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Created May 14, 2017 23:07
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* file: daytcalc2.c *
* *
* purpose: Calculate local sunrise and sunset times. *
* Returns 1 for nighttime, 0 for daytime, or *
* -1 for any errors. *
* *
* author: 05/11/2017 Frank4DD *
* *
* compile: gcc daytcalc2.c -o daytcalc2 -lm *
* *
* example run: fm@susie:~$ ./daytcalc2 1486784589 -v *
* 2017-02-05 DST: 0 Sunrise: 6:38 Sunset: 17:11 Duration: 10:33*
* SunriseTS: 1486244280 SunsetTS: 1486282260 DurationSec: 37980*
* *
* example run: fm@susie:~$ ./daytcalc 1486784589 -f *
* date=2017-02-10 sunrise=6:33 sunset=17:18 daytime=10:33 *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define PI 3.1415926
#define ZENITH -.83
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* print_usage() prints the programs commandline instructions. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
void usage() {
static char const usage[] = "Usage: daytcalc -t timestamp -x longitude -y latitude -z offset -d -f\n\n\
Command line parameters have the following format:\n\
-t Unix timestamp, example: 1486784589, optional, defaults to now\n\
-x longitude, example: 12.45277778\n\
-y latitude, example: 51.340277778\n\
-z timezone, example: 9, optional, defaults to 0\n\
-d daylight savings time flag\n\
-f output text for redirect into file\n\
-v verbose output flag\n\
-h print usage flag\n\n\
Usage example:\n\
./daytcalc -t 1486784589 -x 12.45277778 -y 51.340277778 -z 1 -d -f\n";
bool is_float(const char *s, float *dest) {
if (s == NULL) return false;
char *endptr;
*dest = (float) strtod(s, &endptr);
if (s == endptr) return false; // no conversion
// Look at trailing text
while (isspace((unsigned char ) *endptr))
return *endptr == '\0';
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Global variables and defaults *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
int verbose = 1;
time_t calc_t = 0;
float latitude = 0;
float longitude = 0;
int tzoffset = 0;
int dst = 0;
int txt = 0;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* parseargs() checks the commandline arguments with C getopt *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
void parseargs(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int arg, index;
opterr = 0;
if(argc == 1) { usage(); exit(-1); }
while ((arg = (int) getopt (argc, argv, "t:x:y:z:dvhf")) != -1)
switch (arg) {
// arg -t timestamp, type: time_t, example: 1486784589
// optional, defaults to now
case 't':
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg t, value %s\n", optarg);
calc_t = (time_t) atoll(optarg);
if (calc_t < 1) {
printf("Error: Cannot get valid -t timestamp argument.\n");
// arg -n longitude, type: float, example: 12.45277777777777
// optional, defaults to prime meridian 0�0'5.3?W (0.001389)
// One meter resolution can be represented using 5 decimal places
case 'x':
//longitude = atof(optarg);
if(is_float(optarg, &longitude)) {
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg x, string %s, value (float) %e\n", optarg, longitude);
} else {
printf("Error: Cannot get valid -y latitude argument.\n");
if(longitude < -180.0f || longitude > 180.0f) {
printf("Error: longitude value %e is out of range (< -180 or > 180).\n", longitude);
// arg -n latitude, type: float, example: 51.34027777777778
// optional, defaults to prime meridian 51�28'40.1?N (51.477778)
// One meter resolution can be represented using 5 decimal places
case 'y':
//latitude = atof(optarg);
if(is_float(optarg, &latitude)) {
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg y, string %s, value (float) %e\n", optarg, latitude);
} else {
printf("Error: Cannot get valid -y latitude argument.\n");
if(latitude < -90.0f || latitude > 90.0f) {
printf("Error: latitude value %e is out of range (< -90 or > 90).\n", latitude);
// arg -z timezone, type: integer, example: 9
// optional, defaults to 0
case 'z':
