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Last active September 14, 2018 12:36
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def boyermoore(p, t):
m = len(p)
n = len(t)
if m > n: return -1
pulo = [m for k in range(256)]
for k in range(m - 1):
pulo[ord(p[k])] = m - k - 1
pulo = tuple(pulo)
k = m - 1
while k < n:
j = m - 1
i = k
while j >= 0 and t[i] == p[j]:
j -= 1
i -= 1
if j == -1: return i + 1
k += pulo[ord(t[k])]
return -1
texto = 'os algoritmos de ordenação'
palavra = 'algoritmo'
print (boyermoore(palavra, texto))
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