- Use option as meta key:
Go to Preferences->Profiles tab. Select your profile on the left, and then open the Keyboard tab. At the bottom is a set of buttons that lets you select the behavior of the Option key. For most users, Esc+ will be the best choice.
- Setting up word-by-word movement with Option+:
Go to Preferences->Keys tab. Add a new key mapping for Option+Left
, from the Action dropdown pick Send Escape Sequence and put b
in the textbox that appears. Repeat this for Option+Right
but put f
in the textbox.
- OSX default shell is bash 3.x
$ brew install bash
From the bash man page:
The bash executable
The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells
The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
The individual login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
- On OSX Terminal.app and iTerm opens a login shell by default
- To unify .bashrc and .bash_profile
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
bash's hidden editor: readline
- Offers line-editing and history capabilities
- Basic key bindings are the same everywhere
- Other platforms also use it. Try it it out in any OSX app.
C: Control M: Meta (aka Alt or Options)
- C-a: Jump to start of line
- C-e: Jump to end of line
- C-f: Move forward one character
- C-b: Move back one character
- C-p or Up arrow: Previous command
- C-n or Down arrow: Next command
- M-f: Move forward one word
- M-b: Move back one word
- M-d: Delete forward one word
- C-d: Delete forward one character
- C-h or Backspace: Delete backward one character
- C-r: Reverse search through history
- C-w: Delete current word until closest space
- M-backspace: Delete current word until closest non-alphanumeric character
- C-u: Delete (cut) to beginning of line
- C-k: Delete (cut) to end of line
- M-#: Comment out current line and show a new input line
- C-t: Transpose two characters
- M-t: Transpose two words.
- M-u: Uppercase word at which the cursor is at the start
- M-l: Lowercase word at which the cursor is at the start
- M-c: Capitalize word at which the cursor is at the start
- C-/: Undo
- C-x C-x: Jump between two points in the current command
- C-y: yank, paste from kill-ring
- M-y: scroll through the kill-ring
command -
history | grep foo
is super useful -
: run previous command. Useful forsudo !!
run command -
Useful settings:
Use C-r to search your history
- Chaning the terminal title:
echo -e "\033];MY_NEW_TITLE\007"
- Colors everywhere:
echo -e "\e[31mHello World\e[0m"
- Nice summary for colors in the terminal
Hidden and not so hidden bash features
: PID of previous command -
: PID of current process -
: exit status of previous command -
: first argument of the previous command -
: nth argument of the previous command -
: last command and its arguments. Useful forsudo !!
C-x C-e: open the current command in $EDITOR and run when the editor was closed
aliases: one step away from automation
alias ll='ls -AlF'
type <alias>
to see what it is aliased to
: match 0 or more characters[ab]
: match character ranges?
: match 0 or 1 character{1..4}
: generate numeric ranges, tryecho {1..4}
echo foo.{bar,baz}
: generate lists, outputfoo.bar foo.baz
- running commands in subshells: `` and
cat foo | grep bar
Redirect and create a new file:
echo foo > bar
Redirect and create append to file:
echo foo >> bar
Redirect stdout/stderr:
echo halp 1>&2
Using a command output as a file:
diff -y <(ls foo) <(ls bar)
- Append
to the command to run in the background. E.g.:nc -l -k 8080 &
- Send a foreground process to the background: C-z
- List jobs:
- Bring job to the foreground:
fg <job num>
- Tip: use this with interactive programs such as vim to access the terminal.
A man
file is usually there and they are usually well writter. Learn to read them!
For bash
builtin commands turn to man bash
cat as a super basic editor, good for copy-pasting multiple lines into a file in the shell:
cat > foo type stuff hit C-d to send an EOF character and close the file
- Hit
to search - VIM keybindings kinda work for movement
- type
or other options when less is running to turn on/off features -N
: show line numbers-S
: do not wrap linesShift-G
: jump to endgg
: jump to startShift-F
: tail file-R
: make sense of escape characters --> colors everywhere
- Hit
cd -
to jump back previous directory; uses$OLDPWD
variable -
without arguments jump to$HOME
finding files with
find . -name '[abc]*' # files starting with a or b or c find . -name foo -not -path './.git/*' # find foo but exclude the .git folder find . -maxdepth 1 # kinda like ls find . -name 'foo*' -type d # find directories starting with foo
When you are using an
always wrap in in single-quotes because otherwise bash would exapnd it.Running a command for every match:
find . -type f -exec sed -e 's/foo/bar/' {} \;
Deleting matches
find . -type f -name '*.log' -delete
: print calendar for the current month -
cal 2017
: print calendar for the year 2017
grep is built-in everywhere
grep on Linux and OSX is sligthly different
color output
# Put this in your .bashrc alias grep='grep --color=auto'
extended regexp
cat foo.log | grep -E '\w+=\w+' # search for key-value pairs separated by an equal sign
printing context around the matches
cat foo.log | grep -C3 error # print previous and next 3 lines around matches cat foo.log | grep -A3 error # print 3 lines after matches cat foo.log | grep -B3 error # print 3 line before matches
search in a directory recursively
grep -r foo src/
print only matching parts
cat foo.log | grep -E '\w+=\w+' -o
search for lines not matching a pattern
grep -r -v foo src/
count matches
cat foo.log | grep bar -c # count all matches in a directory grep -c -h -r foo src/ | awk 'sum+=$0 {next} END { print sum }'
print only file names when content matches
grep -r -l foo src/
print file names where there is not match
grep -r -L foo src/
for better recursive searching use an alternative to grep: ag, ack, ripgrep
Basic tools: tr
, sed
, awk
, sort
, uniq
, cut
, comm
Transform strings with tr
# Uppercase everything
$ head /usr/share/dict/words | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
# Break into new lines
$ echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n'
# Replace numbers with x
$ echo a{1..100} | tr '[:digit:]' x
Search and replace with sed
on OSX differs from GNU sed. Install gnu-sed
for more features.
$ brew install gnu-sed
Replace foo with bar in every file in a directory:
$ gsed -i -e 's/foo/bar/g' $(find . -type f)
Formatting tabular data:
$ cat > people.csv <<EOF
Rob,23,Stay at home dad
Al,98,Navy veteran
Kate,34,Product Manager
# Formatted table
$ cat people.csv | column -t -s,
Displaying certain fields
$ cat people.csv | cut -d, -f1,3
$ cat people.csv | awk -F, '{ print $2 }'
Filtering with awk
# People over 50
$ cat people.csv | awk -F, '$2 > 50 { print $0 }'
Count occurences in a file
$ cat /usr/share/dict/words | cut -c -4 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort | uniq -c
List short git SHA1 hashes
$ git rev-list HEAD | cut -c -7