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Last active November 18, 2023 13:56
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Raylib v4.5.0 -> v5.0 diff
diff --git a/src/raylib.h b/src/raylib.h
index 4cd9e434..1c4c4a09 100644
--- a/src/raylib.h
+++ b/src/raylib.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-* raylib v4.5 - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming (
+* raylib v5.0 - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming (
* - NO external dependencies, all required libraries included with raylib
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
#include <stdarg.h> // Required for: va_list - Only used by TraceLogCallback
-#define RAYLIB_VERSION "4.5"
+#define RAYLIB_VERSION "5.0"
// Function specifiers in case library is build/used as a shared library (Windows)
// NOTE: Microsoft specifiers to tell compiler that symbols are imported/exported from a .dll
@@ -133,12 +133,20 @@
// NOTE: MSVC C++ compiler does not support compound literals (C99 feature)
// Plain structures in C++ (without constructors) can be initialized with { }
+// This is called aggregate initialization (C++11 feature)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define CLITERAL(type) type
#define CLITERAL(type) (type)
+// Some compilers (mostly macos clang) default to C++98,
+// where aggregate initialization can't be used
+// So, give a more clear error stating how to fix this
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus < 201103L)
+ #error "C++11 or later is required. Add -std=c++11"
// NOTE: We set some defines with some data types declared by raylib
// Other modules (raymath, rlgl) also require some of those types, so,
// to be able to use those other modules as standalone (not depending on raylib)
@@ -402,6 +410,7 @@ typedef struct ModelAnimation {
int frameCount; // Number of animation frames
BoneInfo *bones; // Bones information (skeleton)
Transform **framePoses; // Poses array by frame
+ char name[32]; // Animation name
} ModelAnimation;
// Ray, ray for raycasting
@@ -497,6 +506,20 @@ typedef struct FilePathList {
char **paths; // Filepaths entries
} FilePathList;
+// Automation event
+typedef struct AutomationEvent {
+ unsigned int frame; // Event frame
+ unsigned int type; // Event type (AutomationEventType)
+ int params[4]; // Event parameters (if required)
+} AutomationEvent;
+// Automation event list
+typedef struct AutomationEventList {
+ unsigned int capacity; // Events max entries (MAX_AUTOMATION_EVENTS)
+ unsigned int count; // Events entries count
+ AutomationEvent *events; // Events entries
+} AutomationEventList;
// Enumerators Definition
@@ -517,6 +540,7 @@ typedef enum {
FLAG_WINDOW_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000010, // Set to allow transparent framebuffer
FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI = 0x00002000, // Set to support HighDPI
FLAG_WINDOW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH = 0x00004000, // Set to support mouse passthrough, only supported when FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED
+ FLAG_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_MODE = 0x00008000, // Set to run program in borderless windowed mode
FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT = 0x00000020, // Set to try enabling MSAA 4X
FLAG_INTERLACED_HINT = 0x00010000 // Set to try enabling interlaced video format (for V3D)
} ConfigFlags;
@@ -802,6 +826,9 @@ typedef enum {
PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32, // 32 bpp (1 channel - float)
PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32, // 32*3 bpp (3 channels - float)
PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32, // 32*4 bpp (4 channels - float)
+ PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R16, // 16 bpp (1 channel - half float)
+ PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R16G16B16, // 16*3 bpp (3 channels - half float)
+ PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R16G16B16A16, // 16*4 bpp (4 channels - half float)
PIXELFORMAT_COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGBA, // 4 bpp (1 bit alpha)
@@ -905,8 +932,8 @@ typedef enum {
// Callbacks to hook some internal functions
// WARNING: These callbacks are intended for advance users
typedef void (*TraceLogCallback)(int logLevel, const char *text, va_list args); // Logging: Redirect trace log messages
-typedef unsigned char *(*LoadFileDataCallback)(const char *fileName, unsigned int *bytesRead); // FileIO: Load binary data
