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Last active February 23, 2023 17:31
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Biff Testing submit-tx
(ns com.test-biff-tx
[com.biffweb :as biff]
[malli.core :as malc]
[malli.registry :as malr]
[xtdb.api :as xt]))
;; We use this to convert keys to ids, for easy access and without having to change the malli uuid schema
(defn string-to-uid [s]
(let [bytes (.getBytes (str s))]
(java.util.UUID/nameUUIDFromBytes bytes)))
(def user-schema
{:user/id :uuid
:user/email :string
:user/joined-at inst?
:user [:map {:closed true}
[:xt/id :user/id]
(def malli-opts {:registry (malr/composite-registry malc/default-registry user-schema)})
(defn test-node [docs]
(let [node (xt/start-node {})]
(when (not-empty docs)
(xt/submit-tx node
(for [d docs]
[::xt/put (-> (merge {:xt/id (random-uuid)} d)
(update :xt/id string-to-uid))])
(for [[k f] biff/tx-fns]
[::xt/put {:xt/id k :xt/fn f}]))))))
(defn get-sys [node]
{:biff/db (xt/db node)
:biff.xtdb/retry false
:biff.xtdb/node node
:biff/malli-opts #'malli-opts
:biff/now #inst "1970"})
(def test-docs [{:xt/id :user/alice
:user/email ""
:user/joined-at #inst "2000"}])
;; Update the email for :user/alice and check the db result
(with-open [node (test-node test-docs)]
(let [sys (get-sys node)
new-email "test"]
(biff/submit-tx sys [{:db/doc-type :user
:db/op :update
:xt/id (string-to-uid :user/alice)
:user/email new-email}]))
;; Here's the actual test
(= (-> (biff/lookup (:biff/db (get-sys node)) :xt/id (string-to-uid :user/alice))
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