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Created July 31, 2014 14:16
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Script to upload tweetbot images to Rackspace's Cloud Files CDN and then tweet the URL. Special thanks to Scott Smith, Jesse Noller and Mikey Salazar.
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //requires composer, for more information visit
use OpenCloud\Rackspace;
// Instantiate a Rackspace client.
$client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
'username' => 'XXX',
'apiKey' => 'XXX'
// 2. Obtain an Object Store service object from the client.
$region = 'DFW'; // change this to the region where your container is
$objectStoreService = $client->objectStoreService(null, $region);
// 3. Get container.
$container = $objectStoreService->getContainer('SET CONTAINER NAME');
// 4. Generate Random File Name
$seed = str_split('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
shuffle($seed); // probably optional since array_is randomized; this may be redundant
$rand = '';
foreach (array_rand($seed, 5) as $k) $rand .= $seed[$k];
$path = $_FILES['media']['name'];
$ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Grab original extension
// 5. Upload an object to the container.
$localfile = $_FILES['media']['tmp_name'];
$remoteFileName = $rand . "." . $ext;
$fileData = fopen($localfile, 'r');
$container->uploadObject($remoteFileName, $fileData);
// Note that while we call fopen to open the file resource, we do not call fclose at the end.
// The file resource is automatically closed inside the uploadObject call.
$outputFilename = '' . basename($remoteFileName); //Remember: to use a custom URL, you must setup a CNAME to point to your CDN URL
$response = array(url=>$outputFilename);
echo json_encode($response);
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