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Last active February 18, 2022 19:03
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Initialize Flurry with Flutter
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_flurry_sdk/flurry.dart';
class FlurryExample {
/// Init Flurry once as early as possible recommended in main.dart.
/// For each platform (Android, iOS) where the app runs you need to acquire a unique Flurry API Key.
/// i.e., you need two API keys if you are going to release the app on both Android and iOS platforms.
/// If you are building for TV platforms, you will need two API keys for Android TV and tvOS.
static void init() {
.withMessaging(true, MyMessagingListener())
/// Set, get, log Flurry events in anywhere of your codes.
static void example() async {
// Example to get Flurry versions.
int agentVersion = await Flurry.getAgentVersion();
print('Agent Version: $agentVersion');
String? releaseVersion = await Flurry.getReleaseVersion();
print('Release Version: $releaseVersion');
String? sessionId = await Flurry.getSessionId();
print('Session Id: $sessionId');
// Set Flurry preferences.
// Set user preferences.
// Set user properties.
var list = <String>[];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Flurry.userProperties.setValue(UserProperties.propertyRegisteredUser, 'True');
Flurry.userProperties.addValues('Flutter Properties', list);
// Log Flurry events.
Flurry.logEvent('Flutter Event');
var map = <String, String>{};
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
map.putIfAbsent('key$i', () => '$i');
Flurry.logTimedEventWithParameters('Flutter Timed Event', map, true);
Flurry.endTimedEvent('Flutter Timed Event');
// Log Flurry standard events.
var paramBuilder = Param()
.putDoubleParam(EventParam.totalAmount, 34.99)
.putBooleanParam(EventParam.success, true)
.putStringParam(EventParam.itemName, 'book 1')
.putString('note', 'This is an awesome book to purchase !!!');
Flurry.logStandardEvent(FlurryEvent.purchased, paramBuilder);
/// Example to get Flurry Remote Configurations.
static void config() {
/// Example to get Flurry Publisher Segmentation.
static void publisherSegmentation() {
/// Listener for Flurry Remote Configurations
class MyConfigListener with ConfigListener {
void onFetchSuccess() {
// Data fetched, activate it.
void onFetchNoChange() {
// Fetch finished, but data unchanged.
Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) {
print('Received unchanged data: $welcomeMessage');
void onFetchError(bool isRetrying) {
// Fetch failed.
print('Fetch error! Retrying: $isRetrying');
void onActivateComplete(bool isCache) {
// Received cached data, or newly activated data.
Flurry.config.getConfigString('welcome_message', 'Welcome').then((welcomeMessage) {
print((isCache ? 'Received cached data: $welcomeMessage' : 'Received newly activated data: $welcomeMessage'));
/// To enable Flurry Push for Android, please duplicate Builder setup in your
/// ```dart
/// Flurry.builder
/// .withMessaging(true)
/// ...
/// ```
/// Optionally add a listener to receive messaging events, and handle the notification.
/// ```dart
/// Flurry.builder
/// .withMessaging(true, MyMessagingListener())
/// ...
/// ```
class MyMessagingListener with MessagingListener {
bool onNotificationClicked(Message message) {
printMessage('onNotificationClicked', message);
return false;
bool onNotificationReceived(Message message) {
printMessage('onNotificationReceived', message);
return false;
void onNotificationCancelled(Message message) {
printMessage('onNotificationCancelled', message);
void onTokenRefresh(String token){
print('Flurry Messaging Type: onTokenRefresh'
'\n Token: $token');
static printMessage(String type, Message message) {
print('Flurry Messaging Type: $type'
'\n Title: $message.title'
'\n Body: $message.body'
'\n ClickAction: $message.clickAction'
'\n Data: $message.appData');
/// Listener for Flurry Publisher Segmentation
class MyPublisherSegmentationListener with PublisherSegmentationListener {
void onFetched(Map<String, String> data) {
print('Publisher Segmentation data fetched: $data');
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