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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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HOWTO: Create sphere geometry using trigonometry.
/* The amount to change the angle by with each step, determined by
const float ANGLE_DELTA = (float)REVOLUTION / (float)_resolution;
/* Convert the delta to radians, since that's what C++ works in. */
const float R_ANGLE_DELTA = ANGLE_DELTA * (float)M_PI / 180.0f;
/* Allocate vertices for each step along the x-axis. */
_vertexCount = (int) ceilf(abs(X_ANGLE_STOP - X_ANGLE_START) / ANGLE_DELTA);
/* Allocate vertices for each step along the y-axis. */
_vertexCount *= (int) ceilf(abs(Y_ANGLE_STOP - Y_ANGLE_START) / ANGLE_DELTA);
/* Each step requires two triangles. */
_vertexCount *= 2;
/* Each triangle has three vertices. */
_vertexCount *= 3;
/* Each vertex has four elements. */
_positions = new float[_vertexCount * 4];
unsigned index = 0;
/* Step through x / y combinations, and use sin / cos to determine the
coordinates for each step. */
for (float longitude = X_ANGLE_START; longitude < X_ANGLE_STOP;
longitude += ANGLE_DELTA)
float rlong = longitude * (float)M_PI / 180.0f;
for (float latitude = Y_ANGLE_START; latitude < Y_ANGLE_STOP;
latitude += ANGLE_DELTA)
float rlat = latitude * (float)M_PI / 180.0f;
/* Bottom left. */
_positions[index + X] = sinf(rlong) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + Y] = sinf(rlat);
_positions[index + Z] = cosf(rlong) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
/* Top right. */
_positions[index + X] =
sinf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Y] =
sinf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Z] =
cosf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
/* Top left. */
_positions[index + X] = sinf(rlong) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Y] = sinf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Z] = cosf(rlong) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
/* Bottom left. */
_positions[index + X] = sinf(rlong) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + Y] = sinf(rlat);
_positions[index + Z] = cosf(rlong) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
/* Bottom right. */
_positions[index + X] =
sinf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + Y] =
_positions[index + Z] =
cosf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
/* Top right. */
_positions[index + X] =
sinf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Y] =
sinf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + Z] =
cosf(rlong + R_ANGLE_DELTA) * cosf(rlat + R_ANGLE_DELTA);
_positions[index + W] = 1.0f;
index += W + 1;
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