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Created August 23, 2021 11:11
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Gatling basic simualtion
// Simulation I've ended up with at the end of the Gatling academy introduction course
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
class computerDatabaseSimulation extends Simulation {
// Defines the baseURL of the SUT
val httpProtocol = http
// Actions to perform a search
object Search{
val searchFeeder = csv("../resources/search.csv").random
val search = exec(http("Load_Homepage")
.check(css("a:contains('${searchComputerName}')", "href").saveAs("computerURL")))
.exec(http("View_Details_${searchComputerName}") // Get a computers details
// Actions to create a computer
object Create{
val computerFeeder = csv("../resources/computers.csv").circular
val create = exec(http("Load_Create_Computers_Page")
.exec(http("Create_Computer_${computerName}") // Create a computer
.formParam("name", "${computerName}")
.formParam("introduced", "${introduced}")
.formParam("discontinued", "${discontinued}")
.formParam("company", "${companyID}")
// Actions to delete a computer
object Delete{
val delete = exec(http("Delete_Computer") // Delete a computer
// User profiles
val admins = scenario("Admins")
.exec(, Create.create, Delete.delete)
val guests = scenario("Guests")
// Basic simulations
// setUp(admins.inject(atOnceUsers(1))).protocols(httpProtocol)
// setUp(guests.inject(atOnceUsers(4))).protocols(httpProtocol)
// More interesting simulation with 2 user profiles
rampUsers(5) during(10),
constantUsersPerSec(20) during(20)
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