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Created November 27, 2019 04:56
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const fetchMachine = Machine(
id: "tab",
strict: true,
initial: "checkingUrl",
context: {},
states: {
checkingUrl: {
on: {
"": [
{ target: "fetchingUrl", cond: "urlPresent" },
{ target: "checkingStatus", cond: "urlValid" },
{ target: "invalid" },
fetchingUrl: {
invoke: {
id: "getUrl",
src: "getTabUrl",
onDone: {
target: "checkingUrl",
actions: assign({ url: (context, event) => }),
onError: {
target: "invalid",
actions: assign({ error: (context, event) => }),
checkingStatus: {
invoke: {
id: "checkIfBookmarked",
src: "checkIfBookmarked",
onDone: {
target: "bookmarked",
actions: assign({ bookmarkId: (context, event) => }),
onError: "notBookmarked",
on: {
TAB_UPDATED: { target: "checkingUrl", actions: ["setUrl"] },
bookmarking: {
invoke: {
id: "createBookmark",
src: "createBookmark",
onDone: {
target: "bookmarked",
actions: assign({ bookmarkId: (context, event) => }),
onError: "notBookmarked",
bookmarked: {
entry: ["configureAsBookmarked"],
on: {
TAB_ACTIVATED: "checkingStatus",
TAB_UPDATED: { target: "checkingUrl", actions: ["setUrl"] },
notBookmarked: {
entry: ["configureAsNotBookmarked"],
on: {
TAB_ACTIVATED: "checkingStatus",
TAB_UPDATED: { target: "checkingUrl", actions: ["setUrl"] },
ACTION_CLICKED: "bookmarking",
invalid: {
entry: ["disableAction"],
on: {
TAB_UPDATED: { target: "checkingUrl", actions: ["setUrl"] },
actions: {
getTabUrl: (context, event) => context.browser.tabs.get(context.tabId),
setUrl: assign((context, event) => {
if (event.type !== "TAB_UPDATED") {
return {}
if (!event.url) {
console.log("[actions.setUrl] bailing - not event value set")
return {}
return {
url: event.url,
configureAsBookmarked: (context, event) => {
context.browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({ tabId: context.tabId, text: " " })
context.browser.browserAction.setPopup({ tabId: context.tabId, popup: "popup.html" })
context.browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: context.tabId, title: "Click to edit bookmark" })
configureAsNotBookmarked: (context, event) => {
context.browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({ tabId: context.tabId, text: "" })
context.browser.browserAction.setPopup({ tabId: context.tabId, popup: "" })
context.browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: context.tabId, title: "Click to bookmark" })
disableAction: (context, event) => {
checkIfBookmarked: async (context, event) => {
createBookmark: async (context, event) => {
// const bookmark = await{ url: context.url, name: context.title }).save()
// return bookmark
activities: {
/* ... */
guards: {
urlPresent: context => !context.url,
urlValid: context => !!context.url && context.url.startsWith("http"),
services: {
/* ... */
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