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Last active January 13, 2024 20:30
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scriptable-pdfjs-demo.js a demo (sort of) for scriptable-pdfs

This is a sort of demo file for scriptable-pdfjs

First copy scriptable-pdfjs.html into your Scriptable Documents folder.

Then copy paste below in a new script. Run and watch your console !

const fm = FileManager.iCloud();
const htmlDirectory = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), "");
const htmlFile = fm.joinPath(htmlDirectory, "scriptable-pdfjs.html");
let wv = new WebView();
let [filePath] = args.fileURLs;
await fm. downloadFileFromiCloud(htmlFile);
await wv.loadFile(htmlFile);
if (!filePath) {
[filePath] = await["com.adobe.pdf"]);
In the WebView your javascript will have access to the pdfjs global var.
pdfjs.pdfjsLib is the pdfjs module
pdfjs.getText is a convenience wrapper
pdfjs.getTextFromBase64String must be used instead for base64 string
wv.shouldAllowRequest = (request) => {
return true;
console.log("using base64 works (tested up to 3.7Mo file size)");
let javascript = "";
javascript += 'pdfjs.getTextFromBase64String(';
javascript += '"' + + '"';
javascript += ');'
result = await wv.evaluateJavaScript(javascript, true);
console.log(result.substring(0, 80) + "...");
console.log("Now with a remote pdf");
wv = new WebView();
await wv.loadFile(htmlFile);
javascript = "";
javascript += 'pdfjs.getText(';
javascript += '{"url": ""}';
javascript += ');'
result = await wv.evaluateJavaScript(javascript, true);
console.log(result.substring(0, 80) + "...");
const debug = false;
if (debug) {
// when url is local, does not work, (wait forever) why ?
const pdfPath = fm.joinPath(htmlDirectory, "scriptable-pdfjs.pdf");
if (fm.fileExists(pdfPath)) {
fm.copy(filePath, pdfPath);
const regex = new RegExp(`^${htmlDirectory}`, "u")
const htmlPdfPath = pdfPath.replace(regex, "");
console.log(`local pdf url: ${htmlPdfPath}`);
wv = new WebView();
await wv.loadFile(htmlFile);
javascript = "";
javascript += 'pdfjs.getText(';
javascript += '{"url": "' + htmlPdfPath + '"}';
javascript += ');'
result = await wv.evaluateJavaScript(javascript, true);
console.log(result.substring(0, 80) + "...");
console.log("finished !");
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