#!/bin/bash |
# setup-shutdown.sh |
# Installs python script to enable safe shutdown of Raspberry Pi on PIN5/GPIO3 Logic LOW |
# Author: 8bitjunkie.net |
# Adapted from https://svn.nwesd.org/linuxdev/config_samples/lenny_setup/setup-denyhosts |
# Download and run this setup script in the terminal using the following command: |
# curl http://pie.8bitjunkie.net/shutdown/setup-shutdown.sh | bash |
################################################################################################################### |
# Copyright 2017 8bitjunkie.net |
# |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at |
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
# limitations under the License. |
################################################################################################################### |
set -u # fail on unset vars |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\e[96mThis script will install a python script to enable shutdown of Raspberry Pi upon PIN5/GPIO3 Logic LOW\e[0m" |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\e[96mVisit \e[4;96mhttp://pie.8bitjunkie.net\e[0;96m for more information\e[0m" |
echo; echo |
sleep 5 |
#update packages and install python.gpio |
echo -e "\033[31mUpdating packages\e[0m" |
sudo apt-get -y update |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\033[31mInstalling python.gpio\e[0m" |
sudo apt-get install --yes python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio </dev/null |
#download scripts etc |
mkdir /home/pi/scripts &> /dev/null |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\033[31mDownloading shutdown scripts\e[0m" |
curl -# "https://gist.github.com/flowolf/d4b6c57f0a0e036a6d05acb51a0b385a/raw/d72c92bbe0c6915bcc5518ccb0140d963965de04/shutdown.py" > /home/pi/scripts/shutdown.py |
curl -# "https://gist.github.com/flowolf/135ca463eca7f5ad5a88d5fec1b72fcb/raw/1c3d75bae29d1626744ae7cdadbb14a630c50b6b/shutdown.rc" > /tmp/pi_shutdown |
sudo mv /tmp/pi_shutdown /etc/init.d/pi_shutdown; chmod +x /etc/init.d/pi_shutdown |
#fixme need a check here to see if curl was successful or not, also add retry options |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\033[31mAdd pi_shutdown to rc.d\e[0m" |
sudo update-rc.d pi_shutdown defaults |
#start shutdown.py now to avoid requiring reboot |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\033[31mRunning shutdown listener\e[0m" |
sudo python /home/pi/scripts/shutdown.py &> /dev/null & |
echo; echo |
echo -e "\033[31mShutdown is now installed\e[0m" |
echo; echo |
exit 0% |