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Last active February 1, 2024 19:33
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# Plot trajectory with oriented, colored wedges. See file end for example.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
def get_wedges_for_heading_plot(x, y, color, orientation, size_radius=0.1, size_angle=20, colormap='jet', colornorm=None, size_radius_range=(0.01,.1), size_radius_norm=None, edgecolor='none', alpha=1, flip=True, deg=True, nskip=0, center_offset_fraction=0.75):
Returns a Patch Collection of Wedges, with arbitrary color and orientation
Patch Collection
x, y - x and y positions (np.array or list, each of length N)
color - values to color wedges by (np.array or list, length N), OR color string.
colormap - specifies colormap to use (string, eg. 'jet')
norm - specifies range you'd like to normalize to,
if none, scales to min/max of color array (2-tuple, eg. (0,1) )
orientation - angles are in degrees, use deg=False to convert radians to degrees
size_radius - radius of wedge, in same units as x, y. Can be list or np.array, length N, for changing sizes
size_radius_norm - specifies range you'd like to normalize size_radius to, if size_radius is a list/array
should be tuple, eg. (0.01, .1)
size_angle - angular extent of wedge, degrees. Can be list or np.array, length N, for changing sizes
edgecolor - color for lineedges, string or np.array of length N
alpha - transparency (single value, between 0 and 1)
flip - flip orientations by 180 degrees, default = True
nskip - allows you to skip between points to make the points clearer, nskip=1 skips every other point
center_offset_fraction - (float in range (0,1) ) - 0 means (x,y) is at the tip, 1 means (x,y) is at the edge
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
# norms
if colornorm is None and type(color) is not str:
colornorm = plt.Normalize(np.min(color), np.max(color))
elif type(color) is not str:
colornorm = plt.Normalize(colornorm[0], colornorm[1])
if size_radius_norm is None:
size_radius_norm = plt.Normalize(np.min(size_radius), np.max(size_radius), clip=True)
size_radius_norm = plt.Normalize(size_radius_norm[0], size_radius_norm[1], clip=True)
indices_to_plot = np.arange(0, len(x), nskip+1)
# fix orientations
if type(orientation) is list:
orientation = np.array(orientation)
if deg is False:
orientation = orientation*180./np.pi
if flip:
orientation += 180
flycons = []
n = 0
for i in indices_to_plot:
# wedge parameters
if type(size_radius) is list or type(size_radius) is np.array or type(size_radius) is np.ndarray:
r = size_radius_norm(size_radius[i])*(size_radius_range[1]-size_radius_range[0]) + size_radius_range[0]
else: r = size_radius
if type(size_angle) is list or type(size_angle) is np.array or type(size_angle) is np.ndarray:
angle_swept = size_radius[i]
else: angle_swept = size_radius
theta1 = orientation[i] - size_angle/2.
theta2 = orientation[i] + size_angle/2.
center = [x[i], y[i]]
center[0] -= np.cos(orientation[i]*np.pi/180.)*r*center_offset_fraction
center[1] -= np.sin(orientation[i]*np.pi/180.)*r*center_offset_fraction
wedge = patches.Wedge(center, r, theta1, theta2)
# add collection and color it
pc = PatchCollection(flycons, cmap=cmap, norm=colornorm)
# set properties for collection
if type(color) is list or type(color) is np.array or type(color) is np.ndarray:
if type(color) is list:
color = np.asarray(color)
return pc
def colorline_with_heading(ax, x, y, color, orientation, size_radius=0.1, size_angle=20, colormap='jet', colornorm=None, size_radius_range=(0.01,.1), size_radius_norm=None, edgecolor='none', alpha=1, flip=True, deg=True, nskip=0, use_center='center', show_centers=True, center_offset_fraction=0.75, center_point_size=2):
Plots a trajectory with colored wedge shapes to indicate orientation.
See function get_wedges_for_heading_plot for details
Additional options:
show_centers - (bool) - show a black dot where the actual point is - shows where the center of the wedge is
center_point_size - markersize for center, if show_centers
pc = get_wedges_for_heading_plot(x, y, color, orientation, size_radius=size_radius, size_angle=size_angle, colormap=colormap, colornorm=colornorm, size_radius_range=size_radius_range, size_radius_norm=size_radius_norm, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, flip=flip, deg=deg, nskip=nskip, center_offset_fraction=center_offset_fraction)
if show_centers:
indices_to_plot = np.arange(0, len(x), nskip+1)
ax.plot(x[indices_to_plot],y[indices_to_plot],'.', color='black', markersize=center_point_size)
def plot_trajec_with_orientation(xpos, ypos, theta, color, ax=None, size_radius=5, nskip = 190, colormap='bone_r'):
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colorline_with_heading(ax, xpos, ypos, color, theta,
nskip=nskip, size_radius=size_radius, deg=False, colormap=colormap, center_point_size=0.0001,
colornorm=[0.05*color.max(),color.max()], show_centers=False)
xrang = xpos.max() - xpos.min()
xrang = np.max([xrang, 0.1])
yrang = ypos.max() - ypos.min()
yrang = np.max([yrang, 0.1])
ax.set_xlim(xpos.min()-0.1*xrang, xpos.max()+0.1*xrang)
ax.set_ylim(ypos.min()-0.1*yrang, ypos.max()+0.1*yrang)
xpos = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
ypos = np.sin(x)
theta = np.tan(y)
color = x
plot_trajec_with_orientation(xpos, ypos, theta, color, size_radius=1, nskip=50)
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