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Last active May 29, 2022 15:18
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import Foundation
extension NSCalculationError: ErrorType {
extension NSDecimal: Comparable {
public func ==(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) -> Bool {
var mutableLhs = lhs
var mutableRhs = rhs
return (NSDecimalCompare(&mutableLhs, &mutableRhs) == .OrderedSame)
public func <(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) -> Bool {
var mutableLhs = lhs
var mutableRhs = rhs
return (NSDecimalCompare(&mutableLhs, &mutableRhs) == .OrderedAscending)
extension NSDecimal {
public var isNotANumber: Bool {
var mutableSelf = self
return NSDecimalIsNotANumber(&mutableSelf)
public mutating func compact() {
public mutating func round(scale: Int = Int(NSDecimalNoScale), roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) {
NSDecimalRound(&self, &self, scale, roundingMode)
public static func normalize(inout decimal1: NSDecimal, inout decimal2: NSDecimal, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
let error = NSDecimalNormalize(&decimal1, &decimal2, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func add(otherDecimal: NSDecimal, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
var mutableOtherDecimal = otherDecimal
let error = NSDecimalAdd(&self, &self, &mutableOtherDecimal, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func subtract(otherDecimal: NSDecimal, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
var mutableOtherDecimal = otherDecimal
let error = NSDecimalSubtract(&self, &self, &mutableOtherDecimal, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func multiplyBy(otherDecimal: NSDecimal, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
var mutableOtherDecimal = otherDecimal
let error = NSDecimalMultiply(&self, &self, &mutableOtherDecimal, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func divideBy(otherDecimal: NSDecimal, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
var mutableOtherDecimal = otherDecimal
let error = NSDecimalDivide(&self, &self, &mutableOtherDecimal, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func power(power: Int, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
let error = NSDecimalPower(&self, &self, power, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public mutating func multiplyByPowerOf10(power: Int16, roundingMode: NSRoundingMode = .RoundPlain) throws {
let error = NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(&self, &self, power, roundingMode)
guard error == .NoError else {
throw error
public func stringValue(locale: AnyObject? = nil) -> String {
var mutableSelf = self
return NSDecimalString(&mutableSelf, locale)
public func +(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws -> NSDecimal {
var result = lhs
try result.add(rhs)
return result
public func +=(inout lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws {
try lhs.add(rhs)
public func -(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws -> NSDecimal {
var result = lhs
try result.subtract(rhs)
return result
public func -=(inout lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws {
try lhs.subtract(rhs)
public func *(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws -> NSDecimal {
var result = lhs
try result.multiplyBy(rhs)
return result
public func *=(inout lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws {
try lhs.multiplyBy(rhs)
public func /(lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws -> NSDecimal {
var result = lhs
try result.divideBy(rhs)
return result
public func /=(inout lhs: NSDecimal, rhs: NSDecimal) throws {
try lhs.divideBy(rhs)
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