-typedef bool (*SaveFileDataCallback)(const char *fileName, void *data, unsigned int bytesToWrite); // FileIO: Save binary data
+typedef unsigned char *(*LoadFileDataCallback)(const char *fileName, int *dataSize); // FileIO: Load binary data
+typedef bool (*SaveFileDataCallback)(const char *fileName, void *data, int dataSize); // FileIO: Save binary data
typedef char *(*LoadFileTextCallback)(const char *fileName); // FileIO: Load text data
typedef bool (*SaveFileTextCallback)(const char *fileName, char *text); // FileIO: Save text data
@@ -925,8 +952,8 @@ extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
// Window-related functions
RLAPI void InitWindow(int width, int height, const char *title); // Initialize window and OpenGL context
-RLAPI bool WindowShouldClose(void); // Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed
RLAPI void CloseWindow(void); // Close window and unload OpenGL context
+RLAPI bool WindowShouldClose(void); // Check if application should close (KEY_ESCAPE pressed or windows close icon clicked)
RLAPI bool IsWindowReady(void); // Check if window has been initialized successfully
RLAPI bool IsWindowFullscreen(void); // Check if window is currently fullscreen
RLAPI bool IsWindowHidden(void); // Check if window is currently hidden (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
@@ -938,17 +965,20 @@ RLAPI bool IsWindowState(unsigned int flag); // Check if on
RLAPI void SetWindowState(unsigned int flags); // Set window configuration state using flags (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void ClearWindowState(unsigned int flags); // Clear window configuration state flags
RLAPI void ToggleFullscreen(void); // Toggle window state: fullscreen/windowed (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
+RLAPI void ToggleBorderlessWindowed(void); // Toggle window state: borderless windowed (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void MaximizeWindow(void); // Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void MinimizeWindow(void); // Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void RestoreWindow(void); // Set window state: not minimized/maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void SetWindowIcon(Image image); // Set icon for window (single image, RGBA 32bit, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void SetWindowIcons(Image *images, int count); // Set icon for window (multiple images, RGBA 32bit, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
-RLAPI void SetWindowTitle(const char *title); // Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
+RLAPI void SetWindowTitle(const char *title); // Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP and PLATFORM_WEB)
RLAPI void SetWindowPosition(int x, int y); // Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
-RLAPI void SetWindowMonitor(int monitor); // Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)
+RLAPI void SetWindowMonitor(int monitor); // Set monitor for the current window
RLAPI void SetWindowMinSize(int width, int height); // Set window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
+RLAPI void SetWindowMaxSize(int width, int height); // Set window maximum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)
RLAPI void SetWindowSize(int width, int height); // Set window dimensions
RLAPI void SetWindowOpacity(float opacity); // Set window opacity [0.0f..1.0f] (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
+RLAPI void SetWindowFocused(void); // Set window focused (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI void *GetWindowHandle(void); // Get native window handle
RLAPI int GetScreenWidth(void); // Get current screen width
RLAPI int GetScreenHeight(void); // Get current screen height
@@ -964,20 +994,12 @@ RLAPI int GetMonitorPhysicalHeight(int monitor); // Get specifi
RLAPI int GetMonitorRefreshRate(int monitor); // Get specified monitor refresh rate
RLAPI Vector2 GetWindowPosition(void); // Get window position XY on monitor
RLAPI Vector2 GetWindowScaleDPI(void); // Get window scale DPI factor
-RLAPI const char *GetMonitorName(int monitor); // Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor
+RLAPI const char *GetMonitorName(int monitor); // Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the specified monitor
RLAPI void SetClipboardText(const char *text); // Set clipboard text content
RLAPI const char *GetClipboardText(void); // Get clipboard text content
RLAPI void EnableEventWaiting(void); // Enable waiting for events on EndDrawing(), no automatic event polling
RLAPI void DisableEventWaiting(void); // Disable waiting for events on EndDrawing(), automatic events polling
