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Last active September 21, 2021 14:36
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Browser Automation Toolbox
// Sources:
function findElementByText(text, searchStart = document.body, _document = document, ignoreSpace = false) {
return _document
`//*[${ignoreSpace ? 'normalize-space' : 'text'}()="${text}"]`,
function findAllElementByText(text, searchStart = document.body, _document = document, ignoreSpace = false) {
let results = [];
let query = _document
`//*[${ignoreSpace ? 'normalize-space' : 'text'}()="${text}"]`,
for (let i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; ++i) {
return results;
* Find an element in the context
* @param {string} selector css selector of element
* @param {Document} _document start point of search
* @return {HTMLElement} element found
* @example findBySelector('h2', findIframeDocument(findBySelector('iframe')))
function findBySelector(selector, _document = document) {
return _document.querySelector(selector)
* Find all elements in the context
* @param {string} selector css selector of elements
* @param {Document} _document start point of search
* @return {Array<HTMLElement>} elements found
* @example findAllBySelector('label', findIframeDocument(findBySelector('iframe')))
function findAllBySelector(selector, _document = document) {
return Array.from(_document.querySelectorAll(selector))
function getBetterSelector(element) {
return [
.map((classElement) => ('.' + classElement)),
element.classList.value.split(' ').map(c => '.' + c).join(''),
'#' +,
].filter((selector) => selector !== '#')
.map((selector) => ({selector, count: findAllBySelector(selector).length}))
{selector: element.textContent, count: findAllElementByText(element.textContent).length},
]).sort((a, b) => {
return a.count - b.count;
* Safely save data in locate storage but merge it with current value for later use (after page refresh for example)
* @param {*} data object to save
* @param {string} [name=browserAutomation] name of the object to save
function safeSave(data, name = 'browserAutomation') {
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify({
* Save data in locate storage for later use (after page refresh for example)
* @param {*} data object to save
* @param {string} [name=browserAutomation] name of the object to save
function save(data, name = 'browserAutomation') {
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(data));
* Load data from locate storage
* @param {string} [name=browserAutomation] name of the object to load
function load(name = 'browserAutomation') {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name));
* Retrieve the document of an iframe
* @param {HTMLIFrameElement} iframeElement
* @return {Document} document of iframe
* @example var iframeDocument = findIframeDocument(findBySelector('iframe'));
function findIframeDocument(iframeElement) {
return iframeElement.contentDocument;
* Replace the content of the page with an iframe of the current page
* @return {HTMLIFrameElement} generated iframe
function inception() {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = location.href;
iframe.width = '100%';
iframe.height = '100%';
document.body.innerHTML = '';
return iframe;
function setKeywordText(text, selector) {
var el = document.querySelector(selector);
el.value = text;
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("change", true, true);
function Stepper(_speed) {
const speed = _speed || 700;
let _stepIndex = 0;
let stop = false;
const stepsPid = [];
return function step(behavior, cost = 1) {
_stepIndex += cost;
stepsPid.push(setTimeout(() => {
if (!stop) {
try {
} catch (e) {
stop = true;
console.error(behavior, e);
stepsPid.forEach(id => clearTimeout(id))
}, speed * _stepIndex))
var step = new Stepper();
// Example
['A', 'B']
].forEach(([a, b]) => {
step(() => console.log(a, b), 0);
step(() => document.querySelector('*[aria-label="Actions"]').click(), 2);
step(() => findElementByText('New linked work item').click());
step(() => document.querySelector('#dialog-label').value = "Make " + b);
step(() => document.querySelector('#ok').click());
step(() => findElementByText('Save & Close').click(), 2);
Example 2
function* manualStepper() {
const correct = [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20].map(n => n.toString(10));
const iframe = inception();
const iframeDocument = () => findIframeDocument(iframe);
do {
const questionIndex = findBySelector('.picurrent', iframeDocument()).textContent;
const data = load();
if (correct.includes(questionIndex)) {
const correctAnswer = data[questionIndex].answered[0];
findElementByText(correctAnswer, iframeDocument().body, iframeDocument(), true) ||
findElementByText(correctAnswer, iframeDocument().body, iframeDocument(), false)
console.log('Select existing anwser: ' + correctAnswer);
} else {
const alreadyAnswered = data[questionIndex].answered;
const responses = data[questionIndex].responses;
const newAnswer = responses.find(r => !alreadyAnswered.includes(r));
findElementByText(newAnswer, iframeDocument().body, iframeDocument(), true) ||
findElementByText(newAnswer, iframeDocument().body, iframeDocument(), false)
[questionIndex]: {[questionIndex],
answered: [newAnswer, ...alreadyAnswered]
console.log('Select new anwser: ' + newAnswer, alreadyAnswered);
findElementByText('RÉPONDRE', iframeDocument().body, iframeDocument(), false).click();
console.log('click on anwser ');
console.log('Continue ?');
} while (yield)
var mStep = manualStepper();;
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