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Created February 27, 2017 09:59
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'initilize the 2 ultra sonic sensors in port 1 and 4 in mode 0
'initilize varibles
distance = 800
dir = "left"
speed = 20
'play the recorded into sound file, this canm be removed if you don't have a recorded intro sound file
Speaker.Play(100,"Sounds/Robo Dog/Intro Dog")
'All sub routines are found at the bottom of the code after the main body
'Main program running in a endless loop
While "true"
'check distance in both sensors
'if nothing seen in either sensor then turn and look for something
If left > distance And right > distance Then
'if something is really close then play happy bark and wag tail
Elseif left < 300 Or right < 300 Then
Speaker.Play(100,"Sounds/Animals/Dog bark 2")
Motor.Start("D", 50)
'wait till there isn't somthing close in front of eyes then stop wagging tail
While left < 300 Or right < 300
''if see something in right but nothing in left then move forward and to the right and set last seen direction to right
ElseIf left > distance And right < distance Then
Motor.Move("B", 70, 30,"false")
dir = "right"
'if something seen in left but nothing in right the move forawrd and to the left and set last seen direction to left
ElseiF left < distance And right > distance Then
Motor.Move("C",70, 30, "False")
dir = "left"
'if somthing seen in both eyes then move stright forward at a speed based upon how far away seen object is
Elseif left < distance And right < distance And left > 300 And right > 300 Then
Motor.Move("BC",(left + right)/15,30,"false")
'subroutine to look for person if nothing ion sight
Sub look
'if last seen directio was right the turn to right else turn to left
If dir = "right" Then
Motor.Start("B", speed)
Motor.Start("C", -speed)
Motor.Start("B", -20)
Motor.Start("C", 20)
'while nothing is seen in either left or right senor
While left > distance Or right > distance
Motor.Stop("B", "false")
Motor.Stop("C", "false")
'subroutine to look at distance in both sensors
Sub eyes
left = Sensor.ReadRawValue(1,0)
right = Sensor.ReadRawValue(4,0)
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