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Last active January 27, 2021 23:37
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Production Blitz.js Code Before & After New Pipe Utilities
// app/test-results/queries/getTestResult.ts
import { Ctx, NotFoundError } from "blitz"
import db, { Prisma, TestResult as TestResultBase } from "db"
import { ReportData } from "../types"
type GetTestResultInput = {
id: number
type TestResult = TestResultBase & {
data: ReportData
export default async function getTestResult({ id }: GetTestResultInput, ctx: Ctx) {
let where: Prisma.TestResultWhereInput = { id }
if (!ctx.session.$isAuthorized("admin")) {
where.student = {
organizationId: ctx.session.orgId,
const testResult = await db.testResult.findFirst({ where })
if (!testResult) throw new NotFoundError()
return testResult as TestResult
// app/test-results/queries/getTestResult.ts
import { pipe, NotFoundError } from "blitz"
import db, { TestResult as TestResultBase } from "db"
import { ReportData } from "../types"
import * as z from "zod"
import { authorizeAdminIfNotCurrentOrganization, setDefaultOrganizationId } from "app/core/utils"
const GetTestResult = z.object({
id: z.number(),
organizationId: z.number().optional(),
type TestResult = TestResultBase & {
data: ReportData
export default pipe.resolver(
async ({ id, organizationId }) => {
const testResult = await db.testResult.findFirst({
where: { id, organizationId },
if (!testResult) throw new NotFoundError()
return testResult as TestResult
import { Ctx, pipe } from "blitz"
export const setDefaultOrganizationId = <T extends Record<any, any>>(
input: T,
{ session }: Ctx
): T & { organizationId: number } => ({
organizationId: input.organizationId ?? session.orgId,
export const authorizeAdminIfNotCurrentOrganization = pipe.authorizeIf(
<T extends { organizationId: number }>(input: T, ctx: Ctx) => {
if (!ctx.session.orgId) throw new Error("missing session.orgId")
return input.organizationId !== ctx.session.orgId
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