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Created April 28, 2019 05:47
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%CV Sections inspired by:
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{\Huge Narasimha Krishna Teja Nujella
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{Address:} & 3-6, Suryanagar, Pydiparru, Tanuku, 534211, Andhra Pradesh, India \\
\textsc{Phone:} & +91 8985727478\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{}{}
%Section: Work Experience at the top
\section{Work Experience}
\emph{Current} & Associate Production Engineer at \textsc{Yahoo Software Development India Private Limited, Bangalore, India (Oath: Inc)}\\&
\\\textsc{June 2017}&
\emph{Alert Handling and Alert Automation}\\&\footnotesize{Used Slack specific API's and built a way to post them interactively to our property channels.\begin{description}
\item[--] Features: Downtiming alerts, creating Jira tickets directly from slack and automated Siteops ticket Creation.
\item[--] Python, Flask, Bash, YAMAS Snooze API, ServiceNow API, Jira API, Chef pipeline.
\emph{Built Applications and Auditing Tools for Automation of Manual Tasks}\\&\footnotesize{Slack Bots that interact with server and respond with interactive content with python backend. \begin{description}
\item[--] CmrBot and Groot bots on ouroath workspace built using Python, Bash and Chef pipeline.
\item[--] Git auditing tool, PES auditing tool.
\item[--] Built Automation Scripts with Git,JIRA,ServiceNow,Screwdriver,Jenkins API,Broman API,DNSDB API,OpsDB API,PES API.
\emph{Full stack app: UBD Console }
\\&\footnotesize{FE Stack : using Angular, Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery, BE: REST API, Okta, deployment using Chef and Screwdriver. }\\&\\&
\emph{Worked on User Database, User Location, Identity and ePay Platforms.}\\&\\&
\emph{Design and implementing Auto Scaling in Geo systems}
\\&\footnotesize{Stack : using openstack}\\&\\&
\emph{Worked on User Database, User Location, Identity and ePay Platforms.}\\&\\&
\emph{Working on Internal Stackoverflow at Yahoo.}\begin{description}
\item[--] Stack : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React, Mongodb, Minio DFS.
\emph{Working on to enhance Screwdriver.}\\&\\&
\emph{Techpulse 2018 paper on optimising CICD pipeline with effective utilization of Semver}
\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
%Section: Education
\textsc{2017} & Bachelor of Technology in \textsc{Computer Science}
\\& \textbf{S.R.K.R Engineering college}
\\& Affiliated to \textbf{Andhra University, Visakhapatnam}\\
& Major: Computer Science
\\&\normalsize \textsc{CGPA}: 8.30/10
\\ \textsc{2012} & \textbf{XIIth Standard}, Vijaya Ratna Jr College,Hyderabad
\\&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: 89
\\ \textsc{2010} & \textbf{Xth Standard}, Dr.K.K.R'S Gowtham Concept School,Rajahmundry
\\&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: 87
\section{Professional Experience}
\textsc{Application Development} & Android Apps,offline and Online Applications(tools) \\
\textsc{Web Application Design} & Good at Front End, Back End, Database design. \\
\textsc{Fast Program Debugging}\\
\textsc{Building Applications using REST API}\\
\textsc{Good Coding skills}
%Section: Scholastic Achievements
\section{Scholastic Achievements}
\textsc{Current} & In SPOJ Currently Ranked at 21643 \textbf{(Solved : 35,Userid: nnkteja)} \\
\textsc{Current} & Project Euler: \textbf{Solved 33/533 Challenges} \\
\textsc{May} 2016 & Participated in \textbf{Codechef SnackDown-2k16} \\
\textsc{Oct.} 2016 & Selected for \textbf{TCS CodeVita Round 2 }\\
\textsc{May} 2015 & Secured Second in \textbf{Code Master-2015 Programming Competition} \\
\textsc{2013} & {\textsc{EAMCET}}: 7810
%Section: Computer Skills
\section{Computer Skills}
Basic Knowledge: & \textsc{php, cpp, jsp}, My\textsc{sql}, \textsc{Linux}, Ubuntu,{\fb \LaTeX}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Fontin-SmallCaps.otf]{Fontin.otf},Java, \\
& Android(Java), Shell Scripting, Amazon AWS, Unity3D,R Language,Ansible\\
&Nodejs,YAML,Mysql, Mongodb. \\
Advanced: & C, Python, Bootstrap, CSS, Perl, JSON, Chef, Ruby, Reactjs, HTML5, CSS, \\
&JavaScript, Flask, Rest API, Angularjs\\
Frameworks and API's: & Libgdx,Kivy(Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development),\\
& Express,Scoket.IO, Electron.js.\\
Miscellaneous: & GitHub and Github API,JIRA API,ServiceNow API,Jenkins,Screwdriver,\\
&Slack API,Worked on Linux Systems(RHEL),OpenStack,Gradle.\\
\section{Interests and Activities}
\item[$\bullet$ ] Technology
\item[$\bullet$ ] Programming
\item[$\bullet$ ] Problem Solving
\item[$\bullet$ ] Chess
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