast workshop: polygon ok. York Main et al 2002: trend, population locations were known by 2002. S&C: WAR01 52842ha. ",Unknown,Unknown,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Warren and South Coast workshop: area unknown but expanding due to survey.,,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,York Main et al 2002: high rainfall areas. Warren and South Coast workshop: unknown.,2011,,,South Coast and Warren regions suggest not threatened and reassess conservation status. No known past pressures or future threats.,,Endangered,2003,B2ab(iii),No known past pressures,,No known future threats,No future threats likely,none,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,reassess conservation status,,,,,,,,,,,South Coast and Warren workshops: reassessment of conservation priority is necessary before other management actions (if required),,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Cynotelopus notabilis,WA Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Warren workshop: survey date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,"South Coast workshop: number and trend. JM: disjunct populations, no interbreeding, different habitat types? ",2,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop & RP: number, trend; translocations to Perth Hills and Walpole area have been attempted but not successful. ",unknown,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),-,"South Coast workshop: number is unknown but <2500, trend unknown at FRNP and declining at Albany-Mt Manypeaks; RP: 327 pairs in 2005 but considerable uncertainty in measuring numbers. ",500000,"< 500,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria EN)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),Garnett et al 2010: area and trend. S&C: 170146ha.,70000,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Garnett et al 2010: area and trend.,,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2013,,,South Coast workshop: past pressures and future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1990,C2a(i),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",2009,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine post fire habitat requirements,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan; maintian South Coast Threatened Birds Recovery Team,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),Pc dieback surveillance and response if required (FRNP),,,South Coast workshop: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,Fire frequency,,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),"determine habitat requirements, eg. interaction between Pc dieback and habitat",,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South Coast Threatened Species Recovery Plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"cats, foxes",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),Progress reservation of proposed reserves (PNP34); purchase of private land where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Fitzgerald River Biosphere plan,MD ix) Translocation,restocking and reintroductions where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, LGAs and utilities",,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),finalise draft Albany Coastal Reserves Management Plan; implement FRNP Management Plan & Two Peoples Bay NR Management Plan,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenanting where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,Fitzgerald River NP,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South Coast workshop: Fitzgerald River NP,unknown,"< 1,000 (sub-region)",Expert opinion,Unknown,-,"South Coast workshop: number is unknown but <1000 for this pop, trend unknown at FRNP. RP: density seems far less than Albany area pop. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 143039ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Unknown,Garnett et al 2010: area category. JM: trend as per known pop size.,,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2013,,,South Coast workshop: past pressures and future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1990,C2a(i),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",2009,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Fitzgerald River Biosphere plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),Pc dieback surveillance and response if required (FRNP),,,South Coast workshop: management actions,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,Fire frequency,,,,,,,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),implement FRNP Management Plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"cats, foxes",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),Progress reservation of proposed reserves (PNP34); reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,restocking and reintroductions where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, LGAs and utilities",,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenanting where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,"Albany area (Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve, Betty's Beach, Mt. Manypeaks to Bluff Creek)",Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop: pop in Albany area, Waychinicup NP is included as part of JAF02. Garnett et al 2010: translocation to Walpole area but no evidence of breeding, not considered a population",unknown,"< 1,000 (sub-region)",Expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Expert opinion,"South Coast workshop: number is unknown but <1000 for this pop, monitoring at Mt Gardiner has shown decline in population. RP: density seems far higher than FRNP. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 10197ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Garnett et al 2010: area category. JM: trend as per known pop size.,,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2012,,,South Coast workshop: past pressures and future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1990,C2a(i),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",2009,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Fitzgerald River Biosphere plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,rat control,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,South Coast workshop: management actions,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,Fire frequency,,,,,,,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),finalise draft Albany Coastal Reserves Management Plan; implement Two Peoples Bay NR Management Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, LGAs and utilities",,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"cats, foxes",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,restocking and reintroductions where appropriate,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenanting where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,Vegetation dieback (specify),impacts on habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Dasyornis longirostris,Western Bristlebird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),rats (predation on nests),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","No defined population, areas listed below are known locations but this taxa may also be found outside these areas",1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop: 1 ESU but RP states there is gene flow between the Julimar/Bindoon and Dwellingup populations, however Lake Magenta and Kalbarri are geographically isolated populations potentially at risk of loss of genetic diversity",>10,3,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP: Chuditch now found in varying densities throughout the jarrah forest and south coast. They also occur at lower densities in the goldfields and wheatbelt, as well as in Kalbarri National Park (translocated).","<10,000","< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Expert opinion,Increasing (recovery actions > pressures),Expert opinion,"DEC 2007 in RP: pop estimate. MAP: 12,000 - 15,000. Mammal workshop: recovery as a result of fox baiting; MAP says Static/slight declining trend.",8264641.58069,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),"MAP: 22,400,000ha. JM: Translocations - Julimar 1992, Lake Magenta 1996, Kalbarri 2000 all prior to 2002; Francois Peron NP (Shark Bay) not counted therefore not expanding. Mammal workshop: certainty of expert opinion = confident. ",130000,"< 200,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution; Static",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,2013,,2013,RP: Disappeared from 95% of their former range in the last 200 years; very patchy distribution,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1988,C.1 Number of mature individuals & estimated decline,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,"in view of MAP. Given this should be reassessed top remove from threatened list? If so, I would limit mngmt requirements to 're assess, implement a MERI",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls); predator exclosures (fencing) where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,determine quantitative survery techniques,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,"translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO; if it's now considered not threatened, why is this a managemnt priority?",MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),determine susceptibility to cat baiting,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,QTP i) Quantifying threatening processes – landscapes,"fire regimes (scale, mosaic)",,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",small isolated populations,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,small isolated subpops in Avon Wheatbelt (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,JM,,,2009,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,small isolated subpops in Avon Wheatbelt (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,JM,,,2011,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","small isolated populations, Forrestiana",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"small isolated subpops in eastern Goldfields woodlands and mallee, Forrestiana (MAP)",Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,JM,,,2011,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
COO02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",small isolated populations,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,small isolated subpops in eastern Goldfields woodlands and mallee(MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,JM,,,,JM: no survey date from threatened fauna database,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
MAL01,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","FRNP, Ravensthorpe Range, south coast",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,in and near FRNP and Ravensthorpe Range (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,,JM: no survey date from threatened fauna database,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
ESP01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",Cape Arid,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,Cape Arid translocation considered unsuccessful (RP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,,JM: no survey date from threatened fauna database,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (baiting may have deletarious effect on chuditch),2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",Kalbarri NP,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,Kalbarri NP translocation considered successful (RP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,2012,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
GES01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, adjusted for national park distribution only, please check, and if this this species is found off reserve then reinstate other indirect actions.",,,,
GES01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),use of predator control and translocation for habitat restoration,,,,,,,,,
GES01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","Julimar, jarrah forest",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,Julimar translocation considered successful (RP); found in Jarrah forest (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,2012,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1988,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: are there are any logging impacts?,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing & fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
JAF01,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","Mt Lindsay, jarrah forest",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,Mt Lindsay translocation considered unsuccessful (RP); found in Jarrah forest (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,2012,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: are there are any logging impacts?,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",Lake Magenta,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,Lake Magenta considered successful (RP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,2009,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
MAL02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",unknown if extant,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Unknown,-,Unknown,JM,,,1993,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","Baldivis, Yalgorup, outer metro Perth",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,recent records near Baldivis & Yalgorup NP (MAP),Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,JM,2007,,,RP,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal & Swan workshops: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Urban development,historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Urban development,historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Industrial development,historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"deliberate and accidental mortality from poisoning, trapping & shooting",Illegal activity (specify),"deliberate and accidental mortality from poisoning, trapping & shooting",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
SWA02,South Coast,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","southern forests, south coast",Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,More habitat types occupied (recovery actions > pressures),Mammal workshop: response to fox baiting,,,2011,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),foxes (predation and competition),Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats (predation and competition); cat baiting (may have deletarious effect on chuditch)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Mammal workshop: past pressures, future threats",,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","destroy den logs, protective cover and remove prey biomass, homogenise habitats",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency, please check",,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ii) Habitat protection through other statutory mechanisms (specify),conservation covenants where appropriate,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",Lorna Glen,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,no known current populations but potential to reintroduce at Lorna Glen,N/A,N/A,,,,JM: no known current populations but potential to reintroduce at Lorna Glen,N/A,N/A,,,,N/A,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,,,2008,"JM: survey info from threatened fauna database, unknown if it is targetted survey or anecdotal",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,N/A,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, proponents, NRM organisations, traditional owners and other relevant stakeholders",,,Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: I added past pressures, future threats as for other Lorna Glen species, please check",,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen Pastoral Lease,,,JM: I added actions in red for consistency as for other Lorna Glen species please check,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"use of predator control, fencing and translocation for habitat restoration",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with traditional owners,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other,lack of food resources,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll","Francois Peron NP, Dirk Harthog Is",Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,translocation to Francois Peron NP in 2010 & restocked 2012 but not yet known if it is success. Not counted as translocation.,N/A,N/A,-,Unknown,-,JM: population size and trends unknown at subregional level,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM: unknown at subregional level,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"MAP: 130,000ha, whole of distribution",,Broad,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,,,,,JM: no survey date from threatened fauna database,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,C1,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,foxes & cat control (minimise impacts on quolls),MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),Mammal workshop: management requirements,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: I added past pressures, future threats as for other Peron species, please check",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation to appropriate habitats to increase EOO or AOO,,,,,"JM: I added actions in red for consistency with other Peron species, please check",,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus geoffroii,"Chuditch, Western Quoll",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,populations below,2,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: Pilbara and Kimberlery are separate ESUs. MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pil population is isolated; Kim/NT/Qld discontinuous distribution.",2,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: 2 in WA (Pil population is isolated; Kim/NT/Qld discontinuous distribution),unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",1.20193198659E7,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,Unknown,Unknown,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,"MAP: Significant decline in this taxa at a national scale has been driven by cane toad spread, not yet seen in WA but predicted severe impacts over next 10 years. ",Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"focus on East Kimberley distribution ?why and what about Pilbara?, indiigenous local knowledge what does this mean? This isn't research per se? Given from the table little is known about the population, size, distribution and trends etc, reaesrch should be focused on filling those gaps, ie est pop size, areas of occupancy, and trends, and possibably how they response to fire/cat control (if it ocurs, but doubt it)",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),finalise draft national recovery plan (should be applicable to Kimberley and Pilbara populations),MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,JM: management actions from Kimberley and Pilbara workshops + checked with research requirements identified in MNES Pilbara workshop 2013.,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,there shoukld be something tying this into broader fire and cane toad education and awareness,"JM - any fire related research, as per MAP? ",,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock (habitat impacts),"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),"develop better understanding of habitat requirements, predator interations and use of artificial habitats",,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,MNES workshop 2013 - develop uniform survey and monitoring guidelines,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,grazing by introduced herbivores (habitat impacts),Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock (habitat impacts),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,Notes from Kimberley workshop: Follow up BC - records from East Kim,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),grazing by introduced herbivores (habitat impacts),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: Widespread in north Kimberley in rocky areas with >800mm annual rainfall, eg. Mitchell River NP & surrounds, Prince Regent coastal and inland areas (eg. Bachsten Creek), Artesian Range & Yampi Peninsula; 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.",unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2011,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,,,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,Koolan Island,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Locations for this subregion are Adolphus Island & El Questro Station); 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.,unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,Unknown,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"focus on East Kimberley distribution, indiigenous local knowledge",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