-// Custom frame control functions
-// NOTE: Those functions are intended for advance users that want full control over the frame processing
-// By default EndDrawing() does this job: draws everything + SwapScreenBuffer() + manage frame timing + PollInputEvents()
-// To avoid that behaviour and control frame processes manually, enable in config.h: SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL
-RLAPI void SwapScreenBuffer(void); // Swap back buffer with front buffer (screen drawing)
-RLAPI void PollInputEvents(void); // Register all input events
-RLAPI void WaitTime(double seconds); // Wait for some time (halt program execution)
// Cursor-related functions
RLAPI void ShowCursor(void); // Shows cursor
RLAPI void HideCursor(void); // Hides cursor
@@ -1033,24 +1055,37 @@ RLAPI Vector2 GetWorldToScreen2D(Vector2 position, Camera2D camera); // Get the
// Timing-related functions
RLAPI void SetTargetFPS(int fps); // Set target FPS (maximum)
-RLAPI int GetFPS(void); // Get current FPS
RLAPI float GetFrameTime(void); // Get time in seconds for last frame drawn (delta time)
RLAPI double GetTime(void); // Get elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()
+RLAPI int GetFPS(void); // Get current FPS
-// Misc. functions
-RLAPI int GetRandomValue(int min, int max); // Get a random value between min and max (both included)
+// Custom frame control functions
+// NOTE: Those functions are intended for advance users that want full control over the frame processing
+// By default EndDrawing() does this job: draws everything + SwapScreenBuffer() + manage frame timing + PollInputEvents()
+// To avoid that behaviour and control frame processes manually, enable in config.h: SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL
+RLAPI void SwapScreenBuffer(void); // Swap back buffer with front buffer (screen drawing)
+RLAPI void PollInputEvents(void); // Register all input events
+RLAPI void WaitTime(double seconds); // Wait for some time (halt program execution)
+// Random values generation functions
RLAPI void SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed); // Set the seed for the random number generator
+RLAPI int GetRandomValue(int min, int max); // Get a random value between min and max (both included)
+RLAPI int *LoadRandomSequence(unsigned int count, int min, int max); // Load random values sequence, no values repeated
+RLAPI void UnloadRandomSequence(int *sequence); // Unload random values sequence
+// Misc. functions
RLAPI void TakeScreenshot(const char *fileName); // Takes a screenshot of current screen (filename extension defines format)
RLAPI void SetConfigFlags(unsigned int flags); // Setup init configuration flags (view FLAGS)
+RLAPI void OpenURL(const char *url); // Open URL with default system browser (if available)
+// NOTE: Following functions implemented in module [utils]
RLAPI void TraceLog(int logLevel, const char *text, ...); // Show trace log messages (LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR...)
RLAPI void SetTraceLogLevel(int logLevel); // Set the current threshold (minimum) log level
RLAPI void *MemAlloc(unsigned int size); // Internal memory allocator
RLAPI void *MemRealloc(void *ptr, unsigned int size); // Internal memory reallocator
RLAPI void MemFree(void *ptr); // Internal memory free
-RLAPI void OpenURL(const char *url); // Open URL with default system browser (if available)
// Set custom callbacks
// WARNING: Callbacks setup is intended for advance users
RLAPI void SetTraceLogCallback(TraceLogCallback callback); // Set custom trace log
@@ -1060,13 +1095,16 @@ RLAPI void SetLoadFileTextCallback(LoadFileTextCallback callback); // Set custom
RLAPI void SetSaveFileTextCallback(SaveFileTextCallback callback); // Set custom file text data saver
// Files management functions
-RLAPI unsigned char *LoadFileData(const char *fileName, unsigned int *bytesRead); // Load file data as byte array (read)
+RLAPI unsigned char *LoadFileData(const char *fileName, int *dataSize); // Load file data as byte array (read)
RLAPI void UnloadFileData(unsigned char *data); // Unload file data allocated by LoadFileData()
-RLAPI bool SaveFileData(const char *fileName, void *data, unsigned int bytesToWrite); // Save data to file from byte array (write), returns true on success
-RLAPI bool ExportDataAsCode(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, const char *fileName); // Export data to code (.h), returns true on success
