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# Open file from errors pages
# ~~~~~
# If your text editor supports opening files by URL, Play! will
# dynamically link error pages to files
# Example, for textmate:
var editor = 'C:\\dev\\jetbrains\\toolbox\\apps\\IDEA-U\\ch-0\\163.11103.6\\bin\\idea.exe "%project%" --line %line% "%file%"';
var url = WScript.Arguments(0);
var match = /^txmt:\/\/open\/\?url=file:\/\/(.+)&line=(\d+)&project=file:\/\/(.+)$/.exec(url);
if (match) {
var file = decodeURIComponent(match[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var project = decodeURIComponent(match[3]).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var command = editor.replace(/%line%/g, match[2]).replace(/%file%/g, file).replace(/%project%/g, project);
var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
shell.Exec(command.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'));
@="URL:txmt Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="wscript \"c:\\dev\\src\\gist\\flybyray\\run-editor.js\" \"%1\""
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