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Created November 19, 2015 21:58
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UIPageControl madness
(lldb) po 0x12fbada50
<UIPageControl: 0x12fbada50; frame = (134.5 46.5; 7 37); autoresize = W; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <WLayer: 0x12fbabe80>>
(lldb) p (NSInteger)[0x12fbada50 numberOfPages]
(NSInteger) $2 = 1
(lldb) p (NSInteger)[0x12fbada50 currentPage]
(NSInteger) $3 = 0
(lldb) p (void)[0x12fbada50 setCurrentPage:1]
(lldb) p (NSInteger)[0x12fbada50 currentPage]
(NSInteger) $4 = 0
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