VIB01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Locations for this subregion are: King Leopold Conservation Park south east of Gibb River Rd; Mornington Station (AWC); 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.,unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2011,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"focus on East Kimberley distribution, indiigenous local knowledge",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
CEK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: no specific locations mentioned in MAP; 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.,unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,1999,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"focus on East Kimberley distribution, indiigenous local knowledge",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
CEK02,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: no specific locations mentioned in MAP; 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.,unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"focus on East Kimberley distribution, indiigenous local knowledge",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
CEK03,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Kimberley,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, discontinuous distribution across Kimberley/NT/Qld, separate from Pilbara. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for Kimberley, separate from northern NT. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: no specific locations mentioned in MAP; 1 Kimberley pop but bigger than subregion.,unknown,unknown,-,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature indivuals for whole of Australia, Static in Kimberley. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Kimberley workshop: Kimberley polygon is an underestimate however few records from East Kimberley and further survey required; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,Kimberley workshop: mining is a less significant issue in the Kimberley than for Pilbara,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of cane toads,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,,,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,cane toads,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
DAL01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PIL04,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,,what about filling knowledge gaps about population size and trend?,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
PIL01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2011,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
PIL02,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),cane response monitoring,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
PIL03,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion; Pilbara workshop: Known from one individual in subregion - Onslow (Wheatstone); Out of known type and range.,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,Unknown,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),cane toads (poisoning),2010,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,Known from one individual in subregion - Onslow (Wheatstone); Out of known type and range.,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats copied from Pilbara subregions, please check. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Industrial development,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,Pilbara,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: genetic structuring evident, Pilbara pop isolated from top end. Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013 - 1 ESU for whole of Pilbara. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Peter Spencer MNES workshop 2013: 1 Pilbara pop but bigger than subregion; Pilbara workshop: Record in this subregion from Nifty mine.,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,"Desktop review of Pilbara Northern Quolls (2010): that abundance cannot be estimated due to a number of factors such as differences in methodology , sampling bias and observed increase in mining development and associated environmental reporting. MAP: 100,000 mature individuals for whole of Australia, unknown trend in Pilbara.",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),Pilbara workshop: polygon excludes outliers; MAP: whole of taxa distribution only.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),MAP,,Moderate,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2012,,,JM: survey date from S&C database,Endangered,Endangered,2006,A3ce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,2010,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cats,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: Pilbara subregions compiled from Pilbara workshop and MNES workshop 2013,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop past pressures & future threats,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Notes from workshop: Check distribution and pop info with Annette Cook,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"off reserve conservation, habitat management",,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Mining,clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with land holders, mining proponents & pastoral lease holders",,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LSD01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Dasyurus hallucatus,Northern Quoll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,Margaret River area,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,KW,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,KW,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,KW,N/A,N/A,,,1 pop only,2,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Static (no change),KW: approx 2ha,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Static,KW. RP: Vegetated shallow swampy headwater tributaries of Margaret River near Osmington.,2010,,,KW: survey is of burrows but animals not seen,Critically Endangered,Critically Endangered,2004,B1+2c,Plantation,water use,Plantation,water use,2008,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,refine survey methodolgy due to difficulty with detection,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones; liaison with land holders, catchment management organisations",,,Notes from workshop: include liaison re: implementation of fire hazard zones for other fire senstive species species in SW.,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KW: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock",Livestock farming (specify),"plantations, stock",,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine current population size,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Regional Fire Plan,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: damming and hydro change is a historic disturbance (1980s),,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"grazing of habitat, fragmentation of habitat",Livestock farming (specify),"grazing of habitat, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),maintain fencing on private property,,,KW: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,coal,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,"JM: I added impact assessment actions for consistency with threats and other fauna, please check. ",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,,,,,,OR Other research (specify),model hydrogeochemistry,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire management and use of chemicals (use of surrogate species),,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,Margaret River area,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,KW,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,KW,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,KW,N/A,N/A,,,1 pop only,2,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Static (no change),KW: approx 2ha,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Static,KW. RP: Vegetated shallow swampy headwater tributaries of Margaret River near Osmington.,2010,,,KW: survey is of burrows but animals not seen,Critically Endangered,Critically Endangered,2004,B1+2c,Plantation,water use,Plantation,water use,2008,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,refine survey methodolgy due to difficulty with detection,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones; liaison with land holders, catchment management organisations",,,Notes from workshop: include liaison re: implementation of fire hazard zones for other fire senstive species species in SW.,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KW: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",Livestock farming (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine current population size,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Regional Fire Plan,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: damming and hydro change is a historic disturbance (1980s),,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),maintain fencing on private property,,,KW: management actions,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,water use,Mining,coal,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,"JM: I added impact assessment actions for consistency with threats and other fauna, please check. ",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,,,,,,OR Other research (specify),model hydrogeochemistry,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire management and use of chemicals (use of surrogate species),,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa pseudoreducta,Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,populations below,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,KW,Unknown,Unknown,Unknown (data deficient),-,Unknown,-,RP: number of populations and trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only.,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,KW,10800,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",,Unknown,RP: area; trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only. S&C: 7427,6,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),RP,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Static,"KW. RP: Vegetated surface seepages, swamp plains and shallow swampy headwater tributaries of Carbunup River/Mary Brook and Station Gully catchments and other small coastal watercourses draining into Geographe Bay.",2010,,2010,KW: survey is of burrows but animals not seen,Critically Endangered,Endangered,2004,"B1+2a,c",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",2008,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,refine survey methodolgy due to difficulty with detection,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones; liaison with land holders, catchment management organisations",,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine population size,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Regional Fire Plan,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,KW: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),maintain fencing on private property,,,"JM: I added impact assessment actions for consistency with threats and other fauna, please check. ",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,sand,Mining,sand,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,,,,,,OR Other research (specify),model hydrogeochemistry,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire management and use of chemicals (use of surrogate species),,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,Yelverton,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,Unknown,Refer to State level,-,Unknown,-,RP: number of populations and trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only.,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,KW,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),RP: area; trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only. S&C: 3393,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"RP, calculated for whole of taxa only",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Static,"KW. RP: Vegetated surface seepages, swamp plains and shallow swampy headwater tributaries of Carbunup River/Mary Brook and Station Gully catchments and other small coastal watercourses draining into Geographe Bay.",2010,,2010,KW: survey is of burrows but animals not seen,Critically Endangered,Endangered,2004,"B1+2a,c",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, grazing of habitat, water use",2008,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine population size,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Regional Fire Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones; liaison with land holders, catchment management organisations",,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,KW: management actions,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",Water abstraction (specify),"plantations, stock, agriculture",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),maintain fencing on private property,,,"JM: I added impact assessment actions for consistency with threats and other fauna, please check. ",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,sand,Mining,sand,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,south of Dunsborough,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,Unknown,Refer to State level,-,Unknown,-,RP: number of populations and trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only.,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,KW,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),RP: area; trend unknown as there had been significant survey effort since 2002 but burrows identified only. S&C: 4034,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"RP, calculated for whole of taxa only",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Static,"KW. RP: Vegetated surface seepages, swamp plains and shallow swampy headwater tributaries of Carbunup River/Mary Brook and Station Gully catchments and other small coastal watercourses draining into Geographe Bay.",2010,,,KW: survey is of burrows but animals not seen,Critically Endangered,Endangered,,"B1+2a,c",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",2008,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine population size,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Regional Fire Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones; liaison with land holders, catchment management organisations",,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,viticulture,Dams,viticulture,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,KW: management actions,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use",Altered drainage (specify),"historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat, water use, acid sulphate soils",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),maintain fencing on private property,,,"JM: I added impact assessment actions for consistency with threats and other fauna, please check. ",,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),changes to water quality,Pollution (agriculture),changes to water quality,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exploration,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Southwest,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa reducta,Dunsborough burrowing crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,"Walpole area, eastern part of Walpole-Nornalup NP","1, but > 1 likely",Expert opinion,Static,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Warren workshop: disjunct distribution,≤ 10,0,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,"Warren workshop: number of pops is unknown but thought to be less than 10, increase due to survey effort",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,Warren workshop,5500,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),RP: area. Warren workshop: S&C calc EOO exlcudes 2 occurrances that are good records due to distance; expansion due to survey effort. S&C: 653ha,1000,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"RP: area. Warren workshop: trend, increase survey effort. ",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Warren workshop,2012,,,"Warren workshop: survey dates, past pressures and future threats",Endangered,Vulnerable,2004,D2,Water abstraction (specify),ground & surface - catchments used for agricultural & town water supply,Water abstraction (specify),ground & surface - catchments used for agricultural & town water supply,2008,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,refine survey methodolgy due to difficulty with detection,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones",,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: collection location from 1981 has been logged and taxa is no longer present despite survey effort.,,,,,Urban development,water supply,Urban development,water supply,,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine population size,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,pigs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Walpole Wilderness area management plan,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"Warren workshop: management actions, including impact assessment. All currently known populations occur within National Park.",,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),water supply,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),water supply,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,,,,,,,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),"surveillance for pigs, control if necessary",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (household),"use of fertigation to plantations, overflow system",Pollution (household),"use of fertigation to plantations, overflow system",,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,historic logging,Forestry/Silviculture,historic