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Last active November 22, 2023 00:10
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Script to disable/enable (lock/unlock) all users, but allow a selection of admin users to exclude - includes safey check for 'sitecore/admin' user
<# *** Script to disable/enable all non admin users. Allows a selection of admin users to exclude - includes safey check for 'sitecore/admin' user *** #>
write-host "Enabling / Disabling users.."
$options = @{
$users = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GetAllUsers()
foreach($user in $users) {
$roles = Get-User -Identity $user.UserName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf
$roleNames = ""
$roles | foreach { $roleNames += $_.Name + ", " }
Add-Member -InputObject $user -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IsAdministrator" -Value (Get-User -Id $user.UserName).IsAdministrator
Add-Member -InputObject $user -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RoleNames" -Value $roleNames
$adminUsers = $users | Where-Object {$_.IsAdministrator -eq $true}
$userList = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
# add admin users to list
$selectedUsers = "";
write-host "Admin Users Found"
write-host "--------------------------"
$adminUsers | % {
write-host "$($_.UserName) - $($_.ProviderUserKey) - $($_.IsAdministrator) "
$userList.Add($_.UserName, $_.ProviderUserKey)
$selectedUsers = $selectedUsers + $_.ProviderUserKey + "|"
$props = @{
Parameters = @(
@{Name="enableoption"; Title="Action"; Options=$options; Tooltip="Enable or Disable users?."},
@{Name="excludedUsers"; Title="Excluded Admin Users"; Options=$userList; Editor="checklist"; Value=$selectedUsers; Tooltip="The following users will be auto-excluded"}
Title = "Enable/Disable Non-Admin Users"
Description = "Choose to Enable or Disable users."
Width = 500
Height = 400
ShowHints = $true
$ok = Read-Variable @props
if($ok -eq "ok" -and $enableoption){
$nonAdminUsers = $users | Where-Object {$excludedUsers -notcontains $_.ProviderUserKey}
$continue = "yes"
#check if sitecore/admin user is included by accident or not?
if($excludedUsers -notcontains "958e0862-6e63-4d18-a761-3db0b091fa59" -and $enableoption -eq 'disable'){
$continue = Show-Confirm -Title "You have included the 'sitecore/admin' user to disable - are you sure you wish to do this?"
if($continue -eq "yes"){
write-host ""
write-host "$($enableoption)ing $($nonAdminUsers.Count) Users..." -ForegroundColor "Green"
write-host "--------------------------"
foreach ($user in $nonAdminUsers){
write-host "$($user.UserName) - Enabled?: $($user.IsApproved) - Locked Out?: $($user.IsLockedOut)"
if($enableoption -eq 'disable'){
Disable-User -Identity $user.UserName
Enable-User -Identity $user.UserName
Show-Alert -Title "$($nonAdminUsers.Count) Users $($enableoption)d!. Please close this dialog to view the report."
$updatedNonAdminUsers = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GetAllUsers() | Where-Object {$excludedUsers -notcontains $_.ProviderUserKey}
$updatedNonAdminUsers | Show-ListView -Property `
@{Label="Icon"; Expression={
if ($_.IsLockedOut){ "Office/32x32/lock.png"}
elseif (-not ($_.IsApproved)){ "Office/32x32/dude5.png"}
elseif($_.IsOnline -and $_.IsAdministrator) { "Office/32x32/astrologer.png" }
elseif($_.IsOnline) { "Office/32x32/businessperson.png" }
else {"Office/32x32/clock.png"}}},
@{Label="User"; Expression={ $_.UserName} },
@{Label="Is Online"; Expression={ $_.IsOnline} },
@{Label="Is Locked Out"; Expression={ $_.IsLockedOut} },
@{Label="Is Disabled"; Expression={ -not $_.IsApproved} },
@{Label="Is Administrator"; Expression={ (Get-User -Id $_.UserName).IsAdministrator } },
@{Label="Last Activity Date"; Expression={ $_.LastActivityDate } },
@{Label="Last Login Date"; Expression={ $_.LastLoginDate} },
@{Label="Creation Date"; Expression={ $_.CreationDate} }
#@{Label="Roles"; Expression={$_.RoleNames} }
write-host "cancelled." -ForegroundColor "Red"
write-host "cancelled or no option selected." -ForegroundColor "Red"
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