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Last active December 14, 2015 10:35
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#! /usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-3.13 --install-ghc runghc --package base --package bytestring --package iso3166-country-codes --package lens --package QuickCheck --package syb --package tagged --package uri-bytestring
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module URLGenerator (main) where
-- All of the code paths, none of the access logs.™
-- % ./URLGenerator.hs | head -n4
-- http://onionoo.local:8080/summary?type=bRIdgE&country=sy&last_seen_days=0-9&order=coNsENSuS_WeigHt&limit=1
-- http://onionoo.local:8080/weights?type=reLaY&country=qA&flag=VAlID&first_seen_days=4&family=Fe1EbE2eCC6a7e9C5e35452115a2FD6DDD21EcC5&fields=middle_probability%2Cexit_addresses%2Cexit_policy_v6_summary&order=CoNSeNsuS_weIGHt
-- http://onionoo.local:8080/summary?type=relAy&family=Dd8f1f52d9E445C1afAae8f8eBAECEe7f3c43db7&limit=-26
-- http://onionoo.local:8080/summary?running=tRuE&lookup=8628e2b4A542F6825E85CB1b9aD7E822F94a5699&country=Sz&flag=V2diR&contact=6%2F%7Clt%27NfR%2F%20.XE6%20S%5E%3Dd%2F%2CX%2BE&family=EE34ab7b28cAc1A52CABaFFe75c51ACCd71ee3ba&offset=-18
import Control.Lens ((<&>), (<>~), (&), (%~), both)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (hPutBuilder)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower, chr)
import Data.Data (Proxy(..), Data)
import Data.Generics.Text (gshow)
import Data.ISO3166_CountryCodes (CountryCode(..))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, KnownSymbol, symbolVal, Nat, KnownNat, natVal)
import System.IO (stdout)
import Test.QuickCheck
import URI.ByteString (URI(..), uriPathL, uriQueryL, queryPairsL, serializeURI, parseURI, laxURIParserOptions)
data Type = Relay | Bridge deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
instance Arbitrary Type where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
-- I should implement 'search' here, but I can't be bothered right now.
newtype Fingerprint = Fingerprint { getFingerprint :: String }
instance Show Fingerprint where show = getFingerprint
instance Arbitrary Fingerprint where
arbitrary = fmap Fingerprint . vectorOf 40 $ oneof
[ choose ('A', 'F')
, choose ('1', '9')
instance Arbitrary CountryCode where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
newtype ASN = ASN { getASN :: NonNegative Int64 }
instance Show ASN where show = ("AS" ++) . show . getNonNegative . getASN
instance Arbitrary ASN where arbitrary = ASN <$> arbitrary
data Flag = Authority
| BadExit
| Exit
| Fast
| Guard
| HSDir
| Running
| Stable
| V2Dir
| Valid
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
instance Arbitrary Flag where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
type Days = NonNegative Int
data XSeenDays = XSeenBetween Days Days
| XSeenAtLeast Days
| XSeenAtMost Days
instance Show XSeenDays where
show (NonNegative x `XSeenBetween` NonNegative y) = show x ++ "-" ++ show y
show (XSeenAtLeast (NonNegative x)) = show x
show (XSeenAtMost (NonNegative y)) = "-" ++ show y
instance Arbitrary XSeenDays where
arbitrary = oneof
[ uncurry XSeenBetween <$> arbitrary `suchThat` \(x, y) -> x <= y
, XSeenAtLeast <$> arbitrary
, XSeenAtMost <$> arbitrary
newtype Contact = Contact { getContact :: String }
instance Arbitrary Contact where
arbitrary = fmap (Contact . map chr) . listOf1 $ choose (32, 126)
instance Show Contact where show = getContact
data Field = Field_Advertised_Bandwidth
| Field_Alleged_Family
| Field_As_Name
| Field_As_Number
| Field_Bandwidth_Burst
| Field_Bandwidth_Rate
| Field_City_Name
| Field_Consensus_Weight
| Field_Consensus_Weight_Fraction
| Field_Contact
| Field_Country
| Field_Country_Name
| Field_Dir_Address
| Field_Effective_Family
| Field_Exit_Addresses
| Field_Exit_Policy
| Field_Exit_Policy_Summary
| Field_Exit_Policy_V6_Summary
| Field_Exit_Probability
| Field_Family
| Field_Fingerprint
| Field_First_Seen
| Field_Flags
| Field_Guard_Probability
| Field_Hashed_Fingerprint
| Field_Hibernating
| Field_Host_Name
| Field_Indirect_Family
| Field_Last_Changed_Address_Or_Port
| Field_Last_Restarted
| Field_Last_Seen