logging,,,,,OR Other research (specify),model hydrogeochemistry,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire management and use of chemicals (use of surrogate species),,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),proposed new water supply,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"around walpole, Bow River Catchment, Giants forest block",,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"disturbance of burrows by pigs, alterations to hydrology",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,"Walpole area, eastern part of Walpole-Nornalup NP","1, but > 1 likely",Expert opinion,Static,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Warren workshop: disjunct distribution,≤ 10,0,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,"Warren workshop: number of pops is unknown but thought to be less than 10, increase due to survey effort",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,Warren workshop,5500,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),RP: area. Warren workshop: S&C calc EOO exlcudes 2 occurrances that are good records due to distance; expansion due to survey effort. S&C: 653ha,1000,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"RP: area. Warren workshop: trend, increase survey effort. ",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Warren workshop,2012,,,"Warren workshop: survey dates, past pressures and future threats",Endangered,Vulnerable,2004,D2,Water abstraction (specify),ground & surface - catchments used for agricultural & town water supply,Water abstraction (specify),ground & surface - catchments used for agricultural & town water supply,2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),refine survey methodolgy due to difficulty with detection,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),avoid use of fire retardants,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with LGAs, DFES & land holders reguarding implementation of fire hazard zones",,,"Notes from workshop: refine survey methodology is the first action required before other research/ management, currently counted from burrows. ",,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: collection location from 1981 has been logged and taxa is no longer present despite survey effort.,,,,,Urban development,water supply,Urban development,water supply,,,,,PD i) Current population size,determine population size,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,pigs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Walpole Wilderness area management plan,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,"Warren workshop: management actions, including impact assessment. All currently known populations occur within National Park.",,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),water supply,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),water supply,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,,,,,,,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),"surveillance for pigs, control if necessary",,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (household),"use of fertigation to plantations, overflow system",Pollution (household),"use of fertigation to plantations, overflow system",,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Forestry/Silviculture,historic logging,Forestry/Silviculture,historic logging,,,,,OR Other research (specify),model hydrogeochemistry,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine impacts of fire management and use of chemicals (use of surrogate species),,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),proposed new water supply,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"around walpole, Bow River Catchment, Giants forest block",,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"disturbance of burrows by pigs, alterations to hydrology",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),use of retardants on fires,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Inverts,Engaewa walpolea,Walpole Burrowing Crayfish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,"Cape Le Grand, Cape Arid",2,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop: Cape Le Grand NP and Cape Arid NP,3,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop: Cape Le Grand NP (2 pops) and Cape Arid NP (1 pop), increase due to survey",<1000,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop,10588.3356399,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),South Coast workshop: survey. S&C: 1856ha.,600,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR)",Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),South Coast workshop: survey.,Restricted - mid seres,Highly restricted,Expert opinion,Static,South Coast workshop,2011,,,"South Coast workshop: survey date, past pressures, future threats. ",,Vulnerable,2008,D2,Unknown past pressures,,Fire intensity,,none,,,,Au i) Mechanistic understanding of potential threats,determine threats to relictual taxa,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),Develop/implement for SREs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Cape Le Grand and Cape Arid (Esperance Coastal Reserves Management Plan),MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"potential icon millipede, importance of SREs",South Coast workshop: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,,,,,OR Other research (specify),modeling and mapping of critical habitat,,,CP xi) Other (specify),maintain South Coast Threatened Invertebrates Recovery Team,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced rainfall & interaction effects with fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,"Cape Le Grand, Cape Arid",2,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop: Cape Le Grand NP and Cape Arid NP,3,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop: Cape Le Grand NP (2 pops) and Cape Arid NP (1 pop), increase due to survey",<1000,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,South Coast workshop,10588.3356399,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),South Coast workshop: survey. S&C: 1856ha.,600,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR)",Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),South Coast workshop: survey.,Restricted - mid seres,Highly restricted,Expert opinion,Static,South Coast workshop,2011,,,"South Coast workshop: survey date, past pressures, future threats. ",,Vulnerable,2008,D2,Unknown past pressures,,Fire intensity,,none,,,,Au i) Mechanistic understanding of potential threats,determine threats to relictual taxa,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),Develop/implement for SREs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Cape Le Grand and Cape Arid (Esperance Coastal Reserves Management Plan) should have a recovery plan; all threatened taxa should have a recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"potential icon millipede, importance of SREs",South Coast workshop: management actions,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,,,,,OR Other research (specify),modeling and mapping of critical habitat,,,CP xi) Other (specify),maintain South Coast Threatened Invertebrates Recovery Team,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),reduced rainfall & interaction effects with fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ESP02,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Epicyliosoma sarahae,Sarah's Pill Millipede,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,Australia,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: no taxonomic issues noted,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,<1000,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",1.82303297E8,"> 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),JM: calculated EOO looks ok for WA part of distribution. Garnett et al 2010: 6100000km2 for whole of Australia distribution.,200000,"< 200,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for VU)",-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, not available at subregional level; trend. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic, this is one third of whole of Aust figure but may not be a valid interpretation. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2012,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,D1,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),determine methods for assessing population trends,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vulnerable,,D1,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,MA i) Mitigating threatening processes – landscapes,replacement rate of nesting trees,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1185385ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2005,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
VIB01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 3681444ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2002,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
NOK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 2208550ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1981,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
NOK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 4397260ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2006,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CEK01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1825218ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2007,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
OVP01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 3201072ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2009,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
OVP02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 2324666ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1979,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CEK02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 3430310ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1999,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
DAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 3935328ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2008,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
DAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 12316634ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2001,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 16481306ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2006,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 2708638ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2006,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
TAN01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1038703ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2011,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL04,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 7980528ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2012,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1951434ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 5504860ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2010,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
PIL03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 991277ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2002,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
LSD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 0ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GID01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GID02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 11652024ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1999,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1995,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 5150856ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,2012,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pilbara workshop: survey date,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GAS03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 3687029ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2005,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GAS01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 4718656ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2001,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 19068758ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2012,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 6985511ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2007,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MUR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 11652024ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,2002,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 1642087ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1993,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
NUL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
YAL01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Pastoralism (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
YAL02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",Pastoralism (specify),"grazing by stock, prevents regeneration of trees",none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),"grazing by introduced herbivores, prevents regeneration of trees",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,S&C: 198066ha,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,,,1994,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GES01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: survey date from S&C database, unsure of type of survey so I have put it as andecdotal just in case. ",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GES02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,arid and semi arid,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Garnett et al 2010: 1 population for whole of Australia,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Garnett et al 2010: approx 500 breeding pairs (cautionary estimate), estimate for whole of Australia; trend stable. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,-,Unknown,"Garnett et al 2010: 600,000ha for whole of Australia, Not available at sub-regional level. JM: Defining AOO for wide-ranging species is problematic. ",,Broad,Expert opinion,Static,Pilbara workshop. Schoenjahn 2013: arid and semi-arid environments away from the coast,no record,,,JM: Distribution according to Garnett et al 2010 but largely absent below 26 degrees S.,,Vulnerable,2012,D1,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),baseline ecological and demographic information required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of habitat where appropriate,,,S&C: no nomination form. JM: management actions from Garnett et al 2010 and consistent with other fauna.,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: past pressures and future threats, according to Garnett et al 2010, please check",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation of habitat,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation where appropriate,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Other,any impact on nesting trees,Other,any impact on nesting trees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, NGOs, proponents and other relevant stakeholders",,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
AVW01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Falco hypoleucos,Grey Falcon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,populations below,3,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop & RP: Angove, Goodga, Kent rivers; pops are considered ESUs as they are isolated. ",3,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South coast workshop: Angove, Goodga/Moates Lake, Kent rivers. RP: historically also known from King and Kalgan Rivers but contraction occurred prior to 2002; translocation attempted in Goodger catchment but not successful. ",unknown,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: population is unknown but breeding population is generally restricted to individuals two years and older, comprising approximately 50% of the total population (i.e. between 1 000 and 2500 mature individuals); historic decline in population but unknown since 2002. ",32042.5392863,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),South coast workshop: S&C polygon ok. RP: historically also known from King and Kalgan Rivers but contraction occurred prior to 2002; translocation attempted in Goodger catchment but not successful.,1.3,< 1ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Other (state details):,Unknown,"RP: Goodga 0.8ha + Angove 0.4ha + Kent 0.1ha, trend not stated",,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2009,,,South Coast workshop: past pressures and future threats,Critically Endangered,Endangered,2005,C2,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),implement catchment management plan for Two Peoples Bay suite (Moates),MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers to maintain fish ladder and conduct weed control ",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,"Notes from South Coast workshop: Murdoch fish group, State NRM project (research); ",,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,S&C: survey dates from threatened fauna database,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),implement draft Albany Coastal Reserves Management Plan,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"protection of riparian habitat, restoration of creek, streamlining, weed management",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress proposed conservation reserve (PNR08) and other planning mechanisms (eg. Owingup),,,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Notes from South Coast workshop: Conserving Fish in SW WA (collaboration with DoF, NRM groups & academic organisations)",,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),implement Two Peoples Bay Management Plan,MD xiv) Other,identification and removal of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,South Coast & Warren workshops: suggestion to update and align State and Federal threat rankings,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD ix) Translocation,investigate potential for translocation,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,quantification of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),finalise fire management strategy for Two Peoples Bay/Manypeaks,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,OT i) Other (specify),DoF - feral fish control & stop future restocking,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,determine conservation needs of freshwater fish,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Walpole Wilderness Area Management,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Warren Region Fire Management Plan,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing in wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing in wetlands,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),nutrient enrichment,Pollution (agriculture),nutrient enrichment,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"gambusia, red fin, trout species",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,"fire in catchment area may lead to changed stream conditions, additional erosion",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,"Angove River, Goodga River/Moates Lake",2,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South Coast workshop & RP: Angove & Goodga rivers, pops are considered ESUs as they are isolated. ",2,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Expert opinion,South Coast workshop: Angove River & Goodga River/Moates Lake. RP: historically also known from King and Kalgan Rivers but contraction occurred prior to 2002; translocation attempted in Goodger catchment but not successful.,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: population is unknown but breeding population is generally restricted to individuals two years and older, comprising approximately 50% of the total population (i.e. between 1 000 and 2500 mature individuals); historic decline in population but unknown since 2002. