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Last active March 12, 2023 03:37
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Python 3 script to optimize textures in simple(!) glTF 2.0 GLB files.
import json
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from struct import Struct
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from PIL import Image
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngImageFile
from io import BufferedIOBase
class SimpleGLB:
HEADER_STRUCT = Struct("<4sII")
CHUNK_STRUCT = Struct("<I4s")
def __init__(self, file_path: str | Path) -> None:
if not isinstance(file_path, Path):
assert isinstance(file_path, str)
file_path = Path(file_path)
assert file_path.is_file()
self.file_path = file_path
with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
magic, version, length = SimpleGLB.HEADER_STRUCT.unpack(
assert magic == b"glTF"
assert version == 2
self._original_size: int = length
def _read_json_chunk(self, file: "BufferedIOBase"):
chunk_length, chunk_type = SimpleGLB.CHUNK_STRUCT.unpack(
assert chunk_type == b"JSON"
self.json: dict = json.loads(
assert self.json["asset"]["version"] == "2.0"
assert len(self.json["buffers"]) == 1
assert len(self.json["buffers"][0].keys()) == 1
def _read_bin_chunk(self, file: "BufferedIOBase"):
chunk_length, chunk_type = SimpleGLB.CHUNK_STRUCT.unpack(
assert chunk_type == b"BIN\0"
self.bin_chunk_offset = file.tell()
self.buffers: list[bytes] = [None] * len(self.json["bufferViews"])
for i, buffer in enumerate(self.json["bufferViews"]): + buffer["byteOffset"])
self.buffers[i] = bytearray(["byteLength"]))
def _update_file(self):
with open(self.file_path, "wb") as file:
json_data = json.dumps(
self.json, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(",", ":"), indent=None
spaces = (4 - (len(json_data) & 3)) & 3
json_length = len(json_data) + spaces
bin = bytearray()
for buffer in self.buffers:
for _ in range((4 - (len(bin) & 3)) & 3):
alignment = (4 - (len(bin) & 3)) & 3
bin_length = len(bin) + alignment
full_length = 12 + (2 * (2 * 4)) + json_length + bin_length
file.write(SimpleGLB.HEADER_STRUCT.pack(b"glTF", 2, full_length))
file.write(SimpleGLB.CHUNK_STRUCT.pack(json_length, b"JSON"))
file.write(b" " * spaces)
file.write(SimpleGLB.CHUNK_STRUCT.pack(bin_length, b"BIN\0"))
file.write(b"\0" * alignment)
def _refresh_buffer_views(self):
previous_offset = 0
for buffer_view in self.json["bufferViews"]:
length = buffer_view["byteLength"]
offset = buffer_view["byteOffset"] = previous_offset
alignment = (4 - (length & 3)) & 3
previous_offset = length + offset + alignment
class SimpleGLBTextureOptimizer(SimpleGLB):
def __init__(self, file_path: str | Path) -> None:
def textures(self) -> list[dict[str, int | str]]:
return self.json["images"]
def optimize_textures(self):
for tex in self.textures:
def _optimize_texture(self, tex_obj: dict[str, int | str]):
def get_jpeg_quality(name: str) -> int:
name = name.upper()
if name in ("NM", "NORMAL") or name.endswith("_NM") or "_NM_" in name:
return 97
if name == "DF" or name.endswith("_DF") or "_DF_" in name:
return 95
if name == "ORM" or name.endswith("_ORM") or "_ORM_" in name:
return 95
return 95
def is_alpha_channel_empty(img: PngImageFile) -> bool:
assert img.mode == "RGBA" # cba to handle indexed, etc...
if img.getextrema()[3] == (255, 255):
return True
return False
if "mimeType" not in tex_obj or "bufferView" not in tex_obj:
if tex_obj["mimeType"] != "image/png":
name, buffer_idx = tex_obj.get("name", "Unnamed"), tex_obj["bufferView"]
orig_size = self.json["bufferViews"][buffer_idx]["byteLength"]
img =[buffer_idx]))
format = "PNG"
params = {
"optimize": True,
if img.mode != "RGBA" or is_alpha_channel_empty(img):
if img.mode != "RGB":
img = img.convert("RGB")
format = "JPEG"
params |= {
"quality": get_jpeg_quality(name),
"subsampling": "4:4:4",
temp = BytesIO(), format=format, **params)
new_size = temp.getbuffer().nbytes
diff = orig_size - new_size
f"{name}: reduced by {(1 - (new_size / orig_size)) * 100:.3f}%",
f"({diff} bytes difference)",
# with open(
# rf"C:\Users\floxay\Desktop\ValModels\t_{name}.{format.lower()}",
# "wb",
# ) as out:
# out.write(temp.getbuffer())
tex_obj["mimeType"] = f"image/{format.lower()}"
self.buffers[buffer_idx] = bytearray(temp.getbuffer())
self.json["bufferViews"][buffer_idx]["byteLength"] = new_size
if __name__ == "__main__":
for glb in Path(R"C:\Users\floxay\Desktop\ValModels").glob("*.glb"):
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