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg z, value %s\n", optarg);
tzoffset = atoi(optarg);
if (tzoffset < -11 || tzoffset > 11) {
printf("Error: Cannot get valid -z timezone offset argument.\n");
// arg -d daylight savings time, type: integer, example: 1
// optional, defaults to 0
case 'd':
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg d, setting DST\n");
dst = 1; break;
// arg -v verbose, type: flag, optional
case 'v':
verbose = 1; break;
// arg -h usage, type: flag, optional
case 'h':
usage(); break;
// arg -f outfile, type: char[255], example: /path/to/file
// optional; defaults to /tmp/daytcalc.txt
case 'f':
if(verbose == 1) printf("arg f, creating text\n");
txt = 1; break;
case '?':
if (isprint (optopt))
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
float calculateSunrise(int year,int month,int day,float lat, float lng,int localOffset, int daylightSavings) {
//1. first calculate the day of the year
float N1 = floor(275 * month / 9);
float N2 = floor((month + 9) / 12);
float N3 = (1 + floor((year - 4 * floor(year / 4) + 2) / 3));
float N = N1 - (N2 * N3) + day - 30;
//2. convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
float lngHour = lng / 15.0;
float t = N + ((6 - lngHour) / 24); //if rising time is desired:
//3. calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
float M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;
//4. calculate the Sun's true longitude
float L = fmod(M + (1.916 * sin((PI/180)*M)) + (0.020 * sin(2 *(PI/180) * M)) + 282.634,360.0);
//5a. calculate the Sun's right ascension
float RA = fmod(180/PI*atan(0.91764 * tan((PI/180)*L)),360.0);
//5b. right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
float Lquadrant = floor( L/90) * 90;
float RAquadrant = floor(RA/90) * 90;
RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant);
//5c. right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
RA = RA / 15;
//6. calculate the Sun's declination
float sinDec = 0.39782 * sin((PI/180)*L);
float cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec));
//7a. calculate the Sun's local hour angle
float cosH = (sin((PI/180)*ZENITH) - (sinDec * sin((PI/180)*lat))) / (cosDec * cos((PI/180)*lat));
if (cosH > 1)
the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)
if (cosH < -1)
the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)
//7b. finish calculating H and convert into hours
float H = 360 - (180/PI)*acos(cosH); // if if rising time is desired:
H = H / 15;
//8. calculate local mean time of rising/setting
float T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622;
//9. adjust back to UTC
float UT = fmod(T - lngHour,24.0);
//10. convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude
return UT + localOffset + daylightSavings;
float calculateSunset(int year,int month,int day,float lat, float lng,int localOffset, int daylightSavings) {
//1. first calculate the day of the year
float N1 = floor(275 * month / 9);
float N2 = floor((month + 9) / 12);
float N3 = (1 + floor((year - 4 * floor(year / 4) + 2) / 3));
float N = N1 - (N2 * N3) + day - 30;
//2. convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
float lngHour = lng / 15.0;
float t = N + ((18 - lngHour) / 24); // if setting time is desired:
//3. calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
float M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;
//4. calculate the Sun's true longitude
float L = fmod(M + (1.916 * sin((PI/180)*M)) + (0.020 * sin(2 *(PI/180) * M)) + 282.634,360.0);
//5a. calculate the Sun's right ascension
float RA = fmod(180/PI*atan(0.91764 * tan((PI/180)*L)),360.0);
//5b. right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
float Lquadrant = floor( L/90) * 90;
float RAquadrant = floor(RA/90) * 90;
RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant);
//5c. right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
RA = RA / 15;
//6. calculate the Sun's declination