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 28776ha,1.2,< 1ha (sub-region),Other (state details):,Unknown,"RP: Goodga 0.8ha + Angove 0.4ha, trend not stated",,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2009,,,S&C: survey dates from threatened fauna database,Critically Endangered,Endangered,2005,C2,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),implement catchment management plan for Two Peoples Bay suite (Moates),MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers to maintain fish ladder and conduct weed control ",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),implement draft Albany Coastal Reserves Management Plan,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),"protection of riparian habitat, restoration of creek, streamlining, weed management",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress proposed conservation reserve (PNR08),,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),implement Two Peoples Bay Management Plan,MD xiv) Other,identification and removal of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,quantification of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD ix) Translocation,investigate potential for translocation,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),finalise fire management strategy for Two Peoples Bay/Manypeaks,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,OT i) Other (specify),DoF - feral fish control & stop future restocking,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"gambusia, red fin, trout species",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,"fire in catchment area may lead to changed stream conditions, additional erosion",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,Kent River,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,"South Coast workshop: Kent River, pops are considered ESUs as they are isolated. ",1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Expert opinion,South Coast workshop: Kent River,Not available at sub-regional level,Not available at sub-regional level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: population is unknown but breeding population is generally restricted to individuals two years and older, comprising approximately 50% of the total population (i.e. between 1 000 and 2500 mature individuals); historic decline in population but unknown since 2002. ",Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),South Coast workshop: trend. S&C: 3266ha,0.1,< 1ha (sub-region),Other (state details):,Unknown,"RP: Kent 0.1ha, trend not stated",,Restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South Coast workshop,2009,,,South Coast workshop: survey found juveniles at Owingup,Critically Endangered,Endangered,2005,C2,Livestock farming (specify),grazing in wetlands,Livestock farming (specify),grazing in wetlands,2008,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Walpole Wilderness Area Management,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers to maintain fish ladder and conduct weed control ",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pollution (agriculture),nutrient enrichment,Pollution (agriculture),nutrient enrichment,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Warren Region Fire Management Plan,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),weed management at Owingup,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress proposed conservation reserve identified through various planning mechanisms (eg. Owingup),,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,,,MD xiv) Other,identification and removal of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,quantification of barriers to spawning grounds (upper tributaries),,,,,MD ix) Translocation,investigate potential for translocation,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,turbid water,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,OT i) Other (specify),DoF - feral fish control & stop future restocking,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",Adverse management fire (specify),"fire management activities, damage to stream habitat",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",Weeds (specify dominant spp),"Typha orientalis, Acacia longifolia, blackberry",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"gambusia, red fin, trout species",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,"fire in catchment area may lead to changed stream conditions, additional erosion",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxias truttaceus hesperius,Western Trout Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,populations below,"1, but > 1 likely",Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,Warren and South West workshop: disjunct population at Gingin (SWA01) and Margaret River to Two Peoples Bay (shared JAF02 & WAR01). JM: no evidence that genetic work has been done but disjunct pop means ESUs,Unknown,0,≤ 20 (does not meet IUCN location/subpopulation criteria),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: 19 river systems contain the species: catchments of the Margaret River, Warren River, Lake Muir, Doggerup Creek, Gardner River, Shannon River, Broke Inlet, Deep River, Frankland River, Bow River, Kent River, Denmark River, Hay River, Torbay Inlet, King River, Two Peoples Bay, Blackwood catchment (Rosa Brook), Donnelly River catchment, Gingin Brook (Moore River area).",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,EPBC listing advice: population unknown,4600000,"< 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"EPBC listing advice: area. Warren and South West workshop: trend, net expansion due to survey effort, small contraction due to declining rainfall. S&C: 1163047ha, excludes Gingin record. ",1000000,"< 1,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN area of occupancy criteria)",Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"EPBC listing advice: area. Warren and South West workshop: trend, net expansion due to survey effort, small contraction due to declining rainfall. ",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"Warren and South West workshop: requires permanent pools, connection to other wetlands, major channels now have poor water quality which has confined the fish to tribs",2013,,,"Warren and South West workshop: survey, past pressures, future threats",,Vulnerable,2006,B1ab+2ab,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,none,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,determine conservation needs of freshwater fish,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),recovery plan required,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: Notes from workshop advise to copy threats & management as for Western Trout Minnow (Angove & Goodga) and add Marbelup & Millbrook. I have done so but can’t find anything on Marbelup/Millbrook, pls check. ",,,,,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,localised model to predict impacts of water abstraction,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,"JM: I added research on genetic structuring to address the issues raising in workshop re: disjunct population, please check. ",,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,determine if there is genetic structuring between populations,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,,,,,,,,,OT i) Other (specify),DoF - feral fish control & stop future restocking,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"use of fire retardants, removal of vegetation communities within wetlands",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,Gingin Brook,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,Warren and South West workshop: disjunct population at Gingin (SWA01) and Margaret River to Two Peoples Bay (shared JAF02 & WAR01). JM: no evidence that genetic work has been done but disjunct pop means ESUs,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,"JM: trend, increasing due to survey (Gingin record 2003). ",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,EPBC listing advice: population unknown,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"JM: trend, increasing due to survey (Gingin record 2003). S&C: 0ha. ",not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Gingin Fishway report 2004: lost from the main channel of Moore River and now essentially restricted to the ‘fresh’ tributaries,,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"Warren and South West workshop: requires permanent pools, connection to other wetlands, major channels now have poor water quality which has confined the fish to tribs",2003,,,S&C: record from threaatened fauna database; Warren and South West workshop: good record.,,Vulnerable,2006,B1ab+2ab,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,none,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,localised model to predict impacts of water abstraction,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,"JM: management actions copied from JAF02 and WAR01, please check",,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Gingin Fishway report 2004: past pressures and future threats,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,"JM: I added research on genetic structuring to address the issues raising in workshop re: disjunct population, please check. ",,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),feral fish - gambusia,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),feral fish - gambusia,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,determine if there is genetic structuring between populations,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
SWA01,Midwest,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,South west catchments,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,Warren and South West workshop: disjunct population at Gingin (SWA01) and Margaret River to Two Peoples Bay (shared JAF02 & WAR01). JM: no evidence that genetic work has been done but disjunct pop means ESUs,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: 19 river systems contain the species: catchments of the Margaret River, Warren River, Lake Muir, Doggerup Creek, Gardner River, Shannon River, Broke Inlet, Deep River, Frankland River, Bow River, Kent River, Denmark River, Hay River, Torbay Inlet, King River, Two Peoples Bay, Blackwood catchment (Rosa Brook), Donnelly River catchment, Gingin Brook (Moore River area). JM: these are not explicitly listed as populations ",unknown,unknown,-,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),-,EPBC listing advice: population unknown,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Warren and South West workshop: dissappearnce of Muir-Unicup, disappearance of pops, climate. S&C: 598070ha",not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Warren and South West workshop: dissappearnce of Muir-Unicup, disappearance of pops, climate.",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"Warren and South West workshop: requires permanent pools, connection to other wetlands, major channels now have poor water quality which has confined the fish to tribs",2013,,,"Warren and South West workshop: survey, past pressures, future threats",,Vulnerable,2006,B1ab+2ab,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,none,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,localised model to predict impacts of water abstraction,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
JAF02,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing and fragmentation within catchment,,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,,,,,,,,,OT i) Other (specify),DoF - feral fish control & stop future restocking,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"use of fire retardants, removal of vegetation communities within wetlands",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,South Coast,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,South west catchments,1,Expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,Warren and South West workshop: disjunct population at Gingin (SWA01) and Margaret River to Two Peoples Bay (shared JAF02 & WAR01). JM: no evidence that genetic work has been done but disjunct pop means ESUs,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available but not peer reviewed,Unknown,-,"EPBC listing advice: 19 river systems contain the species: catchments of the Margaret River, Warren River, Lake Muir, Doggerup Creek, Gardner River, Shannon River, Broke Inlet, Deep River, Frankland River, Bow River, Kent River, Denmark River, Hay River, Torbay Inlet, King River, Two Peoples Bay, Blackwood catchment (Rosa Brook), Donnelly River catchment, Gingin Brook (Moore River area). JM: these are not explicitly listed as populations ",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,EPBC listing advice: population unknown,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Warren and South West workshop: net expansion due to survey effort. S&C: 564976ha.,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Warren and South West workshop: net expansion due to survey effort.,,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"Warren and South West workshop: requires permanent pools, connection to other wetlands, major channels now have poor water quality which has confined the fish to tribs",2013,,,"Warren and South West workshop: survey, past pressures, future threats",,Vulnerable,2006,B1ab+2ab,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Pollution (agriculture),agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,none,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,localised model to predict impacts of water abstraction,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,feral fish control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaise with DoW, NRM organisations, catchment management organisations, academic organisations and land managers",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),promotion of value and management of freshwater fish,South Coast & Warren workshops: management actions,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,Salinity,agriculture in upper catchments has contributed to water quality decline in major rivers,,,,,IN iii) Wetland inventory/mapping/classification,mapping of pools that act as summer refugia,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),"avoid use of fire retardants, fire management planning",MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,water abstraction for town water supply,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),loss of permanent pools in river systems,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine spawning habitat and identify important habitat elements that influence population size,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"feral fish - redfin, trout, gambusia, carp",,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"survey of potential habitat, determine connectivity between populations ",,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,Altered drainage (specify),changes to stream flow for upstream water use,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,to address impacts within catchment,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Plantation,"in catchment, water use",Plantation,"in catchment, water use",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,Water abstraction (specify),increased water abstraction for town water supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),off reserve conservation,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,"agriculture, plantations",Dams,"agriculture, plantations",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iv) Habitat management through whole of landscape management approach (specify),,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse management fire (specify),"use of fire retardants, removal of vegetation communities within wetlands",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Warren,Sch1:Fish,Galaxiella munda,Western Mud Minnow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),fish disease (Ligula intestinalis),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,populations below,"1, but > 1 likely",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,"RP: isolated pops means gene flow is almost zero, genetic differences between pops despite small distance. ",> 20,0,> 20 (does not meet IUCN location/subpopulation criteria),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South West & Warren workshop: number of pops & trend, 1 failed translocation; 1 additional translocation too early to determin success. RP: 102 subpops in 2007, none new and loss of 26 subpops between 2007 and 2012, overall trend towards smaller populations and increased extinctions. JM: subpops in RP are delineated within a population by a distance of 50m along the same creek line but not separated by a physical barrier, change of land use or lack of survey (ie. not necessarily biological populations), workshop info used. ",unknown,"< 1,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South West & Warren workshop: density per area habitat is recorded not indiividuals. RP: Loss of subpops over time.,13000,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),RP: area. S&C: 7891ha or 11307ha. South West & Warren workshop: trend.,190,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"RP: area. South West & Warren workshop: no polygons for most pops, point locations and habitat is not uniformly dist, specific habitat requirements, populations have disappeared likely due to stochastic events, don't disperse",,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South West & Warren workshop. RP: swampy flows in drainage depressions in an area of subdued topography (relief < 80m) near the junction of the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge and Blackwood Plateau.,2012,,,South West & Warren workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Critically Endangered,2006,B1+2abd,Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",2014,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,determine thresholds of habitat suitability,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),exlcude fire from wetlands,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),purchase of freehold land for conservation reserve system where appropriate (ECD for propsed Ramsar site),MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),maintain and/or gain support public interest in species,South West & Warren workshop: management requirements,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine triggers for breeding (application for captive breeding),EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,pigs,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),FMG (S1),MD ix) Translocation,restocking of previous areas of habitats,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with private landholders & NRM groups (especially fire management),,,"JM - I added assessment and compliance actions (re: ground water abstraction and clearing threats), please check",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),captive breeding - improve survival rates for juveniles,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),develop Blackwood NP management plan,MD x) Surface water control (specify),realign drainage where appropriate,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,enforcement of legislation (CALM Act) for control of access,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,surface water impoundments,Dams,surface water impoundments,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Region Fire Management Plan,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,pig control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),inspection and maintenance of fencing on private property (with NRM groups),,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",,,,,,,,,CP iv) Wetland management plan (specify),ecological character description for potential Ramsar site (lower tributaries of Blackwood River),MD xii) Manage access,maintain barriers for vehcles and horses,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat; intensification of land use (greater water use)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),groundwater impacts on habitats,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),drug crops and fertiliser,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,Witchcliff to Karridale,Refer to State level,,,,,≤ 20,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South West & Warren workshop: number of pops & trend. JM: subpops in RP are delineated within a population by a distance of 50m along the same creek line but not separated by a physical barrier, change of land use or lack of survey (ie. not necessarily biological populations), workshop info used. ",unknown,"< 1,000 (sub-region)",Expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South West & Warren workshop: density per area habitat is recorded not indiividuals. RP: Loss of subpops over time.