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diff --git a/ b/
index b2f941f..359edad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ def main():
autorx.sdr_list = config['sdr_settings']
# Check all the RS utilities exist.
- if not check_rs_utils():
- sys.exit(1)
wget -O- ''
gatttool -b 00:81:F9:2C:AE:13 --char-write-req --value=0100 -a 0x0039 --listen | awk 'function toInt(hi,lo){v=256*strtonum("0x"hi)+strtonum("0x"lo);if(v>0x7fff){return -(0xffff-v+1)}else{return v}} { print toInt($9,$8)" "toInt($11,$10)" "toInt($13,$12)" "toInt($15,$14)" "toInt($17,$16)" "toInt($19,$18);fflush()}' | awk 'function abs(v){if(v<0){return -v}else{return v}}{print abs($1)+abs($2)+abs($3)" "abs($4)+abs($5)+abs($6);fflush()}' | awk '{print $1-gold" "$2-aold;gold=$1;aold=$2;fflush()}'| awk 'function abs(v){if(v<0){return -v}else{return v}}{print $1" "$2" "abs($1)" "abs($2);fflush()}'|~/bin/gp/ 26 3 |~/bin/gp/ 26 4 |~/bin/gp/ 3,4 | bin/gp/ 130 "-1500:3000" "Accel;1" "Gyro;1" "Accel Average" "Gyro Average"
# available architectures: amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x
wget -P "$DLDIR" "${ARCH}.deb" && \
wget -P "$DLDIR" "" && \
wget -P "$DLDIR" "${ARCH}.deb" && \
wget -P "$DLDIR" "${ARCH}.deb"
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "0.1.0",
"tasks": [
"taskName": "cpplint file",
"command": "/home/alex/projects/styleguide/cpplint/",
"isShellCommand": false,
"args": ["--linelength=140",
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# gistit requires either GITOKEN or GITOKENCMD variables to be defined.
# If no GITOKEN is defined then the GITOKENCMD will be eval'ed to get
# the Git token. If GITOKENCMD is also not difined then the by default
# the token will be read from the keyring using the following command:
# python3 -c 'import keyring; print(keyring.get_password("gist","'"$USER"'"))'
# One could put the Git token into the keyring using the following command:
# python3 -c 'import keyring; keyring.set_password("gist2","'"$USER"'", "MYTOKEN")'
# where MYTOKEN is the token string obtained from