float sinDec = 0.39782 * sin((PI/180)*L);
float cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec));
//7a. calculate the Sun's local hour angle
float cosH = (sin((PI/180)*ZENITH) - (sinDec * sin((PI/180)*lat))) / (cosDec * cos((PI/180)*lat));
if (cosH > 1)
the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)
if (cosH < -1)
the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)
//7b. finish calculating H and convert into hours
float H = (180/PI)*acos(cosH); // if setting time is desired:
H = H / 15;
//8. calculate local mean time of rising/setting
float T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622;
//9. adjust back to UTC
float UT = fmod(T - lngHour,24.0);
//10. convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude
return UT + localOffset + daylightSavings;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
parseargs(argc, argv);
/* We convert the timestamp string to a local time based struct */
struct tm *calc_tm = gmtime(&calc_t);
int year = calc_tm->tm_year+1900;
int month = calc_tm->tm_mon+1;
int day = calc_tm->tm_mday;
if(verbose == 1) {
printf("Calc TS UTC: %ld Date: %d-%d-%d Time: %d:%.2d\n",
(long) calc_t, year, month, day, calc_tm->tm_hour, calc_tm->tm_min);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* calculation argument list: *
* -------------------------- *
* int year, int month, int day, float lat, loat lng, *
* int localOffset, int dst *
* *
* argument description: *
* --------------------- *
* year, month, day: The date to calculate sunrise/sunset for. *
* lat, lng: the locations latitude and longitude, in decimal. *
* localOffset: the timezone offset. It is <0 for the western *
* hemisphere; and >0 for eastern hemisphere locations. *
* dst: daylightSavings, 1 if it is in effect, otherwise set 0. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
float localsunriseT = calculateSunrise(year, month, day, latitude, longitude, tzoffset, dst);
double sunrise_hr = fmod(24 + localsunriseT,24.0);
double sunrise_min = modf(fmod(24+localsunriseT,24.0),&sunrise_hr)*60;
float localsunsetT = calculateSunset(year, month, day, latitude, longitude, tzoffset, dst);
double sunset_hr = fmod(24 + localsunsetT,24.0);
double sunset_min = modf(fmod(24+localsunsetT,24.0),&sunset_hr)*60;
struct tm sunrise_tm;
sunrise_tm.tm_year = year-1900;
sunrise_tm.tm_mon = month-1;
sunrise_tm.tm_mday = day;
sunrise_tm.tm_hour = sunrise_hr;
sunrise_tm.tm_min = sunrise_min;
sunrise_tm.tm_sec = 0;
sunrise_tm.tm_isdst = dst;
time_t sunrise = mktime(&sunrise_tm);
if(sunrise == -1) printf("Error");
struct tm sunset_tm;
sunset_tm.tm_year = year-1900;
sunset_tm.tm_mon = month-1;
sunset_tm.tm_mday = day;
sunset_tm.tm_hour = sunset_hr;
sunset_tm.tm_min = sunset_min+1;
sunset_tm.tm_sec = 0;
sunset_tm.tm_isdst = dst;
time_t sunset = mktime(&sunset_tm);
if(sunset == -1) printf("Error");
int daytimeflag;
if(calc_t < sunrise) daytimeflag = 1;
else if(calc_t > sunset) daytimeflag = 1;
else daytimeflag = 0;
long daytime = sunset-sunrise;
int daytime_hr = daytime / 3600;
int daytime_min = (daytime % 3600) / 60;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* The calculation for sunrise_hr/min came up with 5:60, so we *
* use the timestamp-converted time data which fixes the issue. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
char rise[6];
strftime(rise, sizeof(rise), "%H:%M", &sunrise_tm);
char sset[6];
strftime(sset, sizeof(sset), "%H:%M", &sunset_tm);
if(verbose == 1) {
printf("SunriseT: %.0f:%.0f SunsetT: %.0f:%.0f\n", sunrise_hr, sunrise_min, sunset_hr, sunset_min);
printf("Sunrise: %s", ctime(&sunrise));
printf("Sunset: %s", ctime(&sunset));
printf("Calc TS: %ld SunriseTS: %ld SunsetTS: %ld\n", calc_t, sunrise, sunset);
printf("RRD return value: %d\n", daytimeflag);
if(txt == 1) {
printf("date=%d-%.2d-%.2d sunrise=%s sunset=%s daytime=%.2d:%.2d\n",
year, month, day, rise, sset, daytime_hr, daytime_min);
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