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),S&C: 6112,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),South West & Warren workshop,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South West & Warren workshop. RP: swampy flows in drainage depressions in an area of subdued topography (relief < 80m) near the junction of the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge and Blackwood Plateau.,2012,,,South West & Warren workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Critically Endangered,2006,B1+2abd,Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",2014,,,,,,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),FMG (S1),MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),exlcude fire from wetlands,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),purchase of freehold land for conservation reserve system where appropriate (ECD for propsed Ramsar site),MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),maintain public interest in species,South West & Warren workshop: management requirements,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,,,,,,,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,pigs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),develop Blackwood NP management plan,MD ix) Translocation,restocking of previous areas of habitats,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with private landholders & NRM groups (especially fire management),,,"JM - I added assessment and compliance actions (re: ground water abstraction and clearing threats), please check",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Region Fire Management Plan,MD x) Surface water control (specify),realign drainage where appropriate,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,enforcement of legislation (CALM Act) for control of access,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,surface water impoundments,Dams,surface water impoundments,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,pig control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),inspection and maintenance of fencing on private property (with NRM groups),,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",,,,,,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,maintain barriers for vehcles and horses,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat; intensification of land use (greater water use)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),groundwater impacts on habitats,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),drug crops and fertiliser,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,Witchcliff to Karridale,Refer to State level,,,,,4,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South West & Warren workshop: number of pops & trend. JM: subpops in RP are delineated within a population by a distance of 50m along the same creek line but not separated by a physical barrier, change of land use or lack of survey (ie. not necessarily biological populations), workshop info used. ",unknown,< 250 (sub-region),Expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,South West & Warren workshop: density per area habitat is recorded not indiividuals. RP: Loss of subpops over time.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),S&C: 5195,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),South West & Warren workshop,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,South West & Warren workshop. RP: swampy flows in drainage depressions in an area of subdued topography (relief < 80m) near the junction of the Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge and Blackwood Plateau.,2012,,,South West & Warren workshop: past pressures and future threats,Endangered,Critically Endangered,2006,B1+2abd,Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",Adverse management fire (specify),"clearing for boundaries, tracks, expansion",2014,,,,,,EV i) Develop/implement ecological monitoring protocols (condition or state of asset),,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),FMG (S1),MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),exlcude fire from wetlands,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),purchase of freehold land for conservation reserve system where appropriate (ECD for propsed Ramsar site),MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),maintain public interest in species,South West & Warren workshop: management requirements,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,,,,,,,EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,pigs,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),develop Blackwood NP management plan,MD ix) Translocation,restocking of previous areas of habitats,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with private landholders & NRM groups (especially fire management),,,"JM - I added assessment and compliance actions, please check",,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Region Fire Management Plan,MD x) Surface water control (specify),realign drainage where appropriate,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,enforcement of legislation (CALM Act) for control of access,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dams,surface water impoundments,Dams,surface water impoundments,,,,,,,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,pig control,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),inspection and maintenance of fencing on private property (with NRM groups),,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",Altered drainage (specify),"restriction of period of inundation, change of hydroperiod, interaction between surface and ground water",,,,,,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,maintain barriers for vehcles and horses,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,Sedimentation/deposition (specify user):,burying of frog habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat; intensification of land use (greater water use)",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),groundwater impacts on habitats,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),drug crops and fertiliser,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
WAR01,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia alba,White-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,Blackwood River catchment,"1, but > 1 likely",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,"RP: isolated pops means gene flow is almost zero, genetic differences between pops despite small distance. ",7,1,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South West & Warren workshop: number of pops & increase due to translocation. RP: 15 subpops, 3 reintroductions, increase in the number of populations with a larger population size over time. JM: subpops in RP are delineated within a population by a distance of 50m along the same creek line but not separated by a physical barrier, change of land use or lack of survey (ie. not necessarily biological populations), workshop info used. ",2000,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,South West and Warren workshop,600,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),RP: area. South West & Warren workshop: trend. S&C: 411,8,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),RP: area. South West & Warren workshop: expanding due to translocation,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South West & Warren workshop. RP: six creek systems to the north of the Blackwood River, tructurally, edaphically and floristically similar to those of G. alba, though the two species do not co-occur.",2012,,,,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2006,"C2a,D2","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",fire escapes have burnt habitats,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","water point for fire control activities, acidification of wetlands",2014,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,thresholds of habitat suitability,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public promotion to avoid of destruction of habitats, frog call identification",South West & Warren workshop: management requirements,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"camping, pig hunting, drug crops",Illegal activity (specify),"camping, pig hunting, drug crops",,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine triggers for breeding (application for captive breeding),,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),FMG (S1),MD xii) Manage access,"gates, fences, bollards",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,"law enforcement for illegal activities, WC Act (collection/digging up for photographing animals)",,,"JM - I added assessment and compliance actions, please check. Although this species found only within Blackwood NP, water abstraction impacts warrant imput to EIA/clearing/water licencing for areas within catchment. ",,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"ground water extraction, use for farms and towns",Water abstraction (specify),"ground water extraction, use for farms and towns",,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),captive breeding - improve survival rates for juveniles,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),develop Blackwood NP management plan,MD ix) Translocation,determine appropriate site for translocation (introduction) site,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Region Fire Management Plan,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"decreased rainfall; oxidisation of peat, low pH as a result of drying/wetting cycle",,,,,,,,,CP iv) Wetland management plan (specify),ecological character description for potential Ramsar site (lower tributaries of Blackwood River),,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,Blackwood River catchment,"1, but > 1 likely",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Expert opinion,"RP: isolated pops means gene flow is almost zero, genetic differences between pops despite small distance. ",7,1,≤ 10 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria VU),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"South West & Warren workshop: number of pops & increase due to translocation. RP: 15 subpops, 3 reintroductions, increase in the number of populations with a larger population size over time. JM: subpops in RP are delineated within a population by a distance of 50m along the same creek line but not separated by a physical barrier, change of land use or lack of survey (ie. not necessarily biological populations), workshop info used. ",2000,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,South West and Warren workshop,600,"< 1,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),RP: area. South West & Warren workshop: trend. S&C: 411,8,< 10ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for CR),Sum of mapped polygons,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),RP: area. South West & Warren workshop: expanding due to translocation,,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,"South West & Warren workshop. RP: six creek systems to the north of the Blackwood River, tructurally, edaphically and floristically similar to those of G. alba, though the two species do not co-occur.",2012,,,,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1990,"C2a,D2","Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",fire escapes have burnt habitats,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)","water point for fire control activities, acidification of wetlands",2014,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,thresholds of habitat suitability,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public promotion to avoid of destruction of habitats, frog call identification",South West & Warren workshop: management requirements,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),"camping, pig hunting, drug crops",Illegal activity (specify),"camping, pig hunting, drug crops",,,,,Au v) Reproductive biology & breeding system,determine triggers for breeding (application for captive breeding),,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),FMG (S1),MD xii) Manage access,"gates, fences, bollards",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,"law enforcement for illegal activities, WC Act (collection/digging up for photographing animals)",,,"JM - I added assessment and compliance actions, please check. Although this species found only within Blackwood NP, water abstraction impacts warrant imput to EIA/clearing/water licencing for areas within catchment. ",,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Water abstraction (specify),"ground water extraction, use for farms and towns",Water abstraction (specify),"ground water extraction, use for farms and towns",,,,,Au iv) Autecological information (to improve management effectiveness),captive breeding - improve survival rates for juveniles,,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),develop Blackwood NP management plan,MD ix) Translocation,determine appropriate site for translocation (introduction) site,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),pigs,,,,,,,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),South West Region Fire Management Plan,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"decreased rainfall; oxidisation of peat, low pH as a result of drying/wetting cycle",,,,,,,,,CP iv) Wetland management plan (specify),ecological character description for potential Ramsar site (lower tributaries of Blackwood River),,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
JAF02,Southwest,Sch1:Amphibians,Geocrinia vitellina,Orange-bellied Frog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,Crystal Cave Yanchep NP,Unknown,-,-,-,Swan workshop,0,0,No known populations (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR or EX),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Swan workshop: no current known pops,0,< 10 (potentially meets mature individual criteria CR),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Swan workshop: no current known pops,< 100,< 100ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Swan workshop: inhabits root mats in caves, no known populations but root mats may present in inaccessable areas of cave system. ",Unknown,Unknown,Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Swan workshop: inhabits root mats in caves, no known populations but root mats may present in inaccessable areas of cave system. ",Not applicable - landscape not flammable,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Swan workshop: known from one cave,1997,2011,,"Swan workshop: Thought to be extinct, last known population. Surveys have been undertaken at approximately 2 year intervals and the taxa has not been located since 1997. Also DoW monitoring for conditions. ",,Critically Endangered,,,Water abstraction (specify),"public drinking water supply, impacts on cave hydrology",Water abstraction (specify),"public drinking water supply, impacts on cave hydrology",2003,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey to determine if extant,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,Swan workshop: management actions as per aquatic root mat community TEC,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: IRP 117 for aquatic root mat community includes this taxa,,,,,Urban development,"clearing within catchment (habitat trees root mats), changed hydrology in catchment",Urban development,"clearing within catchment (habitat trees root mats), changed hydrology in catchment",,,,,,,,,,,,,OT i) Other (specify),Reform water allocation to preserve GDEs Gnangarra Mound,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"vegetation health, changed groundwater hydrology ",Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"vegetation health, changed groundwater hydrology ",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",clearing of habitat trees (root mats),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease within small populations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,Crystal Cave Yanchep NP,Unknown,-,-,-,Swan workshop,0,0,No known populations (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR or EX),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Loss of populations (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data not publically available,Swan workshop: no current known pops,0,< 10 (potentially meets mature individual criteria CR),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Swan workshop: no current known pops,< 100,< 100ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR),Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Swan workshop: inhabits root mats in caves, no known populations but root mats may present in inaccessable areas of cave system. ",Unknown,Unknown,Estimate based on expert opinion,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),"Swan workshop: inhabits root mats in caves, no known populations but root mats may present in inaccessable areas of cave system. ",Not applicable - landscape not flammable,Highly restricted,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Swan workshop: known from one cave,1997,2011,,"Swan workshop: Thought to be extinct, last known population. Surveys have been undertaken at approximately 2 year intervals and the taxa has not been located since 1997. Also DoW monitoring for conditions. ",,Critically Endangered,,,Water abstraction (specify),"public drinking water supply, impacts on cave hydrology",Water abstraction (specify),"public