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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Save flymio/36dfd42a602968040041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require_once "./DbSimple/Generic.php";
class PampersTrash {
private static $instance;
private static $dbConf = array(
"user" => "root",
"password" => "******",
"database" => "storages",
"host" => "localhost",
public $DB;
public $changes;
public $instances;
public function descruct () {
if (sizeof($this->changes)>0){
$this->DB->query("UPDATE items SET changed = 0 WHERE (code IN (".implode(",", $this->changes)."))");
echo "destruct ok\n";
public function __construct(array $arguments = array()) {
if (!empty($arguments)) {
foreach ($arguments as $property => $argument) {
$this->{$property} = $argument;
if (empty($this->{"database"})){
$this->{"database"} = PampersTrash::$dbConf;
$this->DB = DbSimple_Generic::connect(sprintf("mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s",
$this->DB->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$this->instances = array();
return $this;
public function updateChanges(){
$prices = $this->DB->select("SELECT * FROM items WHERE (changed>0)");
foreach($prices as $id => $price){
$this->price(array($price['article'], $price['price']), $price['valute']);
$this->priceCustom(array($price['article'], array("piter" => $price['price2']), $price['valute']));
$this->priceCustom(array($price['article'], array("opt" => $price['price_opt']), $price['valute']));
public function append($child) {
$this->instances[] = $child;
public function __call($method, $arguments) {
if (sizeof($this->instances)>0){
foreach($this->instances as $child){
if (is_callable(array($child,$method))) {
call_user_func_array(array($child,$method), $arguments);
class Pamper {
private static $instance;
private static $dbConf = array(
"user" => "root",
"password" => "******",
"database" => "storages",
"host" => "localhost",
public $Data;
public $DataPrices;
public $File;
public $DataChanged;
public $DataChangedCustom;
public $Commit;
private static $pamperConf = array(
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"price" => "",
"marking" => "",
"catalog" => 1,
"data" => array(
"bitrix" =>
"iblock_id" => array(3, 32),
"url" => "/api/v1/export_price.php"
"hostcms" => array(
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php",
public static $dbInstance;
public $DB;
public function __getCurrency(){
$content = file_get_contents("".urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT code,exchange_rate FROM shop_currencies WHERE (1)'));
foreach(explode("\n",$content) as $line){
if ($line){
$data = explode(";",$line);
public function __construct(array $arguments = array()) {
if (!empty($arguments)) {
foreach ($arguments as $property => $argument) {
$this->{$property} = $argument;
if (empty($this->{"database"})){
$this->{"database"} = Pamper::$dbConf;
if (empty($this->{"pamper"})){
$this->{"pamper"} = Pamper::$pamperConf;
$this->DB = DbSimple_Generic::connect(sprintf("mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s",
if (isset($this->{'pamper'}{'loadCurrency'})){
$this->DB->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
return $this;
public function __call($method, $arguments) {
$arguments = array_merge(array("Pamper" => $this), $arguments); // Note: method argument 0 will always referred to the main class ($this).
if (isset($this->{$method}) && is_callable($this->{$method})) {
return call_user_func_array($this->{$method}, $arguments);
public function forceUpdate(){
$prices = $this->DB->select("SELECT * FROM items WHERE (price>0)");
foreach($prices as $key => $price){
$price['price'] = floatval($price['price']);
if (isset($this->DataPrices[$price['article']])){
$price_old = floatval($this->DataPrices[$price['article']]);
if ($price['price']!=$price_old){
print $price['article']."\t".$price['price']."\n";
$this->price(array($price['article'], $price['price']));
//$kp->price(array('ад030', 35199));
public function price($data){
params: id => price
params: id => price_id => price
if (!empty($data)){
if (is_array($data)){
list ($marking, $price) = $data;
if (isset($this->Data[$marking]) && !is_array($this->Data[$marking])){
if (isset($this->Data[$marking])){
// change price with own data
if (is_array($price)){
$region = array_keys($price); $region = array_pop($region);
$price = array_values($price); $price = array_pop($price);
foreach($this->Data[$marking] as $mark){
echo "change price ".$region . "__" . $mark."\t".$price."\n";
$this->DataChanged[$region . "__" . $mark] = $price;
foreach($this->Data[$marking] as $mark){
echo "change price ".$mark."\t".$price."\n";
$this->DataChanged[$mark] = $price;
// change price from database
if ($this->Data[$data]){
$price = $this->DB->selectCell("SELECT price FROM items WHERE (article=?)", $data);
if ($price){
$this->DataChanged[$this->Data[$data]] = $price;
public function __getData(){
// get pamper data: list(id, marking, price) for bitrix sites
params: none
