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Created May 5, 2014 17:31
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Cliff vs Click
rahulrrixe> rest if we compare cliff and click, then click is better
<rahulrrixe> as use of decorator make it very suitable for CLI which we want to developemnt
<rahulrrixe> **develop
<rahulrrixe> in our case we need to have config file parser and click handles that very well and .ini is custom to it
<rahulrrixe> also it support context
<rahulrrixe> i don't know much about it but what i have understood through documentation is that like we have <api><resource><action>
<rahulrrixe> resource is child for api and if we want to pass the information of api we can do through context
<rahulrrixe> it is useful because we want if a user had made connection then it should be stored in object
* rdodev (~rdodev@2001:4802:7801:103:18ba:c153:ff20:563f) has joined #libcloud
<rahulrrixe> not every request makes a new connection
* rdodev (~rdodev@2001:4802:7801:103:18ba:c153:ff20:563f) has left #libcloud ("Textual IRC Client:")
<rahulrrixe> i.e. for aws if we had made a connection then it will be stored in obj or context that will be used by action
<rahulrrixe> i don't know whether i am saying context thing correctly :( but I understood in that way
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