drinking water supply, impacts on cave hydrology",2003,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),survey to determine if extant,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,Swan workshop: management actions as per aquatic root mat community TEC,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: IRP 117 for aquatic root mat community includes this taxa,,,,,Urban development,"clearing within catchment (habitat trees root mats), changed hydrology in catchment",Urban development,"clearing within catchment (habitat trees root mats), changed hydrology in catchment",,,,,,,,,,,,,OT i) Other (specify),Reform water allocation to preserve GDEs Gnangarra Mound,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"vegetation health, changed groundwater hydrology ",Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),"vegetation health, changed groundwater hydrology ",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",clearing of habitat trees (root mats),,,,,,,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Genetic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),disease within small populations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Hurleya sp. (WAM642-97),Crystal Cave crangonyctoid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Demographic stochasticity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru","mainland Mitchell Plateau to Artesian Range, Lachlan Island, Augustus Island, Storr Island, Uwins Island",>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declined (new knowledge),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop + MAP: status of subsp is unclear, has been amalgated with I. auratus barowensis by taxonomists but remains separate in threatened species listing. ",5,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: counting islands as pops + 1 mainland but not sure if that is valid. Gibson & McKenzie 2012: taxa first recorded on Lachlan & Storr islands as part of Kimberley Island survey.,unknown,unknown,-,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: rare and probably declining on mainland, no info on island pops",1563662.29582,"< 2,000,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria VU)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Kimberley workshop. JM - increasing due to islands?,20000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),MAP: AOO calculated for Isoodon auratus (not subspecies). JM: MAP trend is declining but Kimberley Island survey has found golden bandicoots on islands therefore increasing?,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2011,,,JM: Kimberley Islands survey,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,B1+2abcde,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),predation by cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),predation by cats,2004,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, traditional owners and NGOs",,,JM: management actions from Kimberley workshop + I added some from MAP and other taxa for consistencey. Please check.,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures/future threats copied from northern quoll and modified as per instructions in Kimberley workshop.,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,MA i) Mitigating threatening processes – landscapes,determine how to mitigate decline,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,Notes from workshop: paste pressures from Quoll (except check cane toads with Dave Pearson); same management actions as for Quoll. See Ric How or NMc re: current work,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,Notes from workshop: Ian Radford has additional data for corp data,,,,
Western Australia,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Military activities,"development of live firing range, Yampi Sound Training Area",,,,,,,,,,,,,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","biosecurity to avoid introductions of predators, rodents or weeds to islands",,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru","mainland Mitchell Plateau to Artesian Range, Lachlan Island, Augustus Island, Storr Island, Uwins Island",>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declined (new knowledge),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop + MAP: status of subsp is unclear, has been amalgated with I. auratus barowensis by taxonomists but remains separate in threatened species listing. ",5,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM: counting islands as pops + 1 mainland but not sure if that is valid. Gibson & McKenzie 2012: taxa first recorded on Lachlan & Storr islands as part of Kimberley Island survey.,unknown,unknown,-,Declining (pressures > recovery actions),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: rare and probably declining on mainland, no info on island pops",1563662.29582,"< 2,000,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria VU)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),Kimberley workshop. JM - increasing due to islands?,20000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Contracting (pressures > recovery actions),MAP: AOO calculated for Isoodon auratus (not subspecies). JM: MAP trend is declining but Kimberley Island survey has found golden bandicoots on islands therefore increasing?,,Moderate,Expert opinion,Static,Kimberley workshop,2011,,,JM: Kimberley Islands survey,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,B1+2abcde,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),predation by cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),predation by cats,2004,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, traditional owners and NGOs",,,JM: management actions from Kimberley workshop + I added some from MAP and other taxa for consistencey. Please check.,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM: past pressures/future threats copied from northern quoll and modified as per instructions in Kimberley workshop.,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,MA i) Mitigating threatening processes – landscapes,determine how to mitigate decline,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,Pastoralism (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,update threatened species listing according to most recent taxonomy,,,,,,,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify):,degradation of riparian zones,Invasive/introduced herbivores (specify),degradation of riparian zones,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,,,,,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,Notes from workshop: paste pressures from Quoll (except check cane toads with Dave Pearson); same management actions as for Quoll. See Ric How or NMc re: current work,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,Weeds (specify dominant spp),interaction effects of grassy weeds and fire regime,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,Notes from workshop: Ian Radford has additional data for corp data,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Military activities,"development of live firing range, Yampi Sound Training Area",,,,,,,,,,,,,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","biosecurity to avoid introductions of predators, rodents or weeds to islands",,,,,,,
NOK01,Kimberley,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus auratus,"Golden Bandicoot, Wintarru",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,bauxite,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),populations below,>1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declined (new knowledge),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Mammal workshop + MAP: status of subsp is unclear, has been amalgated with I. auratus auratus by taxonomists but remains separate in threatened species listing. ",4,2,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,JM: trasnslocation and introduction,>21000,"< 100,000 (does not meet IUCN mature individual criteria)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: this figure for Barrow Island only; RP: Middle island 1000. JM - no data for other pops,20769.1887972,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),MAP: expansion to Hermite island & Lorna Glen,20000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"JM: trend copied from Eoo & pops. MAP advised was contracting but this seems to be for Kimberlery distribution, AOO calculated for Isoodon auratus (not subspecies). Increase due to translocations on Hermite Island and Lorna Glen. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Unknown,JM: not addressed by workshop,2011,,,JM: translocation noted in MAP,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,B1+2abcde,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",2004,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,update threatened species listing according to most recent taxonomy,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),update recovery plan,MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,"JM: I copied management actions from Barrow Island boodie (Barrow) and boodie (Lorna Glen), is this ok? ",,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"cats, foxes (risk of incursions)",,,,,,,,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),"Recovery team required, broaden recovery plan to include subspecies",MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents & traditional owners,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"predation, competition, disease introduction by rats ",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes) (Lorna Glen)",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Lorna Glen,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD ix) Translocation,"restocking, expansion of population",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen Pastoral Lease,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),"Barrow Island, Hermite Island, Middle Island",Refer to State level,,,,,3,1,Refer to State level,,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: introduction to Hermite Island 2011,>21000,"< 100,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: this figure for Barrow Island only; RP: Middle island 1000. JM - no data for other pops,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),MAP: expansion to Hermite island,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"JM: trend copied from Eoo & pops. MAP advised was contracting but this seems to be for Kimberlery distribution, AOO calculated for Isoodon auratus (not subspecies). Increase due to translocations on Hermite Island and Lorna Glen. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Unknown,JM: not addressed by workshop,2013,,,Mammal workshop: past pressures/future threats,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,B1+2abcde,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",2004,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,"JM: I copied management actions from Barrow Island boodie, is this ok? ",,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"cats, foxes (risk of introduction to islands)",,,,,,,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents (gas development),,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"predation, competition, disease introduction by rats ",,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes) (Lorna Glen)",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Lorna Glen,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR01,Pilbara,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),use of Lorna Glen as ex situ conservation site,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),Lorna Glen translocations,Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Expert opinion,Mammale workshop: introduction to Lorna Glen since 2002,unknown,unknown,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Unknown,-,Mammal workshop: translocation to Lorna Glen. JM - not included in MAP or RP.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),MAP: expansion to Lorna Glen,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"JM: trend copied from Eoo & pops. MAP advised was contracting but this seems to be for Kimberlery distribution, AOO calculated for Isoodon auratus (not subspecies). Increase due to translocations on Hermite Island and Lorna Glen. ",,Moderate,Expert opinion,Unknown,JM: not addressed by workshop,,,,"JM: I copied Lorna Glen past pressures and future threats, please check",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,2001,B1+2abcde,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2004,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD x) Surface water control (specify),"restocking, expansion of population where appropriate",MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen Pastoral Lease,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with traditional owners,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Lorna Glen,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Isoodon auratus barrowensis,Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other,lack of food resources,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),"Bernier Island, Dorre Island",2,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Declined (new knowledge),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri and Lagorchestes hirsutus dorreae were previously recognised as different taxa due to morphological differences , however very little genetic dfference so MAP accepted they should be synonomised. One taxa recognised under WA legislation. ",2,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP,1868,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP: overall estimate, Bernier 642 + Dorre 1301 (estimates), numbers are 5-year averages which is why they are very exact and subpops don't sum to the total. MAP: large fluctuations but no evidence of decline .",9450,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),JM: area is boundary around Bernier & Dorre islands,9700,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),"RP. JM: Different calc due to different data sources, Very small area of ocean between two islands is included in EOO (my calc). AOO should be smaller than EOO. ",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,MAP: occupies whole of islands,2011,,,JM - RP says there have been no translocations to mainland or captive breeding,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,D2,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,2012,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,assess impacts of climate change,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),"JM - management actions modified from Boodie, not on mainland sites. PLEASE CHECK ",,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: survey dates,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,D2,Environmental stochasticity,drought,Environmental stochasticity,prolonged drought,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,SC i.a) Taxonomic work to describe patterning/variability to assist alpha taxonomy,resolve taxonomic uncertainty for subspecies,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),degradation of habitat & risk of weed invasion as a result of inappropriate recreation or development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),"Bernier Island, Dorre Island",Refer to State level,,,,,2,0,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP,1868,"< 2,500 (potentially meets mature individual criteria EN)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"RP: overall estimate, Bernier 642 + Dorre 1301 (estimates), numbers are 5-year averages which is why they are very exact and subpops don't sum to the total. MAP: large fluctuations but no evidence of decline .",9450,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Static (no change),JM: area is boundary around Bernier & Dorre islands,9700,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),"RP. JM: Different calc due to different data sources, Very small area of ocean between two islands is included in EOO (my calc). AOO should be smaller than EOO. ",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,MAP: occupies whole of islands,2011,,,JM - RP says there have been no translocations to mainland or captive breeding,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,D2,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,2012,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,assess impacts of climate change,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),"JM - management actions modified from Boodie, not on mainland sites. PLEASE CHECK ",,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RP: survey dates,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,drought,Environmental stochasticity,prolonged drought,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,SC i.a) Taxonomic work to describe patterning/variability to assist alpha taxonomy,resolve taxonomic uncertainty for subspecies,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),degradation of habitat & risk of weed invasion as a result of inappropriate recreation or development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri,Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier & Dorre Is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,current WA Mala are all decendant from NT stock,1,1,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Trimouille Island (translocated 1998). Lorna Glen not self sustaining so not counted here (MAP),<250,< 250 (potentially meets mature individual criteria CR),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: average seasonal consitions, pop stable but fluctuates with rainfall",N/A,N/A,,,,5200,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Static (expansion = contraction),MAP,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,RP - occurred in a wide range of arid habitats before near extinction on mainland,2013,,,,Endangered,Endangered,,D,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,SC ii) Phylogeography & genetic variation/structuring,genetic studies required,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,ongoing monitoring Barrow & Montebellos,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),"Montebellos, Shark Bay World Heritage area",MD ix) Translocation,translocation and re-stocking where appropriate (eg. Lorna Glen),MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP & interstate),,,"JM - only very brief info was recorded from workshop (genetic studies, translocation and ex situ only) so I have used other Shark Bay, Montebello and Lorna Glen species to add for consistency. PLEASE CHECK",,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,SC i.b) Nomenclature,formal description of taxa,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong & Lorna Glen,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen pastoral lease,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI vi) Biosecurity measures – pre-border (risk analysis) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other,lack of food resources,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),Trimouille Island (Montebellos),Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP: Trimouille Island (translocated 1998).,<250,< 250 (sub-region),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Large fluctuations,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"MAP: Pop stable but fluctuates with rainfall, 120-350 carrying capacity. RP: 120 in 2004. ",N/A,N/A,,,,5200,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Estimate based on expert opinion,Static (expansion = contraction),MAP,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,RP - occurred in a wide range of arid habitats before near extinction on mainland,2013,,,,Endangered,Endangered,,D,No known past pressures,within last 10 years,Pathogens (specify),Disease,2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,ongoing monitoring Barrow & Montebellos,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Montebellos,MD ix) Translocation,translocation and re-stocking where appropriate (eg. Lorna Glen),"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI vi) Biosecurity measures – pre-border (risk analysis) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Recreational disturbance (specify),Inappropriate recreation or development,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),Francois Peron NP (captive breeding facility),Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,N/A,-,,N/A,N/A,-,N/A,,"captive breeding facility, not counted as population",N/A,N/A,,,,N/A,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,2013,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,ongoing monitoring Barrow & Montebellos,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP & interstate),,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,MI vi) Biosecurity measures – pre-border (risk analysis) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),Lorna Glen,Refer to State level,,,,,0,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,N/A,-,,N/A,N/A,-,N/A,,Not yet considered self-sustaining,N/A,N/A,,,,N/A,N/A,,,,,N/A,,,,2013,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",2012,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,ongoing monitoring Barrow & Montebellos,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation and re-stocking where appropriate (eg. Lorna Glen),MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP & interstate),,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","for predators, rodents & weeds",,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Natural catastrophes,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),progress reservation of ex Lorna Glen pastoral lease,,,,,,,
