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Last active October 30, 2018 18:23
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SPE function to update the data template of an item (and optionally it's child items) from one template to another
Updates the data template of an item (and optionally it's child items) from one template to another
Specifies an Item Id to start searching for items from
.PARAMETER SourceTemplateId
Specifies the Id of the template to match items on (the template you wish to change)
.PARAMETER TargetTemplateId
Specifies the Id of the template to change items to
Specifies if all the child items below RootItemId should be included in the search.
Change-Template -RootItemId 36584658-7B62-4572-932E-8214A3CD7CE8 -SourceTemplateId 92C1C171-3ED0-4E8F-860A-FEAF14336A96 -TargetTemplateId DD68EBBB-4D82-411C-BA19-D95A65AAEF83 -Recurse $true
Updates the data templates of all items and childitems from one template to another
function Change-Template{
[string]$RootItemId = "",
[string]$SourceTemplateId ="",
[string]$TargetTemplateId = "",
[bool]$Recurse = $false
$rootItem = Get-Item -Path master: -ID $RootItemId;
$sourceTemplate = Get-Item -Path master: -ID $SourceTemplateId;
$targetTemplate = Get-Item -Path master: -ID $TargetTemplateId;
Write-Host "Updating Templates for child items of '$($rootItem.Name)' from '$($sourceTemplate.Name)' to '$($targetTemplate.Name)'"
$itemCount = 0;
Get-ChildItem $rootItem.FullPath -Recurse:$Recurse | Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq $sourceTemplate.Name} | ForEach-Object {
Set-ItemTemplate -Item $_ -TemplateItem $targetTemplate
$itemCount +=1;
Write-Host "Completed Updating '$($itemCount)' Items"
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