+RLAPI bool SaveFileData(const char *fileName, void *data, int dataSize); // Save data to file from byte array (write), returns true on success
+RLAPI bool ExportDataAsCode(const unsigned char *data, int dataSize, const char *fileName); // Export data to code (.h), returns true on success
RLAPI char *LoadFileText(const char *fileName); // Load text data from file (read), returns a '\0' terminated string
RLAPI void UnloadFileText(char *text); // Unload file text data allocated by LoadFileText()
RLAPI bool SaveFileText(const char *fileName, char *text); // Save text data to file (write), string must be '\0' terminated, returns true on success
+// File system functions
RLAPI bool FileExists(const char *fileName); // Check if file exists
RLAPI bool DirectoryExists(const char *dirPath); // Check if a directory path exists
RLAPI bool IsFileExtension(const char *fileName, const char *ext); // Check file extension (including point: .png, .wav)
@@ -1077,7 +1115,7 @@ RLAPI const char *GetFileNameWithoutExt(const char *filePath); // Get filenam
RLAPI const char *GetDirectoryPath(const char *filePath); // Get full path for a given fileName with path (uses static string)
RLAPI const char *GetPrevDirectoryPath(const char *dirPath); // Get previous directory path for a given path (uses static string)
RLAPI const char *GetWorkingDirectory(void); // Get current working directory (uses static string)
-RLAPI const char *GetApplicationDirectory(void); // Get the directory if the running application (uses static string)
+RLAPI const char *GetApplicationDirectory(void); // Get the directory of the running application (uses static string)
RLAPI bool ChangeDirectory(const char *dir); // Change working directory, return true on success
RLAPI bool IsPathFile(const char *path); // Check if a given path is a file or a directory
RLAPI FilePathList LoadDirectoryFiles(const char *dirPath); // Load directory filepaths
@@ -1094,18 +1132,29 @@ RLAPI unsigned char *DecompressData(const unsigned char *compData, int compDataS
RLAPI char *EncodeDataBase64(const unsigned char *data, int dataSize, int *outputSize); // Encode data to Base64 string, memory must be MemFree()
RLAPI unsigned char *DecodeDataBase64(const unsigned char *data, int *outputSize); // Decode Base64 string data, memory must be MemFree()
+// Automation events functionality
+RLAPI AutomationEventList LoadAutomationEventList(const char *fileName); // Load automation events list from file, NULL for empty list, capacity = MAX_AUTOMATION_EVENTS
+RLAPI void UnloadAutomationEventList(AutomationEventList *list); // Unload automation events list from file
+RLAPI bool ExportAutomationEventList(AutomationEventList list, const char *fileName); // Export automation events list as text file
+RLAPI void SetAutomationEventList(AutomationEventList *list); // Set automation event list to record to
+RLAPI void SetAutomationEventBaseFrame(int frame); // Set automation event internal base frame to start recording
+RLAPI void StartAutomationEventRecording(void); // Start recording automation events (AutomationEventList must be set)
+RLAPI void StopAutomationEventRecording(void); // Stop recording automation events
+RLAPI void PlayAutomationEvent(AutomationEvent event); // Play a recorded automation event
// Input Handling Functions (Module: core)
// Input-related functions: keyboard
RLAPI bool IsKeyPressed(int key); // Check if a key has been pressed once
+RLAPI bool IsKeyPressedRepeat(int key); // Check if a key has been pressed again (Only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
RLAPI bool IsKeyDown(int key); // Check if a key is being pressed
RLAPI bool IsKeyReleased(int key); // Check if a key has been released once
RLAPI bool IsKeyUp(int key); // Check if a key is NOT being pressed
-RLAPI void SetExitKey(int key); // Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)
RLAPI int GetKeyPressed(void); // Get key pressed (keycode), call it multiple times for keys queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty
RLAPI int GetCharPressed(void); // Get char pressed (unicode), call it multiple times for chars queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty
+RLAPI void SetExitKey(int key); // Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)
// Input-related functions: gamepads
RLAPI bool IsGamepadAvailable(int gamepad); // Check if a gamepad is available
@@ -1146,7 +1195,7 @@ RLAPI int GetTouchPointCount(void); // Get number of t
// Gestures and Touch Handling Functions (Module: rgestures)
RLAPI void SetGesturesEnabled(unsigned int flags); // Enable a set of gestures using flags
