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Db PHP class
* f framework, the lightest framework for PHP 5
* Copyright (c) 2007 Franck Marcia
* @package f
* @author Franck Marcia
* @copyright (c) 2007 Franck Marcia
* @license MIT
* @version SVN: $Id: Db.php 60 2007-07-22 20:06:41Z Papa $
* Class to manage databases using PDO.
* This class is static.
* @package f
class Db {
* Database link identifiers.
* @var array PDO ojbect after a successful connection to a
* server, false at start up or after a failure
private static $obj = array();
* Data source names.
* @var array
private static $dsn = array();
* User names to be connected to the database server.
* @var array
private static $user = array();
* Passwords to be connected to the database.
* @var array
private static $password = array();
* Optional names of the database.
* @var array
private static $base = array();
* Fetch modes.
* @var array
private static $fetchMode = array();
* Count of run queries.
* @var array
private static $count = array();
* Driver options on connection.
* @var array
private static $options = array();
* Attributes when connected.
* @var array
private static $attributes = array();
* Constructor for static class pattern.
private function __construct() {}
* Formats a error message.
* This function is used when throwing an exception.
* @param string $name Name of a database object
* @param string $message Message to be formatted
* @return string The formatted message
private static function makeError($name, $message) {
return 'ERROR: ' . $message . ($name === 0 ? '' : ' (' . $name . ')');
* Stores parameters of a database.
* The connection will occur before the first query is run.
* @param array $params Dsn, user, password and optionally base,
* fetchmode, options and attributes
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @throws Exception
public static function init($params, $name = 0) {
if (!is_array($params) ||
!isset($params['dsn']) ||
!isset($params['user']) ||
) {
throw new Exception(self::makeError($name, 'Wrong parameters in ' .
'array on connection. The array must contain items "dsn", ' .
'"user" and "password"'));
self::$obj[$name] = false;
self::$dsn[$name] = $params['dsn'];
self::$user[$name] = $params['user'];
self::$password[$name] = $params['password'];
self::$base[$name] =
isset($params['base']) ? $params['base'] : null;
self::$fetchMode[$name] =
isset($params['fetchmode']) ? $params['fetchmode'] : 'assoc';
self::$count[$name] = 0;
self::$options[$name] =
isset($params['options']) ? $params['options'] : null;
self::$attributes[$name] =
isset($params['attributes']) ? $params['attributes'] : array();
* Opens a connection to a server.
* @param string $name Name of a database object
private static function connect($name) {
self::$obj[$name] = new PDO(
foreach (self::$attributes as $key => $val) {
self::$obj[$name]->setAttribute($key, $val);
if (isset(self::$base[$name])) {
self::$obj[$name]->exec('USE ' . self::$base[$name]);
* Selects a database.
* @param string $base The new database name
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
public static function selectDb($base, $name = 0) {
self::$base[$name] = $base;
* Closes a connection to a database server.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
public static function close($name = 0) {
self::$obj[$name] = null;
* Begins a transaction.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
public static function begin($name = 0) {
if (!self::$obj[$name]) {
* Commits a transaction.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
public static function commit($name = 0) {
if (!self::$obj[$name]) {
* Rollbacks a transaction.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
public static function rollback($name = 0) {
if (!self::$obj[$name]) {
* Returns the ID generated from the last INSERT operation.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return string The ID
public static function insertId($name = 0) {
return self::$obj[$name]->lastInsertId();
* Sends a query.
* Can be called with the form query($query, $name).
* @param string $query Query string
* @param array $params Parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return mixed true if the query is an action query or resource
* if the query is a select query
public static function query($query, $params = null, $name = 0) {
if ($name == 0 && !is_null($params) && !is_array($params)) {
$name = $params;
$params = array();
if (!self::$obj[$name]) {
$result = self::$obj[$name]->prepare($query);
$n = count($params);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i += 2) {
if (!isset($params[$i + 1])) {
switch ($params[$i]) {
case 'bool': $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL; break;
case 'null': $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL; break;
case 'int': $type = PDO::PARAM_INT; break;
case 'txt': $type = PDO::PARAM_STR; break;
throw new Exception(self::makeError($name, 'unknown type ' . $params[$i]));
$value = $params[$i + 1];
$result->bindValue(($i / 2) + 1, $value, $type);
return $result;
* Defines the fetch mode.
* @param string $mode Mode to fetch data
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @throws Exception
public static function setFetchMode($mode, $name = 0) {
switch ($mode) {
case 'object':
case 'assoc':
case 'array':
self::$fetchMode[$name] = $mode;
throw new Exception(
self::makeError($name, 'invalid fetch mode')
* Fetches a result row as an associative array, an object or a numeric
* array depending on the parameter $mode or the general fetch mode
* @param resource $result Resource which comes from a call to query
* @param string $mode Fetching mode: 'assoc', 'object' or 'array'
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return mixed the result row as array if the mode is 'assoc'
* or 'array' and as object if the mode is 'object'
public static function fetch($result, $mode = null, $name = 0) {
if (is_null($mode)) {
$mode = self::$fetchMode[$name];
switch ($mode) {
case 'object': $mode = PDO::FETCH_OBJ; break;
case 'assoc': $mode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; break;
case 'array': $mode = PDO::FETCH_NUM; break;
return $result->fetch($mode);
* Returns the number of rows in result.
