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Created October 16, 2016 12:11
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Utility functions that can replace standard core.async functions and track which writes were stuck. good to debug core async deadlocks
(ns debug-core-async
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async])
(:import (java.util UUID)
(org.apache.commons.lang.exception ExceptionUtils)))
(defonce chans (atom {}))
(defonce open-writes (atom {}))
(defn reset-state []
(reset! chans {})
(reset! open-writes {}))
(defn channels-with-open-writes []
(let [mapper (fn [[k v]]
(assoc v :name (get @chans (:port v))))]
(map mapper @open-writes)))
(defn open-writes-infos[]
(doall (map #(println (:name %) (:trace %)) (channels-with-open-writes)))
(doall (map #(println (:name %)) (channels-with-open-writes))))
(defn chan [name & args]
(let [ch (apply async/chan args)]
(swap! chans #(assoc % ch name))
(defn stacktrace []
(ExceptionUtils/getStackTrace (Exception.)))
(defn before-write [write-id port val]
(let [payload {:port port
:trace (stacktrace)}]
(swap! open-writes #(assoc % write-id payload))))
(defn after-write [write-id port val]
(swap! open-writes #(dissoc % write-id)))
(defmacro >! [port val]
`(let [write-id# (UUID/randomUUID)]
(before-write write-id# ~port ~val)
(async/>! ~port ~val)
(after-write write-id# ~port ~val)))
(defn >!! [port val]
(let [write-id (UUID/randomUUID)]
(before-write write-id port val)
(async/>!! port val)
(after-write write-id port val)))
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