-RLAPI bool IsGestureDetected(int gesture); // Check if a gesture have been detected
+RLAPI bool IsGestureDetected(unsigned int gesture); // Check if a gesture have been detected
RLAPI int GetGestureDetected(void); // Get latest detected gesture
RLAPI float GetGestureHoldDuration(void); // Get gesture hold time in milliseconds
RLAPI Vector2 GetGestureDragVector(void); // Get gesture drag vector
@@ -1172,18 +1221,17 @@ RLAPI void SetShapesTexture(Texture2D texture, Rectangle source); // Set t
RLAPI void DrawPixel(int posX, int posY, Color color); // Draw a pixel
RLAPI void DrawPixelV(Vector2 position, Color color); // Draw a pixel (Vector version)
RLAPI void DrawLine(int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, Color color); // Draw a line
-RLAPI void DrawLineV(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Color color); // Draw a line (Vector version)
-RLAPI void DrawLineEx(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw a line defining thickness
-RLAPI void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out
-RLAPI void DrawLineBezierQuad(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 controlPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw line using quadratic bezier curves with a control point
-RLAPI void DrawLineBezierCubic(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Vector2 startControlPos, Vector2 endControlPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw line using cubic bezier curves with 2 control points
-RLAPI void DrawLineStrip(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, Color color); // Draw lines sequence
+RLAPI void DrawLineV(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, Color color); // Draw a line (using gl lines)
+RLAPI void DrawLineEx(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw a line (using triangles/quads)
+RLAPI void DrawLineStrip(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, Color color); // Draw lines sequence (using gl lines)
+RLAPI void DrawLineBezier(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float thick, Color color); // Draw line segment cubic-bezier in-out interpolation
RLAPI void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color); // Draw a color-filled circle
RLAPI void DrawCircleSector(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color); // Draw a piece of a circle
RLAPI void DrawCircleSectorLines(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color); // Draw circle sector outline
RLAPI void DrawCircleGradient(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color1, Color color2); // Draw a gradient-filled circle
RLAPI void DrawCircleV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color); // Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)
RLAPI void DrawCircleLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radius, Color color); // Draw circle outline
+RLAPI void DrawCircleLinesV(Vector2 center, float radius, Color color); // Draw circle outline (Vector version)
RLAPI void DrawEllipse(int centerX, int centerY, float radiusH, float radiusV, Color color); // Draw ellipse
RLAPI void DrawEllipseLines(int centerX, int centerY, float radiusH, float radiusV, Color color); // Draw ellipse outline
RLAPI void DrawRing(Vector2 center, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, Color color); // Draw ring
@@ -1207,6 +1255,25 @@ RLAPI void DrawPoly(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, Col
RLAPI void DrawPolyLines(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, Color color); // Draw a polygon outline of n sides
RLAPI void DrawPolyLinesEx(Vector2 center, int sides, float radius, float rotation, float lineThick, Color color); // Draw a polygon outline of n sides with extended parameters
+// Splines drawing functions
+RLAPI void DrawSplineLinear(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline: Linear, minimum 2 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineBasis(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline: B-Spline, minimum 4 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineCatmullRom(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline: Catmull-Rom, minimum 4 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineBezierQuadratic(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline: Quadratic Bezier, minimum 3 points (1 control point): [p1, c2, p3, c4...]
+RLAPI void DrawSplineBezierCubic(Vector2 *points, int pointCount, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline: Cubic Bezier, minimum 4 points (2 control points): [p1, c2, c3, p4, c5, c6...]