| Field_Latitude
| Field_Longitude
| Field_Measured
| Field_Middle_Probability
| Field_Nickname
| Field_Observed_Bandwidth
| Field_Or_Addresses
| Field_Platform
| Field_Recommended_Version
| Field_Region_Name
| Field_Running
| Field_Transports -- :%!gawk#<3
deriving (Data, Bounded, Enum)
instance Show Field where show = init . drop 7 . gshow
instance Arbitrary Field where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
newtype Fields = Fields { getFields :: [Field] }
instance Show Fields where show = intercalate "," . map show . getFields
instance Arbitrary Fields where arbitrary = Fields <$> arbitrary
data Order = AscendingConsensusWeight
| DescendingConsensusWeight
deriving (Bounded, Enum)
instance Show Order where
show AscendingConsensusWeight = "consensus_weight"
show DescendingConsensusWeight = "-" ++ show AscendingConsensusWeight
instance Arbitrary Order where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
newtype CaseInsensitive a = CaseInsensitive { getCaseInsensitive :: Tagged a String }
instance (Arbitrary a, Show a) => Arbitrary (CaseInsensitive a) where
arbitrary = fmap (CaseInsensitive . Tagged)
. mapM (\c -> elements [toUpper c, toLower c])
=<< show <$> (arbitrary :: Gen a)
instance Show (CaseInsensitive a) where show = unTagged . getCaseInsensitive
newtype LowerCase a = LowerCase { getLowerCase :: Tagged a String }
instance (Arbitrary a, Show a) => Arbitrary (LowerCase a) where
arbitrary = LowerCase . Tagged . map toLower . show
<$> (arbitrary :: Gen a)
instance Show (LowerCase a) where show = unTagged . getLowerCase
data Param (s :: Symbol) (a :: *)
data Bias (n :: Nat) (a :: *)
data a :| b; infixr 9 :|
data (a :: k) :> (b :: *); infixr 8 :>
data Response
class Generator layout where
generator :: Proxy layout -> (Gen URI -> Gen URI)
instance KnownSymbol path => Generator path where
generator _ accum = accum <&> uriPathL <>~ pack (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy path))
instance (KnownSymbol k, Arbitrary t, Show t) => Generator (Param k t) where
generator _ accum = arbitrary >>= \(v :: t) -> accum <&> uriQueryL . queryPairsL
<>~ [(symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy k), show v) & both %~ pack]
instance (Generator head, Generator tail) => Generator (head :> tail) where
generator _ accum = generator
(Proxy :: Proxy tail)
(generator (Proxy :: Proxy head) accum)
instance (Generator a, Generator b) => Generator (a :| b) where
generator _ accum = oneof
[ generator (Proxy :: Proxy a) accum
, generator (Proxy :: Proxy b) accum
-- Requests including many parameters are often specific enough that they'll
-- yield no results, and I assume are non-representative of regular traffic
-- and/or codepaths. Here we provide facility to dampen their frequencies..
instance (KnownNat n, Generator t) => Generator (Bias n t) where
generator _ accum = frequency
[ (10-p , accum)
, (p , generator (Proxy :: Proxy t) accum)
] where p = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
instance Generator Response where
generator = const id
type Onionoo = "summary" :| "details" :| "bandwidth" :| "weights" :| "clients" :| "uptime"
:> Bias 3 (Param "type" (CaseInsensitive Type))
:> Bias 3 (Param "running" (CaseInsensitive Bool))
-- (search)
:> Bias 1 (Param "lookup" (CaseInsensitive Fingerprint))
:> Bias 1 (Param "fingerprint" (CaseInsensitive Fingerprint))
:> Bias 3 (Param "country" (CaseInsensitive CountryCode))
:> Bias 3 (Param "as" ASN)
:> Bias 3 (Param "flag" (CaseInsensitive Flag))
:> Bias 3 (Param "first_seen_days" XSeenDays)
:> Bias 3 (Param "last_seen_days" XSeenDays)
:> Bias 1 (Param "contact" Contact)
:> Bias 3 (Param "family" (CaseInsensitive Fingerprint))
:> Bias 3 (Param "fields" (CaseInsensitive Fields))
:> Bias 3 (Param "order" (CaseInsensitive Order))
:> Bias 3 (Param "offset" Int)
:> Bias 3 (Param "limit" Int)
:> Response
main :: IO ()
main = do
let Right onionoo = parseURI laxURIParserOptions "http://onionoo.local:8080/"
generateURL = generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy Onionoo) `generator` pure onionoo
forever $ generateURL >>= hPutBuilder stdout . serializeURI >> putChar '\n'
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