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Created March 1, 2016 00:08
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Racket code for drawing mildly interesting, spirally nested circles
#lang racket
(require pict)
;;;; The original code (it works alright)
(define faces '(N S E W))
(define (next-face f)
(cond [(symbol=? f 'N) 'E]
[(symbol=? f 'E) 'S]
[(symbol=? f 'S) 'W]
[(symbol=? f 'W) 'N]))
(define (prev-face f)
(cond [(symbol=? f 'N) 'W]
[(symbol=? f 'E) 'N]
[(symbol=? f 'S) 'E]
[(symbol=? f 'W) 'S]))
(define (circle-me size count)
(add-next-circle (circle size)
(sub1 count)))
(define (add-next-circle base face count)
(if (<= count 0)
(let* {[base-width (pict-width base)]
[new-circle-width (next-diameter base-width)]
[new-circle (circle new-circle-width)]
[filled-circle (add-next-circle new-circle
(prev-face face)
(sub1 count))]
[dx (next-dx base-width
[dy (next-dy base-width
(pin-over base dx dy filled-circle))))
(define (next-diameter base-width)
(* 2
(sqrt (/ (sqr (/ base-width
(define (next-dx base-size new-size face)
(cond [(symbol=? face 'N) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'S) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'E) (- base-size new-size)]
[(symbol=? face 'W) 0]))
(define (next-dy base-size new-size face)
(cond [(symbol=? face 'N) 0]
[(symbol=? face 'S) (- base-size new-size)]
[(symbol=? face 'E) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'W) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]))
; Here's the cleaned up version: still < 100 LoC
; scanl :: ((a, b) -> b), b, [a] -> b
; straight from Haskell source... EXCEPT the order of f's arguments is flipped
; to be consistent with Racket foldl
(define (scanl f q ls)
(cons q (if (empty? ls)
(scanl f
(f (first ls) q)
(rest ls)))))
(define (next-face f)
(cond [(symbol=? f 'N) 'E]
[(symbol=? f 'E) 'S]
[(symbol=? f 'S) 'W]
[(symbol=? f 'W) 'N]))
(define (next-dx base-size new-size face)
(cond [(symbol=? face 'N) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'S) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'E) (- base-size new-size)]
[(symbol=? face 'W) 0]))
(define (next-dy base-size new-size face)
(cond [(symbol=? face 'N) 0]
[(symbol=? face 'S) (- base-size new-size)]
[(symbol=? face 'E) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]
[(symbol=? face 'W) (/ (- base-size new-size) 2)]))
; circle-help :: (Pict, Face)
(struct circle-help (pic next-face))
; combine-circle :: Pict, Circle-Help -> Circle-Help
(define (combine-circle next-circle intermediate)
(let* {[face (circle-help-next-face intermediate)]
[front-circle (circle-help-pic intermediate)]
[dx (next-dx (pict-width next-circle)
(pict-width front-circle)
[dy (next-dy (pict-width next-circle)
(pict-width front-circle)
(circle-help (pin-over next-circle dx dy front-circle)
(next-face face))))
; build-spirals :: Natural, Natural -> [Pict]
; preserves intermediates by using a scan instead of a fold
; The very last pict in the list is the same as result of `build-spiral`
(define (build-spirals largest count)
(let* {[circles (build-circles largest count)]
[results (scanl combine-circle
(circle-help (first circles) 'N)
(rest circles))]
(map circle-help-pic results)))
; build-spiral :: Natural, Natural -> Pict
; This could be reduced to:
; `(first (reverse (build-spirals largest count)))`
; but this was written first and avoid a bit of extra computation when
; you don't need it for the result
(define (build-spiral largest count)
(let* {[circles (build-circles largest count)]
[result (foldl combine-circle
(circle-help (first circles) 'N)
(rest circles))]
(circle-help-pic result)))
;; build-circles :: Natural, Natural -> [Pict]
(define (build-circles largest count)
(map circle (build-diameters largest count)))
;; build-diameters :: Natural, Natural -> [Real]
(define (build-diameters largest count)
(map ((curry *) 2)
(build-radii (/ largest 2) count)))
;; build-radii :: Natural, Natural -> [Real]
(define (build-radii largest count)
(build-radii-helper largest count null))
;; build-radii-helper :: Real, Natural, [Real] -> [Real]
;; Tail-recursive-ish helper function for `build-radii`
(define (build-radii-helper base-radius remaining-count result-list)
(if (zero? remaining-count)
(build-radii-helper (next-radius base-radius)
(sub1 remaining-count)
(cons base-radius result-list))))
;; next-radius :: Real -> Real
(define (next-radius r)
(sqrt (/ (sqr r) 1.618)))
(define (save-pict pic path)
(send (pict->bitmap pic)
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