+RLAPI void DrawSplineSegmentLinear(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline segment: Linear, 2 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineSegmentBasis(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline segment: B-Spline, 4 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineSegmentCatmullRom(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline segment: Catmull-Rom, 4 points
+RLAPI void DrawSplineSegmentBezierQuadratic(Vector2 p1, Vector2 c2, Vector2 p3, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline segment: Quadratic Bezier, 2 points, 1 control point
+RLAPI void DrawSplineSegmentBezierCubic(Vector2 p1, Vector2 c2, Vector2 c3, Vector2 p4, float thick, Color color); // Draw spline segment: Cubic Bezier, 2 points, 2 control points
+// Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]
+RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointLinear(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, float t); // Get (evaluate) spline point: Linear
+RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointBasis(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4, float t); // Get (evaluate) spline point: B-Spline
+RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointCatmullRom(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, Vector2 p4, float t); // Get (evaluate) spline point: Catmull-Rom
+RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointBezierQuad(Vector2 p1, Vector2 c2, Vector2 p3, float t); // Get (evaluate) spline point: Quadratic Bezier
+RLAPI Vector2 GetSplinePointBezierCubic(Vector2 p1, Vector2 c2, Vector2 c3, Vector2 p4, float t); // Get (evaluate) spline point: Cubic Bezier
// Basic shapes collision detection functions
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Check collision between two rectangles
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionCircles(Vector2 center1, float radius1, Vector2 center2, float radius2); // Check collision between two circles
@@ -1227,6 +1294,7 @@ RLAPI Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2);
// NOTE: These functions do not require GPU access
RLAPI Image LoadImage(const char *fileName); // Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)
RLAPI Image LoadImageRaw(const char *fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize); // Load image from RAW file data
+RLAPI Image LoadImageSvg(const char *fileNameOrString, int width, int height); // Load image from SVG file data or string with specified size
RLAPI Image LoadImageAnim(const char *fileName, int *frames); // Load image sequence from file (frames appended to
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.png'
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromTexture(Texture2D texture); // Load image from GPU texture data
@@ -1234,13 +1302,14 @@ RLAPI Image LoadImageFromScreen(void);
RLAPI bool IsImageReady(Image image); // Check if an image is ready
RLAPI void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
RLAPI bool ExportImage(Image image, const char *fileName); // Export image data to file, returns true on success
+RLAPI unsigned char *ExportImageToMemory(Image image, const char *fileType, int *fileSize); // Export image to memory buffer
RLAPI bool ExportImageAsCode(Image image, const char *fileName); // Export image as code file defining an array of bytes, returns true on success
// Image generation functions
RLAPI Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color); // Generate image: plain color
-RLAPI Image GenImageGradientV(int width, int height, Color top, Color bottom); // Generate image: vertical gradient
-RLAPI Image GenImageGradientH(int width, int height, Color left, Color right); // Generate image: horizontal gradient
+RLAPI Image GenImageGradientLinear(int width, int height, int direction, Color start, Color end); // Generate image: linear gradient, direction in degrees [0..360], 0=Vertical gradient
RLAPI Image GenImageGradientRadial(int width, int height, float density, Color inner, Color outer); // Generate image: radial gradient
+RLAPI Image GenImageGradientSquare(int width, int height, float density, Color inner, Color outer); // Generate image: square gradient
RLAPI Image GenImageChecked(int width, int height, int checksX, int checksY, Color col1, Color col2); // Generate image: checked
RLAPI Image GenImageWhiteNoise(int width, int height, float factor); // Generate image: white noise
RLAPI Image GenImagePerlinNoise(int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY, float scale); // Generate image: perlin noise
@@ -1267,6 +1336,7 @@ RLAPI void ImageMipmaps(Image *image);