// check last update
$check = $this->DB->select("SELECT price as tm FROM pamper_data WHERE (domain=? AND marking='tm')", $this->{'pamper'}{'site'});
if ($check) {
$check = array_shift($check);
$this->File = rand(1, time()) + time();
$this->File .= ".sql";
$articlesData = array();
if (empty($check['tm'])){
// if last update not defined, insert new timestamp
$this->DB->select("INSERT INTO pamper_data SET domain=?, price=?, marking='tm'",
// else — get pampers data for caching
$articles = $this->DB->select("SELECT * FROM pamper_data WHERE (domain=?)",$this->{'pamper'}{'site'});
foreach ($articles as $id => $offer) {
$articlesData[$offer['id']] = $offer;
$this->DataPrices[$offer['marking']] = $offer['price'];
$this->Data[$offer['marking']][] = $offer['id'];
if ($this->{'pamper'} && (isset($this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'bitrix'}) || isset($this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'hostcms'})) && (empty($check['tm']) || (time() - $check['tm']) > 43200 ) ){
// get new pamper data (id, marking, price) for new site if last update is expired or never running before
if (isset($this->{'pamper'}{'price'})){
$this->{'pamper'}{'price_column'} = $this->{'pamper'}{'price'};
if (is_array($this->{'pamper'}{'price'})){
$column = array_keys($this->{'pamper'}{'price'}); $column = array_pop($column);
$prop_id = array_values($this->{'pamper'}{'price'}); $prop_id = array_pop($prop_id);
$this->{'pamper'}{'price_column'} = $column;
$data = $this->loadData();
if (is_callable(array($this,'loadDataCustom'))) {
$data.=call_user_func_array(array($this,'loadDataCustom'), array(1,2,3));
// get data
if (strlen($data)){
// when data is not null filling new offers
foreach(explode("\n", $data) as $line){
$line = trim($line);
if ($line && strlen($line) > 10){
list ($id, $marking, $price) = explode(";", $line);
$id = trim($id); $marking = trim($marking); $price = trim($price);
if (empty($articlesData[$id]) && $id){
$this->DB->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO pamper_data SET domain=?, price=?, marking=?, id=?",
// update last update timestamp
$this->DB->query("DELETE FROM pamper_data WHERE (domain=? AND marking='tm')",
$this->DB->query("INSERT INTO pamper_data SET domain=?, price=?, marking='tm'",
public function loadData() {
// generating url for prices update
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?catalogs=%s&marking=%s&price=%s",
(is_array($this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'bitrix'}{'iblock_id'}) ? implode(",", $this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'bitrix'}{'iblock_id'}) : $this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'bitrix'}{'iblock_id'}),
return file_get_contents($url);
function update(){
if (file_exists($this->File)){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s&post=%s",
echo file_get_contents($url);
class BitrixPamper extends Pamper {
public function __construct(array $arguments = array()) {
if (!empty($arguments)) {
foreach ($arguments as $property => $argument) {
$this->{$property} = $argument;
public function commit(){
$iblocks = $this->{'pamper'}{'data'}{'bitrix'}{'iblock_id'};
if (!is_array($iblocks)){
$iblocks = array($iblocks);
$SQL = "";
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => &$price){
if (is_array($this->{'pamper'}{'price'})){
$column = array_keys($this->{'pamper'}{'price'}); $column = array_pop($column);
$prop_id = array_values($this->{'pamper'}{'price'}); $prop_id = array_pop($prop_id);
foreach($iblocks as $iblock_id){
$SQL .= "UPDATE b_iblock_element_property SET VALUE='".$price."' WHERE (IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID='".$id."' AND IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID='".$prop_id."' AND VALUE_TYPE='text');\n";
$SQL .= "UPDATE b_catalog_price SET price='".$price."' WHERE (product_id='".$id."');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
class HostCMS6Pamper extends BitrixPamper {
public function loadData(){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT id,marking,price,price_opt FROM shop_items WHERE (marking!="")')
return file_get_contents($url);
public function loadDataCustom(){
echo "load custom data";
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT s1.shop_item_id,concat(s1.shop_price_id,"_",s2.marking),s1.value FROM shop_item_prices as s1, shop_items as s2 WHERE (;')
return file_get_contents($url);
public function commit(){
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => $price){
if (preg_match("/opt__/",$id)){
$id = str_replace("opt__","",$id);
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_items SET price_opt='".$price."' WHERE (id='".$id."');\n";
else if (preg_match("/piter__/",$id)){
$id = str_replace("piter__","",$id);
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_item_prices SET value='".$price."' WHERE (shop_item_id='".$id."' AND shop_price_id=1);\n";
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_items SET price='".$price."' WHERE (id='".$id."');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
