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Created September 10, 2018 22:45
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void Main()
var pipeline = new LoggerHandler(new TryHandler());
var wf = FunctionFlow
.Run(r => GetEmail("florim"))
.Run(r => SendEmail(r))
.ProcessWithPipelines(pipeline) // or //.Process()
public static async Task<Result<string>> GetEmail(string name)
await Task.Delay(2000);
"getting email".Dump();
return Result.Ok($"{name}");
public static Task<Result<bool>> SendEmail(string email)
"sending email".Dump();
return Task.FromResult(Result.Ok<bool>(true));
public interface IHandler
Task<Result<TR>> Handle<TR>(Func<Task<Result<TR>>> func);
public class LoggerHandler : IHandler
public IHandler next;
public LoggerHandler(IHandler handler = null)
{ = handler;
public async Task<Result<TR>> Handle<TR>(Func<Task<Result<TR>>> func)
Result<TR> result;
if ( != null)
result = await;
result = await func();
return result;
public class TryHandler : IHandler
public IHandler next;
public TryHandler(IHandler handler = null)
{ = handler;
public async Task<Result<TR>> Handle<TR>(Func<Task<Result<TR>>> func)
"Try 1 started".Dump();
Result<TR> result;
if ( != null)
result = await;
result = await func();
"Try 1 ended".Dump();
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
$"Error {ex.Message}".Dump();
return Result.Fail<TR>(ex.Message);
public class EmptyHandler : IHandler
public async Task<Result<TR>> Handle<TR>(Func<Task<Result<TR>>> func)
return await func();
public class FunctionFlow
private FunctionFlow() {}
public static FunctionFlowResult<FunctionFlow> Init()
var fw = new FunctionFlow();
return (handler) =>
return Task.FromResult(Result.Ok(fw));
public static class FunctionFlowExtensions
public static Task<Result<T>> ProcessWithPipelines<T>(this FunctionFlowResult<T> src, IHandler handler)
return src(handler);
public static Task<Result<T>> Process<T>(this FunctionFlowResult<T> src)
return src(new EmptyHandler());
public static FunctionFlowResult<TR> Run<T, TR>(this FunctionFlowResult<T> src, Func<T, Task<Result<TR>>> func)
return async (handler) =>
var data = await src(handler);
if (data.IsSuccess)
return await handler.Handle(() => func(data.Value));
return Result.Fail<TR>(data.Error);
public interface IContext
public delegate Task<Result<T>> FunctionFlowResult<T>(IHandler handler);
public class Result
public bool IsSuccess { get; }
public string Error { get; }
public bool IsFailure => !IsSuccess;
protected Result(bool isSuccess, string error)
if (isSuccess && error != string.Empty)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (!isSuccess && error == string.Empty)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
IsSuccess = isSuccess;
Error = error;
public static Result Fail(string message)
return new Result(false, message);
public static Result<T> Fail<T>(string message)
return new Result<T>(default(T), false, message);
public static Result Ok()
return new Result(true, string.Empty);
public static Result<T> Ok<T>(T value)
return new Result<T>(value, true, string.Empty);
public static Result Combine(params Result[] results)
foreach (Result result in results)
if (result.IsFailure)
return result;
return Ok();
public class Result<T> : Result
private readonly T _value;
public T Value
if (!IsSuccess)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _value;
protected internal Result(T value, bool isSuccess, string error)
: base(isSuccess, error)
_value = value;
public sealed class Unit : IComparable
public static readonly Unit Value = new Unit();
public override int GetHashCode()
return 0;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj == null || obj is Unit;
int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
return 0;
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