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Last active November 30, 2022 23:30
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how to build xformers on windows

how to build xformers on windows

use the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022

git clone

cd xformers

git submodule update --init --recursive

Find the CUDA compute capability Version of your GPU

Go to

Note the Compute Capability Version. For example 7.5 for RTX 20xx


pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -e .


python build python bdist_wheel


lazy_init_num_threads linke error

Go to the file under \Lib\site-packages\torch\include\ATen\Parallel.h in your python environment and edit it by removing the inline implementation of at::internal::lazy_init_num_threads() leaving only the declaration. This will force your build to use non-inline import. The issue is most probably in the way VS C++ handled inline exports having static variables - in this case thread_local one.

Perfect solution of course is rebuilding pytorch together with your extension (as would be the case with any C++ DLL "exporting" classes without really taking care about doing it in a safe ABI compatible way) but patching the include file is also OK here, it will just prevent the compiler from inlining the API and creating a reference to the local static thread_local variable that fails linking step later. The compiler will then use non-inline variant from the pytorch DLL and linker error will be done away with.

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