RLAPI void ImageDither(Image *image, int rBpp, int gBpp, int bBpp, int aBpp); // Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
RLAPI void ImageFlipVertical(Image *image); // Flip image vertically
RLAPI void ImageFlipHorizontal(Image *image); // Flip image horizontally
+RLAPI void ImageRotate(Image *image, int degrees); // Rotate image by input angle in degrees (-359 to 359)
RLAPI void ImageRotateCW(Image *image); // Rotate image clockwise 90deg
RLAPI void ImageRotateCCW(Image *image); // Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg
RLAPI void ImageColorTint(Image *image, Color color); // Modify image color: tint
@@ -1309,7 +1379,7 @@ RLAPI TextureCubemap LoadTextureCubemap(Image image, int layout);
RLAPI RenderTexture2D LoadRenderTexture(int width, int height); // Load texture for rendering (framebuffer)
RLAPI bool IsTextureReady(Texture2D texture); // Check if a texture is ready
RLAPI void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM)
-RLAPI bool IsRenderTextureReady(RenderTexture2D target); // Check if a render texture is ready
+RLAPI bool IsRenderTextureReady(RenderTexture2D target); // Check if a render texture is ready
RLAPI void UnloadRenderTexture(RenderTexture2D target); // Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM)
RLAPI void UpdateTexture(Texture2D texture, const void *pixels); // Update GPU texture with new data
RLAPI void UpdateTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rec, const void *pixels); // Update GPU texture rectangle with new data
@@ -1351,13 +1421,13 @@ RLAPI int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format); // G
// Font loading/unloading functions
RLAPI Font GetFontDefault(void); // Get the default Font
RLAPI Font LoadFont(const char *fileName); // Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)
-RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int glyphCount); // Load font from file with extended parameters, use NULL for fontChars and 0 for glyphCount to load the default character set
+RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount); // Load font from file with extended parameters, use NULL for codepoints and 0 for codepointCount to load the default character set
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar); // Load font from Image (XNA style)
-RLAPI Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int glyphCount); // Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf'
+RLAPI Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount); // Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf'
RLAPI bool IsFontReady(Font font); // Check if a font is ready
-RLAPI GlyphInfo *LoadFontData(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int glyphCount, int type); // Load font data for further use
-RLAPI Image GenImageFontAtlas(const GlyphInfo *chars, Rectangle **recs, int glyphCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod); // Generate image font atlas using chars info
-RLAPI void UnloadFontData(GlyphInfo *chars, int glyphCount); // Unload font chars info data (RAM)
+RLAPI GlyphInfo *LoadFontData(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount, int type); // Load font data for further use
+RLAPI Image GenImageFontAtlas(const GlyphInfo *glyphs, Rectangle **glyphRecs, int glyphCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod); // Generate image font atlas using chars info
+RLAPI void UnloadFontData(GlyphInfo *glyphs, int glyphCount); // Unload font chars info data (RAM)
RLAPI void UnloadFont(Font font); // Unload font from GPU memory (VRAM)
RLAPI bool ExportFontAsCode(Font font, const char *fileName); // Export font as code file, returns true on success
@@ -1367,9 +1437,10 @@ RLAPI void DrawText(const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color co
RLAPI void DrawTextEx(Font font, const char *text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Draw text using font and additional parameters
RLAPI void DrawTextPro(Font font, const char *text, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float rotation, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Draw text using Font and pro parameters (rotation)
RLAPI void DrawTextCodepoint(Font font, int codepoint, Vector2 position, float fontSize, Color tint); // Draw one character (codepoint)
-RLAPI void DrawTextCodepoints(Font font, const int *codepoints, int count, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Draw multiple character (codepoint)
+RLAPI void DrawTextCodepoints(Font font, const int *codepoints, int codepointCount, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Draw multiple character (codepoint)
// Text font info functions
+RLAPI void SetTextLineSpacing(int spacing); // Set vertical line spacing when drawing with line-breaks