GAS02,Goldfields,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. (NTM U2430),Mala or Rufous Hare-wallaby (Tanami Desert/Central Mainland),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,other,lack of food resources,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI vi) Biosecurity measures – pre-border (risk analysis) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",populations below,1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM - subsp already,3,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,translocation to Faure Island (2004) MAP,>4100,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increasing (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP,276800,"< 500,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria EN)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),"JM: calc includes Bernier, Dorre & Faure islands only.",14000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MAP. JM - these add up to 15500ha.,,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,RP: dense heath and shrub thickets,2012,,,Mammal workshop: mainland SW WA subsp Lagostrophus fasciatus albipilis is EX,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,D2,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,2007,,,,MA iv) Mitigating threatening processes – species,develop effective cat control,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),Shark Bay World Heritage area,MD ix) Translocation,translocation and re-stocking where appropriate; future translocations to Dirk Harthog Island are planned.,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP),MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),"JM - only very brief info was recorded from workshop (genetic studies, translocation and ex situ only) so I have used other Shark Bay, MAP & RP info. PLEASE CHECK",,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JM - workshop & RP said no known past pressures but MAP included climate change & drought,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,drought,Environmental stochasticity,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with NGO,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine","Bernier & Dorre, Dirk Harthog Island",Refer to State level,,,,,2,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Bernier, Dorre (MAP)",4101,"< 1,000 (sub-region)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static (no change),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP Bernier 1807 + Dorre 2294,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Contracting (new knowldge - taxonomy),MAP,9700,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Static (no change),Bernier 4400 + Dorre 5300. JM areas taken from Rufous Hare-wallaby,,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,RP: dense heath and shrub thickets,,,,JM - workshop & RP said no known past pressures but MAP included climate change & drought,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),,,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,translocation and re-stocking where appropriate; future translocations to Dirk Harthog Island are planned.,MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP),MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),education of community regarding responsibility for threatened species (Shark Bay),"JM - only very brief info was recorded from workshop (genetic studies, translocation and ex situ only) so I have used other Shark Bay, MAP & RP info. PLEASE CHECK",,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Environmental stochasticity,drought,Environmental stochasticity,prolonged drought,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)","MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","island biosecurity to avoid introduction of predators, rodents & weeds",,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),Disease,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fire regime (intensity, frequency, seasonality, scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with NGO,,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine","Faure, Francois Peron NP (captive breeding facility)",Refer to State level,,,,,1,1,Refer to State level,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (new knowledge - biological survey),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,"Faure, translocation 2004 (MAP)",unknown,unknown,-,Increasing (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,MAP,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),MAP,5800,"< 10,000ha (sub-region)",Other (state details):,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),"area from RP, maybe whole of island isn't occupied",,Moderate,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,RP: dense heath and shrub thickets,2012,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats, wild dogs",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions & constrains reintrodiuction)",,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,ongoing monitoring Barrow & Montebellos,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,"predator exclosures (fencing); predator control (cats, foxes)",MI v) Ex-situ conservation (specify),maintain captive breeding facilities (Francois Peron NP & interstate),,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),maintenance of predator-proof barrier fence at Heirison Prong,MI viii) Biosecurity measures – post border (surveillance) (specify),disease risk management,,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Mammals,Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus,"Bernier Is. Banded Hare-wallaby, Mernine",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with NGO,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,"Barrow Island, Hermite Island",1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM - subsp already ???check there aren't two ESUs.,2,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,translocation to Hermite Island (Montebellos) occurred in 2010,9900,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increasing (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Barrow 9700 + Hermite approx 200,35800,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),JM: boundary around Barrow and Hermite islands. MAP includes same figure for EEO and AOO.,23000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Static (expansion = contraction),MAP. Trend: JM - increase due to translocation to Hermite Island 1000ha (MAP) but decrease due to clearing of Barrow for Gorgon. MAP says Static.,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,SPRAT,2013,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",,,,,IN ix) Refine/develop survey methods,develop more effective population estimation techniques (esp. for Hermite Island where golden bandicoots saturate traps),EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,JM - management actions modified from BI boodie + MAP. PLEASE CHECK,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,Historically also found on Trimoulle.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions)",,,,,,,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents (gas development),,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"predation, competition, disease introduction by rats ",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,"Barrow Island, Hermite Island",1,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,JM - subsp already,2,1,≤ 5 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria EN),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increase in populations (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,translocation to Hermite Island (Montebellos) occurred in 2010,9900,"< 10,000 (potentially meets mature individual criteria VU)",Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Increasing (recovery actions > pressures),Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Barrow 9700 + Hermite approx 200,35800,"< 100,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),JM: boundary around Barrow and Hermite islands. MAP includes same figure for EEO and AOO.,23000,"< 50,000ha (potentially meets area of occupancy criteria for EN)",Other (state details):,Static (expansion = contraction),MAP. Trend: JM - increase due to translocation to Hermite Island 1000ha (MAP) but decrease due to clearing of Barrow for Gorgon. MAP says Static.,,Broad,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,SPRAT,2013,,,,,,,,Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",Oil & gas - drilling & production,"habitat clearing, vehicle strike",,,,,IN ix) Refine/develop survey methods,develop more effective population estimation techniques (esp. for Hermite Island where golden bandicoots saturate traps),EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD ix) Translocation,where appropriate,"MI vii) Biosecurity measures – border (inspections, regulatory control) (specify)","quarantine measures to prevent introductionsfor predators, rodents & weeds (Barrow Island)",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Barrow Island workers,JM - management actions modified from BI boodie + MAP. PLEASE CHECK,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"cats, foxes (risk of incursions)",,,,,,,,,,,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,buffel grass,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with proponents (gas development),,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),"predation, competition, disease introduction by rats ",,,,,,,,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
CAR01,multiple,Sch1:Mammals,Lagorchestes conspiculatus conspiculatus,Barrow Island Spectacled Hare-wallaby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pathogens (specify),,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Mammals,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,Perth area,Unknown,-,Unknown,-,,Unknown,0,Unknown (data deficient),-,Unknown,-,"GB: known from 4 locations but no certainty if these represent populations, or if they are still extant and previously known locations",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,4064,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Unknown,GB: calc. Northern points at Pearce were excluded from calc as collections were from 1954 and habitat not extant.,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,GB,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,"GB: claybased wetlands & Goodenia spp. Low shrubs to 0.25m, sandy clay, winter wet depressions",Unknown,,,GB: associated with claypans. Threats mostly from SCP07.,Critically Endangered,Endangered,,B1+2c,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"habitat mapping required, resurvey historic collection locations",EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,weed monitoring,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),implement Swan Regional Fire Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Urban Nature workshop for stakeholders; promotional material describing values of community; liaise with local residents and Friends groups,"GB: managaement actions, adapted from SCP07",,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,Goodenia spp & bee,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),requires IRP,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,weed management where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,MD x) Surface water control (specify),avoid drains in wetlands from urban or agricultural areas,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,,,,,MA iv) Developing adaptation strategies to increase resilience to global climate change,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,maintain gates & fencing to minimise vehicle and herbivore impacts,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,,,,,MA v) Improving management (effectiveness of conservation actions),determine how to effectively implement annual weed control over broad scale,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,management of feral bees where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine habitat requirements,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),targetted planting of Goodenia spp. where appropriate (suitable habitat),MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,spring burns would impact critical phases of vegetation growth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,Perth area,Unknown,-,Unknown,-,,Unknown,0,Unknown (data deficient),-,Unknown,-,"GB: known from 4 locations but no certainty if these represent populations, or if they are still extant and previously known locations",unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,4064,"< 10,000ha (potentially meets extent of occurrence criteria CR)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Unknown,GB: calc. Northern points at Pearce were excluded from calc as collections were from 1954 and habitat not extant.,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,GB,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,"GB: claybased wetlands & Goodenia spp. Low shrubs to 0.25m, sandy clay, winter wet depressions",Unknown,,,GB: associated with claypans. Threats mostly from SCP07.,Critically Endangered,Endangered,,B1+2c,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"habitat mapping required, resurvey historic collection locations",EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,weed monitoring,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),implement Swan Regional Fire Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Urban Nature workshop for stakeholders; promotional material describing values of community; liaise with local residents and Friends groups,"GB: managaement actions, adapted from SCP07",,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Livestock farming (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,Goodenia spp & bee,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),requires IRP,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,weed management where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,MD x) Surface water control (specify),avoid drains in wetlands from urban or agricultural areas,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,,,,,MA iv) Developing adaptation strategies to increase resilience to global climate change,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,maintain gates & fencing to minimise vehicle and herbivore impacts,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,,,,,MA v) Improving management (effectiveness of conservation actions),determine how to effectively implement annual weed control over broad scale,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,management of feral bees where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine habitat requirements,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),targetted planting of Goodenia spp. where appropriate (suitable habitat),MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,spring burns would impact critical phases of vegetation growth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Leioproctus douglasiellus,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,populations below,Unknown,-,Unknown,-,,Unknown,0,Unknown (data deficient),-,Unknown,-,known from Forrestdale Lakes & northern & eastern Ag areas,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,1.5917824E7,"> 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Minimum convex polygon of records in DEC corporate database,Unknown,GB: calc.,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,"GB: Forrestdale Lake Nature Reserve, additional pops in southern part of state (historical collections locations)",,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,"GB: claybased wetlands & Goodenia spp. Low shrubs to 0.25m, sandy clay, winter wet depressions",1982,,,"GB: Closed associated with Goodenia pulchella, could a wider distribution throughout southwest but uncommon, associated with claypans. Threats mostly from SCP07. ",Critically Endangered,Endangered,1996,B1+2c,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),"habitat mapping required, resurvey historic collection locations",EV ii) Develop/implement threat monitoring protocols,weed monitoring,CP ix) Other management plan (specify),implement Swan Regional Fire Plan,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),Urban Nature workshop for stakeholders; promotional material describing values of community; liaise with local residents and Friends groups,"GB: managaement actions, adapted from SCP07",,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,,,,,HD iii) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity from climate change,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,Goodenia spp & bee,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),requires IRP,MD ii) Weed control or eradication,weed management where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,,,,,HD i) Develop HDological model to forecast effect on biodiversity under different water use allocations,,,,,,MD x) Surface water control (specify),avoid drains in wetlands from urban or agricultural areas,MI ix) Regulation - Water allocation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,,,,,MA iv) Developing adaptation strategies to increase resilience to global climate change,,,,,,MD