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Last active February 16, 2017 15:56
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lpsolve - optimization of a fantasy football team
out <- read.csv("", sep="|")
## data
out$Score <- as.numeric(out$Punkte)
out$MarketValue <- as.numeric(out$MW)
simple <- out[c("Name","Position", "Score" , "MarketValue")]
simple$Position <- ifelse(simple$Position == "Torwart", "Keeper", simple$Position)
simple$Position <- ifelse(simple$Position == "Abwehr", "Defense", simple$Position)
simple$Position <- ifelse(simple$Position == "Mittelfeld", "Midfield", simple$Position)
simple$Position <- ifelse(simple$Position == "Sturm", "Offense", simple$Position)
## plot
ggplot(simple, aes(MarketValue / 1000, Score, color=Position)) + geom_point()+ geom_smooth()+ facet_wrap(~Position) + theme_economist() + xlab("Market Value in K$")
f.obj <- simple$Score ###objective max team score
f.con <- t(simple$MarketValue) ### constraints max MV <= Budget
player <- rep(1, nrow(simple)) ## constraints max number of players!
f.con <- rbind(f.con, player)
## constrain that per postion can only be a certain number of players be set up. (e.g. just one keeper)
## define matrix - as a one hot (dummy coding what position the player holds)
A <- ~ Position -1, simple) )
f.con <- rbind(f.con, t(as.matrix(A)))
f.dir <- c("<=", "<=", "=", "<=", "<=" ,"<=")
f.rhs <- c(20000000, 13, 1, 5, 5, 3) ## right hand side .. not more than Budget, Players, and players per position.
### solve the problem
solved<- lp("max", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs, all.bin=TRUE) ## just binary variables!
simple$buy <- solved$solution
sum(out[out$buy == 1,]$MarketValue) ## what is the Budget
sum(out[out$buy == 1,]$Score) ## what is the Score
sum(out[out$buy == 1,]$buy) ## number of players bought
paste(out[out$buy == 1,]$Name, collapse=", ")
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flovv commented Feb 15, 2017

sorry, missed to copy some code.
I should work now

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It works now. Thank you!

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