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Created September 13, 2014 00:19
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#import "Flurry_Stream_Setup.h"
#import "FlurryAdStreamDelegate.h"
#import "FlurryAdTargeting.h"
#import "FlurryAd.h"
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <FlurryAdStreamDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, retain) FlurryAdStream *streamAd;
@implementation Flurry_Stream_Setup
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidDload];
self.streamAd = [[FlurryAd alloc] initWithSpace:@"STREAM_VIEW" size:FL_STREAM_300x250];
FlurryAdTargeting *adTargeting = [self targetingForDevice];
streamAd.adDelegate = self;
streamAd.targeting = adTargeting;
[streamAd fetchAd];
- (void) viewWillAppear:(bool)animated {
[super viewWillAppear];
[self.streamAd registerAdActiveWithViewController:self];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(bool)animated {
[self.streamAd pauseAd];
-(void)dealloc {
// your dealloc code
self.streamAd = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (FlurryAdTargeting *)targetingForDevice
// Pass all targeting options. This will increase revenue dramatically
FlurryAdTargeting *adTargeting = [FlurryAdTargeting targeting];
adTargeting.location = [self getCurrentCLLocation];
adTargeting.gender = FL_FEMALE;
adTargeting.age = 25;
return adTargeting;
// Handle a click on a sample table view
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSDictionary* cellProperties = [self.tableObjs objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
FlurryAd *flurryAd = [cellProperties valueForKey:@"adObj"];
if (flurryAd != nil) {
// User clicked on FlurryAd
[flurryAd callClickAction];
} else {
// Invoke normal logic
[tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
// Recommended Delegate methods to implement (for list of all delegates see <link>)
/******* for stream non-native ******/
- (void) adStreamDidFetchAd:(FlurryAdStream *)flurryAd
// Show the ad if desired
[self.view addSubView:flurryAd];
[flurryAd registerAdActiveWithViewController:self];
/******* for stream native ******/
- (void) adStreamDidFetchAd:(FlurryAdStream *)flurryAd
// pull native assets
FlurryNativeAssets *nativeAssets = flurryAd.nativeAssets;
if (nativeAssets == nil) {
// This is configured on the server (probably) so update there?
// Icon and mainImage handle impression tracking and clicks. All native ads require one or both of these
UIView *mainImage = nativeAssets.mainImageWithTracking;
UIView *icon = nativeAssets.iconWithTracking;
NSString *title = nativeAssets.title;
NSString *description = nativeAssets.description;
NSString *callToActionText = nativeAssets.callToAction;
// Connect button to [flurryAd handleClick];
[self.viewContainer addSubView:viewForConstructedAd];
// // Let's say we're putting this at position 5 in a tableview and you want to know that if the ad is interacted with
// flurryAd.appProperties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:5] forKey:@"tableIdx"];
// Show the ad if desired
[self.view addSubView:self.viewContainer];
[flurryAd registerAdDispalyedWithViewController:self];
- (void) adStreamDidFailToFetchAd:(FlurryAdStream *)flurryAd error:(NSError *)error
// Handle failure to receive ad. This can be calling another network or waiting some time to try again
- (void) adStreamDidFailToRender:(FlurryAdStream *)flurryAd error:(NSError *)error
// Tried to display ad, but there was a failure (for example, failure in video play)
// Get position this item was in table display and remove
// NSNumber adIdx = [flurryAd.appProperties objectForKey:@"tableIdx"];
// Remove view at this ad index
- (void)adStreamDidDismissFullscreen:(FlurryAdStream *)flurryAd
// Handle the closing of the ad. Restart sound in game for example
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