public function priceCustom($data){
/* print_r($data); */
//fwrite($handle,"UPDATE shop_items SET price='".$item."',price_opt='".$info_prices_new2[$k]."' WHERE (id='$k');\n");
class HostCMS5Pamper extends HostCMS6Pamper {
public function loadData(){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT shop_items_catalog_item_id,shop_items_catalog_marking,shop_items_catalog_price FROM shop_items_catalog_table WHERE (shop_items_catalog_marking!="")')
return file_get_contents($url);
public function loadDataCustom(){
return "";
public function commit(){
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => $price){
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_items_catalog_table SET shop_items_catalog_price='".$price."' WHERE (shop_items_catalog_item_id='".$id."');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
class InstantCmsPamper extends HostCMS5Pamper {
public function loadData(){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; select id,art_no,price from cms_shop_items where (art_no!="");')
return file_get_contents($url);
public function loadDataCustom(){
return "";
public function price($data, $valute = null){
if (is_array($data)){
list ($article, $price) = $data;
if (isset($valute)){
if ($valute == 'EUR'){
echo "price in EUR\n";
else if ($valute == 'USD'){
echo "price in USD\n";
else {
echo "price in RUB\n";
public function commit(){
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => $price){
if (!preg_match("/__/",$id)){
$SQL.= "UPDATE cms_shop_items SET price='".$price."' WHERE (id='$id');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
class HostCMS6PamperPiter extends HostCMS6Pamper {
public function loadData(){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT id,marking,price FROM shop_items WHERE (marking!="")')
echo $url;
return file_get_contents($url);
public function loadDataCustom(){
return "";
public function priceCustom($data, $valute = null){
if (is_array($data)){
list ($article, $price) = $data;
if (preg_match("/piter__(.+?)$/",$article, $matches)){
$article = $matches[1];
public function price($data, $valute = null){
if (is_array($data)){
list ($article, $price) = $data;
if (isset($valute)){
if ($valute == 'EUR'){
echo "price in EUR\n";
else if ($valute == 'USD'){
echo "price in USD\n";
else {
echo "price in RUB\n";
public function commit(){
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => $price){
if (!preg_match("/__/",$id)){
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_items SET price='".$price."' WHERE (id='".$id."');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
class HostCMS5PamperPiter extends HostCMS6PamperPiter {
public function loadData(){
$url = sprintf("http://%s%s?get=%s",
urlencode('set names "utf8"; SELECT shop_items_catalog_item_id,shop_items_catalog_marking,shop_items_catalog_price FROM shop_items_catalog_table WHERE (shop_items_catalog_marking!="")')
return file_get_contents($url);
public function priceCustom($data, $valute = null){
if (is_array($data)){
list ($article, $price) = $data;
if (preg_match("/piter__(.+?)$/",$article, $matches)){
$article = $matches[1];
public function commit(){
if ($this->DataChanged){
foreach($this->DataChanged as $id => $price){
$SQL.= "UPDATE shop_items_catalog_table SET shop_items_catalog_price='".$price."' WHERE (shop_items_catalog_item_id='".$id."');\n";
if ($SQL){
$h = fopen("./".$this->File,"a");
fwrite($h, $SQL);
$this->DataChanged = null;
echo " ok\n";
$trash = new PampersTrash();
$ari = new HostCMS5PamperPiter(array("pamper" => array(
"loadCurrency" => true,
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"data" => array(
"hostcms" =>
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php"
$kt = new HostCMS6PamperPiter(array("pamper" => array(
"loadCurrency" => true,
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"data" => array(
"hostcms" =>
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php"
$in = new InstantCmsPamper(array("pamper" => array(
"loadCurrency" => true,
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"data" => array(
"hostcms" =>
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php"
$km = new HostCMS6Pamper(array("pamper" => array(
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"data" => array(
"hostcms" =>
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php"
$kp = new HostCMS5Pamper(array("pamper" => array(
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"data" => array(
"hostcms" =>
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php"
$pizza = new BitrixPamper(array("pamper" => array(
"site" => "",
"url" => "/api/update_prices.php?key=****************",
"price" => array("PROPERTY_PRICE" => 6),
"marking" => "PROPERTY_MARKING",
"data" => array(
"bitrix" =>
"iblock_id" => array(1),
"url" => "/api/v1/export_price.php"
$mb = new BitrixPamper(); // mebelcafe
//добавляем в очередь для обновления сайты
//обновляем на сайтах
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