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Created May 12, 2018 17:04
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This script creates a CSV file from the gamelist.xml files contained in your Recalbox
This script creates a CSV file from the gamelist.xml files contained in your Recalbox
Telechargement automatique des librairies:
- jcifs pour acceder au partage reseau des fichier (protocole samba)
- IOUtils, la librairie contenue dans commons-io et qui permet de lire des fichiers facilement
@Grab(group='jcifs', module='jcifs', version='1.3.17'),
@Grab(group='commons-io', module='commons-io', version='2.6')
import jcifs.smb.SmbFile
import jcifs.smb.SmbFileInputStream
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
/** Demarage du script */
boolean remoteAccess = true
String raspberryIP = ""
String localDir = "/media/vg1-data/Downloads/groovy-xml/tmp/"
def result = "";
if (remoteAccess) {
new SmbFile("smb://${raspberryIP}/share/roms/").listFiles().each { subdir ->
if (subdir.isDirectory()) {
SmbFile gamelist = new SmbFile(subdir, "gamelist.xml")
if (gamelist.exists()) { // test si le sous-repertoire contient un fichier "gamelist.xml"
String console = subdir.getName()
println console
String xml = IOUtils.toString(new SmbFileInputStream(gamelist),;
result += parseXML(xml, console);
} else {
new File(localDir).eachDirRecurse() { subdir ->
File gamelist = new File(subdir, "gamelist.xml")
if (gamelist.exists()) {
String console = subdir.getName()
println console
String xml = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(gamelist),;
result += parseXML(xml, console);
File resultFile = new File("resultFile.csv")
resultFile.text = result
/** methode qui remplace dans une chaine les ';' par des ',' */
def stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(String s) {
s = s.replace(";", ",").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", " - ")
if (s.length() > 16000) {
println "long string detected !"
return s
/** Cette methode prend en entree le contenu xml d'un fichier et renvoie la chaine au format CSV (comma-separated value) */
String parseXML(String xml, String console) {
String fileResult = ""
try {
xml = xml.replace("\uFEFF", "") // remove possible BOM from file content
def list = new XmlParser().parseText(xml) { p ->
fileResult += ("${console};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.path.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.desc.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.image.text())};"
//+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.thumbnail.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.rating.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.releasedate.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.developer.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.publisher.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.genre.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.players.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.playcount.text())};"
+ "${stripSemicolonAndLineBreak(p.lastplayed.text())};"
fileResult += System.lineSeparator(); // saut de ligne
} catch (Exception e) {
println e;
return fileResult
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