xii) Manage access,maintain gates & fencing to minimise vehicle and herbivore impacts,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,,,,,MA v) Improving management (effectiveness of conservation actions),determine how to effectively implement annual weed control over broad scale,,,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,management of feral bees where appropriate,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),liaison with land managers regarding management,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,increased salinity,Salinity,increased salinity,,,,,Au ii) Ecological niche and life history (habitat suitability),determine habitat requirements,,,,,MD vi) Habitat restoration (specify),targetted planting of Goodenia spp. where appropriate (suitable habitat),MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI i) Habitat protection through formal conservation reservation (specify),reservation of claypan occurrences where appropriate,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,spring burns would impact critical phases of vegetation growth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,Forrestdale Lakes,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,-,Unknown,-,GB: Forrestdale Lakes,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,GB,,Highly restricted,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,"GB: claybased wetlands & Goodenia spp. Low shrubs to 0.25m, sandy clay, winter wet depressions",1982,,,"GB: Closed associated with Goodenia pulchella, could a wider distribution throughout southwest but uncommon, associated with claypans. Threats mostly from SCP07. ",Critically Endangered,Endangered,,B1+2c,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Urban development,historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,none,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SPRAT: taxa has not been detected in other areas despite significant survey effort in Perth,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),historic clearing & fragmentation of habitat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,Weeds (specify dominant spp),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,Climate change (long-term reduced rainfall),hydroperiod altered due to climate change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,Altered drainage (specify),surface water impoundments,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Salinity,increased salinity,Salinity,increased salinity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,Illegal activity (specify),vehicle access,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by rabbits,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,Problem native spp. (specify),grazing by kangaroos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,Invasive/introduced omnivores (specify),competition with feral bees,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire seasonality,spring burns would impact critical phases of vegetation growth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,northern agricultural zones,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,-,Unknown,-,GB: claypans in northern agricultural zone,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,GB,,Unknown,-,Unknown,,Unknown,,,"GB: data points on Naturemap and ALA, historic collection records, unknown if extant",Critically Endangered,Endangered,,B1+2c,Unknown past pressures,,Unknown future threats,,none,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),re-survey of historic collection locations and other potential habitats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL01,South Coast,Sch1:Inverts,Neopasiphae simplicior,bee,southern agricultural zones,Refer to State level,,,,,Unknown,0,Refer to State level,-,Unknown,-,GB: claypans in southern agricultural zone,unknown,unknown,-,Unknown,-,GB,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,,Unknown,Unknown,-,Unknown,GB,,Unknown,-,Unknown,,Unknown,,,"GB: data points on Naturemap and ALA, historic collection records, unknown if extant",Critically Endangered,Endangered,,B1+2c,Unknown past pressures,,Unknown future threats,,none,,,,IN iv) Threatened & priority fauna locations (individual species),re-survey of historic collection locations and other potential habitats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,populations below,1,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static,Expert opinion,Goldfields workshop & MP: genetic structuring unknown but not thought to be more than one ESU,1,0,1 (potentially meets location/subpopulation criteria CR),Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,3.2519762E7,"> 10,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN extent of occurrence criteria)",Alpha hull (alpha = 5) using point occurrence records in DEC corporate database,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MP: increased survey effort,"> 1,000,000","> 1,000,000ha (does not meet IUCN area of occupancy criteria)",Other (state details):,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),"JM: estimate from Garnett 2011 for whole of Australia is 4,000,000ha MP: increased survey & reporting effort. ",Highly restricted - late seral stages,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,2013,,2013,"MP: increasing population (sightings, road deaths) last 2-3 years. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,CP viii) Reserve area plan (DPaW tenure only; specify),include in management planning where relevant,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, pastoral leaseholders, traditional owners, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,National recovery plan,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"clearing, historic fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"clearing, historic fragmentation of habitat",,,,,IN viii) Quantification of detectability of threatened & priority taxa,survey techniques and quatification of effort,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,CP i) Threatened taxa recovery plan (specify),implement recovery plan,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control (MUR01 & GAS02 & COO03 & COO02only),MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Parsons undated: suggests decline noted in other States is not evident in WA.,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,SC iii) Determination/re-evaluation of conservation status/formal classification,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,"fencing, stock exlcusion (MUR01 & GAS02 & COO03 only)",MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),,Pastoralism (specify),,,,,,MA v) Improving management (effectiveness of conservation actions),determine effectiveness of predator control,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kills,Roads & rail,road kills,,,,,Au iii) Ecological niche and life history (forecasting changes in populations),determine the age structure & level of recruitment,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kills",Mining,"clearing, road kills",,,,,MA v) Improving management (effectiveness of conservation actions),determine optimum fire regime,,,,,,,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with NGO re: data collection, data sharing",,,,,,,
Western Australia,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,determine interaction effects between fire regimes and predators,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Western Australia,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,Shark Bay area,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),"RP: successful reintroduction to Peron Peninsula, no date given. S&C: 595804",not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (recovery actions > pressures),RP: translocation to Peron Peninsula,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2004,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting","JM: I adapted management actions from other subregions, please check",,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MP: Past pressures, future threats",,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CAR02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,Shark Bay area,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 827209ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),JM: as per EOO,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2007,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral leaseholders, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting","JM: I adapted management actions from other subregions, please check",,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MP: Past pressures, future threats",,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 1711510ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),JM: as per EOO,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2012,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MP: Past pressures, future threats",,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YAL02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, haul roads",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,Kalbarri NP and occasional other records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 584332ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),JM: as per EOO,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2011,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MP: Past pressures, future threats",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, haul roads",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,"Lesueur NP, Beekeepers NR, occasional other records",Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 0,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),JM: as per EOO,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2012,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"MP: Past pressures, future threats",,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kill",Mining,"clearing, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,,Fire frequency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GES02,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,malleefowl,Nambung NP,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 0,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),JM: as per EOO,,Widespread,Quantitative analysis of data published or publically available following peer review,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2012,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,,,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),public interest and reporting,"JM: I adapted management actions from other subregions, please check",,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JM: I have adapted past pressures & future threats from other subregions, please check",,,,,,,Fire frequency,,,,,,,,,,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,,,,,,,,,
SWA02,Swan,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 6258983ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),Wheatbelt workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2012,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Wheatbelt workshop & MP: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kills",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AVW02,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 2493230ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),Wheatbelt workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2011,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
AVW02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Wheatbelt workshop & MP: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"historic clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
AVW02,Wheatbelt,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 3729545ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),Wheatbelt workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,2012,,,Wheatbelt workshop: most recent survey,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with landholders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Wheatbelt workshop & MP: past pressures, future threats",,,,,Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"clearing, fragmentation of habitat",Cropping/Horticulture (specify),"clearing, fragmentation of habitat",,,,,QTP iii) Quantifying threatening processes – species,"impacts on mosaic burning (Lake Magenta), re-establishment in burnt sites",EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Livestock farming (specify),"clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",Livestock farming (specify),"clearing, fragmentation of habitat, grazing by stock",,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,especially GWW,Fire intensity,especially GWW,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MAL02,Warren,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 0,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2011,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),goats,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
MUR01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kill",Mining,"clearing, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records (boundary with GAS02),Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,1974,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",2007,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,MD vii) Landscape-scale restoration for ecological connectivity (specify),"corridors, connectivity",MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
LSD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Unknown,Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Unknown,JM,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,1998,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,Pastoralism (specify),grazing by stock,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GAS02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MP: increased survey effort. S&C: 31631,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2009,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"GVD Trust workshop 25/11/2014: fragmentation not thought to be a threat (intact veg, few tracks), however fires (large scale), exploration and mining (small area). ",,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exploration,vegetation clearing,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MP: increased survey effort. S&C: 65511ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,2010,,,Goldfields workshop: most recent survey date,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"GVD Trust workshop 25/11/2014: fragmentation not thought to be a threat (intact veg, few tracks), however fires (large scale), exploration and mining (small area). ",,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exploration,vegetation clearing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GVD02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MP: increased survey effort. S&C: 31247ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2010,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"GVD Trust workshop 25/11/2014: fragmentation not thought to be a threat (intact veg, few tracks), however fires (large scale), exploration and mining (small area). ",,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,,Fire intensity,,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exploration,vegetation clearing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GVD03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
CER01,Midwest,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,occasional records,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),MP: increased survey effort. S&C: 595804ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Expanding (new knowledge - biological survey),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2004,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",Invasive/introduced predators (specify),"foxes, cats",,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),grazing by camels,,,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
CER01,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 5341677ha or 32519762ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,2013,,,Goldfields workshop: most recent survey date,Vulnerable,Vulnerable,,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,especially GWW,Fire intensity,especially GWW,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
COO02,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
COO03,multiple,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,widespread,Refer to State level,,,,,1,0,Refer to State level,Quantitative unpublished data and expert opinion,Static (no change),Expert opinion,MP: thought to be 1 pop throughout range,unknown,unknown,Expert opinion,Increasing (new knowledge - survey),Expert opinion,Garnett 2011 & RP: no accurate estimations of pop size. MP: Increasing trend due to reporting of sitings.,Refer to State level,Refer to State level,,Static (no change),JM: not at edges of range so must be Static. S&C: 2743733ha,not available at sub-regional level,not available at sub-regional level,-,Static (no change),Goldfields workshop,,Widespread,Expert opinion,Static,Goldfields workshop & MP: arid and semi-arid woodlands,,,2012,"JM: S&C date for most recent survey, not sure if it is targetted or anecdotal so I have placed in anecdotal just in case. ",Vulnerable,Vulnerable,1994,A1bce,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,Invasive/introduced predators (specify),cats,,,,,SR ii) Socioeconomic information – behaviour,engagement to encourage reporting,EV iv) Develop/implement monitoring and evaluation and reporting plan,,,,MD i) Fire management for biodiversity (specify),,MI iii) Habitat management through informal or complementary conservation mechanisms (specify),"liaison with pastoral lease holders, proponents, community groups, NRM organisation and other relevant stakholders",MI xiii) Education and awareness (specify),"public interest and reporting, industry reporting",Goldfields & Wheatbelt workshops + Manda Page: management actions,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,Fire frequency,requires long unburnt habitat,,,,,,,EV vi) Input of existing data into DPaW’s corporate databases (specify source of data),,,,MD iii) Predator control or eradication,cat and fox control where appropriate,MI x) Regulation - Native vegetation clearing/pollution,,,,,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire intensity,especially GWW,Fire intensity,especially GWW,,,,,,,EV v) Compile and synthesis existing data on occurrences and state (specify source of data),,,,MD iv) Herbivore/omnivore control or eradication,fencing & stock exclusion from habitat where appropriate,MI xi) Regulation - environmental impact assessment,,,,,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fire scale,aerial extent,Fire scale,aerial extent,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Assessment of compliance to approval/conditions/land use under legislation and/or enforcement of legislation,,,,,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Roads & rail,road kill,Roads & rail,road kill,,,,,,,,,,,,,MI xii) Planning processes,DPaW input to planning processes,,,,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mining,"clearing of habitat, road kill",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
COO03,South Coast,Sch1:Birds,Leipoa ocellata,Malleefowl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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