* @param resource $result Resource which comes from a call to query
* @return integer The number of rows
public static function numRows($result) {
return $result->rowCount();
* Returns the number of run queries.
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return string The number of run queries
public static function count($name = 0) {
return self::$count[$name];
* Returns the value of the first field of the first row of a query.
* @param string $query Query string
* @param array $params Parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return string Value of the first field of the first row
public static function queryVal($query, $params = null, $name = 0) {
$result = self::query($query, $params, $name);
$r = self::fetch($result, 'array');
return $r ? $r[0] : null;
* Returns the first row of a query.
* @param string $query Query string
* @param array $params Parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return array First row of the query
public static function queryOne($query, $params = null, $name = 0) {
$result = self::query($query, $params, $name);
$r = self::fetch($result);
return $r;
* Returns the whole rows of a query.
* @param string $query Query string
* @param array $params Parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return array Results of the query
public static function queryAll($query, $params = null, $name = 0) {
if ($name == 0 && !is_null($params) && !is_array($params)) {
$name = $params;
$params = null;
$a = array();
$result = self::query($query, $params, $name);
while ($r = self::fetch($result)) {
$a[] = $r;
return $a;
* Returns the whole rows of a query as a hash table indexed by a field.
* @param string $query Query string
* @param string $key Name of the field which is used to define the
* key of the row in the array
* @param array $params Optional parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return array Results of the query
public static function queryHash($query, $key, $params = null, $name = 0) {
if ($name == 0 && !is_null($params) && !is_array($params)) {
$name = $params;
$params = null;
$a = array();
$result = self::query($query, $params, $name);
while ($r = self::fetch($result)) {
if (is_array($r)) {
$a[$r[$key]] = $r;
} else {
$a[$r->$key] = $r;
return $a;
* Returns values of the first column of a query.
* @param string $query Query string
* @param array $params Parameters of the query
* @param string $name Optional name of a database object
* @return array first column of the query
public static function queryCol($query, $params = null, $name = 0) {
if ($name == 0 && !is_null($params) && !is_array($params)) {
$name = $params;
$params = null;
$a = array();
$result = self::query($query, $params, $name);
while ($r = self::fetch($result, 'array')) {
$a[] = $r[0];
return $a;
include_once "Db.php";
$database = "sqlite:/path/to/db"
$one = Db::queryOne(
"SELECT userId, access, moderated " .
"FROM users " .
"WHERE path = ? AND enabled = 1 AND checked = 1",
array('txt', $path)
$val = Db::queryVal(
"SELECT role " .
"FROM usersRoles " .
"WHERE profileId = ? AND userId = ?",
array('int', $profileId, 'int', $userId)
if (!Db::query(
"INSERT INTO `posts` " .
"(`parentId`, `authorId`, `profileId`, `creation`, `checked`, " .
"`type`, `vote`, `text`, `more`, `left`, `right`, `tags`, `links`) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
'int', $parentId, 'int', $userId, 'int', $profileId, 'int', $checked, 'txt', $type,
'txt', $vote, 'txt', $text, 'txt', $more, 'txt', $left, 'txt', $right, 'txt', $tags, 'txt', $links
)) {
return array('result' => 0, 'message' => 'error');
$postId = Db::insertId();
"SELECT m.type,, m.text, m.more, m.left, m.right, m.children, " .
"m.leftChildren, m.rightChildren, m.locked, m.localPath, m.links, " .
"m.tags, f.creation favorite,, a.path authorPath, a.avatar, ru.role"
define('DEBATES_SELECT_LASTUPDATE', DEBATES_SELECT . ", m.lastUpdate usedDate ");
/* posts */
"FROM posts m " .
/* post author (LEFT for anonymous posts) */
"LEFT JOIN users a ON m.authorId = a.userId " .
/* post debate host */
"INNER JOIN users p ON p.userId = m.profileId " .
/* user favorites */
"LEFT JOIN usersFavorites f ON m.postId = f.postId AND f.userId = ? " .
/* every profile which can be seen */
"LEFT JOIN usersRoles ru ON m.profileId = ru.profileId "
"WHERE m.deleted = 0 " .
"AND (m.checked = 1 OR ru.canModerate = 1) " .
"AND (p.notPrivate = 1 OR ru.canView = 1) "
$arr = Db::queryHash(
"INNER JOIN usersRoles rs ON rs.profileId = m.authorId AND rs.userId = ? AND rs.canView = 1 " .
"AND m.parentId = 0 " .
"ORDER BY m.lastUpdate DESC",
array('int', $userId, 'int', $profileId)
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