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Last active September 16, 2022 06:11
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A simple build automation script for Loopy's ASM6 assembler.
<# ASM6 Automatic PowerShell Script
# Made by Roxie Wattz, Feel free to
# use this as you please, just be
# sure to give credit if you
# make any modifications to it.
# Requires ASM6.exe to be on
# your PATH (recommended) or
# in yourworking directory.
# You can find the executable,
# source code, and README at
# #>
# Variables for building ROM file.
$BuildDirectory = "build/" # The subdirectory in which the ROM will be built.
$ProgramName = "EXAMPLE" # The name that the assembled ROM will use.
$EntryPointLocation = "main.s" # The assembly file that ASM6 should use as input.
Write-Host "ASM6 Automatic Build Script"
# Create directory if it doesn't exist
if(-Not(Test-Path $BuildDirectory)) {
New-Item $BuildDirectory -ItemType Directory
# Build the NES binary, and append the date and time to assure files don't get overwritten
asm6 $EntryPointLocation $BuildDirectory$ProgramName-$(Get-Date -Format "yyMMdd-HHmmss").NES
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