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flying-tiger /
Last active August 15, 2017 22:28
Configuration Step for MacOS

Process for getting my Mac ready to go:

# Install anaconda

# Install homebrew
mkdir $BREW_ROOT && curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C $BREW_ROOT
echo "export PATH=$BREW_ROOT/bin:\$PATH" >>dotfiles/config/bash
flying-tiger /
Last active June 15, 2022 23:08
VS Command Line Tools in WSL

Starting with the Windows 10 Creators update, Windows will append the Windows application search path to Bash's PATH variable on startup. This allows Windows applications to be called from the Linux shell like any other program (see this blog post for details).

Here's my favorite part about this: with this update, if you start Bash from within the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, you will have command line access to all the Visual Studio tools. This enables some neat opportunities like calling cl.exe from a makefile to build software. I prefer working on the command line and I'm not a fan of cmd.exe or Powershell, so this is a great way to leverage the native Windows toolchain from the comfort of a Linux shell.

To create a shortcut that will automatically start Bash using the VS command prompt, use the following as the shortcut target:

%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\M

flying-tiger /
Last active June 5, 2017 22:18
Installing cfncluster with Anaconda

The cfncluster application is a CLI interface for rapidly instantiating an AWS compute cluster. To get the command line client:

>> pip install cfncluster
>> pip install easyconfig

For me, I don't need sudo becasue I'm using the Anaconda-installed pip to install into Anaconda's sitepackages directory.

I also found the the current version of cfncluster does not run unless easyconfig was installed

flying-tiger /
Last active September 23, 2017 22:00
Configurations Steps to for Ubuntu on Windows

Setup Commands (assumes sudo):

# My envrionment config
git clone
cd dotfiles && make install
echo "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" >>dofiles/config/bash

# Package installs

apt install make

flying-tiger /
Last active March 4, 2017 08:17
Setting Up Environment Modules

This turned out to be really easy.

  1. Get the pre-built package for Debian:

    $ sudo apt-get install envrionment-modules
  2. Create a location where we'll place module files:

$ sudo mkdir /opt/modulefiles # Could be anywhere