RLAPI int MeasureText(const char *text, int fontSize); // Measure string width for default font
RLAPI Vector2 MeasureTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing); // Measure string size for Font
RLAPI int GetGlyphIndex(Font font, int codepoint); // Get glyph index position in font for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found
@@ -1485,10 +1556,10 @@ RLAPI void SetMaterialTexture(Material *material, int mapType, Texture2D texture
RLAPI void SetModelMeshMaterial(Model *model, int meshId, int materialId); // Set material for a mesh
// Model animations loading/unloading functions
-RLAPI ModelAnimation *LoadModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned int *animCount); // Load model animations from file
+RLAPI ModelAnimation *LoadModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCount); // Load model animations from file
RLAPI void UpdateModelAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation anim, int frame); // Update model animation pose
RLAPI void UnloadModelAnimation(ModelAnimation anim); // Unload animation data
-RLAPI void UnloadModelAnimations(ModelAnimation *animations, unsigned int count); // Unload animation array data
+RLAPI void UnloadModelAnimations(ModelAnimation *animations, int animCount); // Unload animation array data
RLAPI bool IsModelAnimationValid(Model model, ModelAnimation anim); // Check model animation skeleton match
// Collision detection functions
@@ -1511,6 +1582,7 @@ RLAPI void InitAudioDevice(void); // Initial
RLAPI void CloseAudioDevice(void); // Close the audio device and context
RLAPI bool IsAudioDeviceReady(void); // Check if audio device has been initialized successfully
RLAPI void SetMasterVolume(float volume); // Set master volume (listener)
+RLAPI float GetMasterVolume(void); // Get master volume (listener)
// Wave/Sound loading/unloading functions
RLAPI Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName); // Load wave data from file
@@ -1518,10 +1590,12 @@ RLAPI Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileDat
RLAPI bool IsWaveReady(Wave wave); // Checks if wave data is ready
RLAPI Sound LoadSound(const char *fileName); // Load sound from file
RLAPI Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave); // Load sound from wave data
+RLAPI Sound LoadSoundAlias(Sound source); // Create a new sound that shares the same sample data as the source sound, does not own the sound data
RLAPI bool IsSoundReady(Sound sound); // Checks if a sound is ready
RLAPI void UpdateSound(Sound sound, const void *data, int sampleCount); // Update sound buffer with new data
RLAPI void UnloadWave(Wave wave); // Unload wave data
RLAPI void UnloadSound(Sound sound); // Unload sound
+RLAPI void UnloadSoundAlias(Sound alias); // Unload a sound alias (does not deallocate sample data)
RLAPI bool ExportWave(Wave wave, const char *fileName); // Export wave data to file, returns true on success
RLAPI bool ExportWaveAsCode(Wave wave, const char *fileName); // Export wave sample data to code (.h), returns true on success
@@ -1573,12 +1647,12 @@ RLAPI void SetAudioStreamVolume(AudioStream stream, float volume); // Set vol
RLAPI void SetAudioStreamPitch(AudioStream stream, float pitch); // Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)
RLAPI void SetAudioStreamPan(AudioStream stream, float pan); // Set pan for audio stream (0.5 is centered)
RLAPI void SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault(int size); // Default size for new audio streams
-RLAPI void SetAudioStreamCallback(AudioStream stream, AudioCallback callback); // Audio thread callback to request new data
+RLAPI void SetAudioStreamCallback(AudioStream stream, AudioCallback callback); // Audio thread callback to request new data
-RLAPI void AttachAudioStreamProcessor(AudioStream stream, AudioCallback processor); // Attach audio stream processor to stream
+RLAPI void AttachAudioStreamProcessor(AudioStream stream, AudioCallback processor); // Attach audio stream processor to stream, receives the samples as <float>s
RLAPI void DetachAudioStreamProcessor(AudioStream stream, AudioCallback processor); // Detach audio stream processor from stream
-RLAPI void AttachAudioMixedProcessor(AudioCallback processor); // Attach audio stream processor to the entire audio pipeline
+RLAPI void AttachAudioMixedProcessor(AudioCallback processor); // Attach audio stream processor to the entire audio pipeline, receives the samples as <float>s
RLAPI void DetachAudioMixedProcessor(AudioCallback processor); // Detach audio stream processor from the entire audio pipeline
#if defined(__cplusplus)
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