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Created June 8, 2022 09:30
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reproducing Heston example for microstructure noise paper
using MicrostructureNoise, Distributions
using Random, Dates, LinearAlgebra, DelimitedFiles
using Bridge
using StaticArrays
using DataFrames
using CSV
const R2 = SVector{2,Float64};
NBINS = 100
############################## Generate data from forward model ##############################
forwardmodel= [:Heston, :IGlimit][1] # in case IGlimit, then we generate the volatility according to the derived limit behaviour of the IGMC
n = 4_000 # nr of observations
ρ = 0.0#-0.6 # corr between Wiener processes
η0 = 1e-6 # variance of extrinsic noise
# set pars in Heston model
μ = 0.05
κ = 7.0
θ = 0.04
σ = 0.6
struct Heston <: ContinuousTimeProcess{R2}
Bridge.b(s, x, P::Heston) = R2(P.μ*x[1], P.κ*(P.θ - x[2]))
Bridge.σ(s, x, P::Heston) = Diagonal(R2(sqrt(x[2])*x[1], P.σ*sqrt(x[2])))
struct IGlimit <: ContinuousTimeProcess{R2}
Bridge.b(s, x, P::IGlimit) = R2(P.μ *x[1], 0.0)
Bridge.σ(s, x, P::IGlimit) = Diagonal(R2(sqrt(x[2])*x[1], sqrt(2)*x[2]))
T = 1.0
if forwardmodel== :Heston
P = Heston(μ, κ, θ, σ)
P = IGlimit(μ, σ)
nf = 10 # generate the process on a finer grid than it is observed
tfine0 = T .* sort(rand(n*nf-1))
tfine = [0.0; tfine0; T]
is = [i <= n-1 for i in 1:length(tfine)-2]
is = [true; is[randperm(length(is))]; true]
t = tfine[is];
u = R2(1., θ) # initial value of diffusion process
W = sample(tfine, Wiener{R2}())
map!(v->R2(v[1], ρ*v[1] + sqrt(1-ρ^2)v[2]), W.yy, W.yy) # correlate Brownian motions
Xfine = solve(EulerMaruyama(), u, W, P)
xtrue = log.(first.(Xfine.yy[is]))
s0(t) = sqrt(Xfine.yy[searchsortedfirst(, t)][2])
y = copy(xtrue)
y .+= randn(n + 1) * sqrt(η0); # observe X_t = log S_t with extrinsic noise
############################## Perform inference using MicrostructureNoise. ##############################
α = 5.0 # Initial smoothness hyperparameter guess
σα = 3.0 # Random walk step size for smoothness hyperparameter
prior = MicrostructureNoise.Prior(
α1 = 0.10,
β1 = 0.10,
αη = 0.01,
βη = 0.01,
Πα = LogNormal(1., 2.5),
μ0 = 0.0,
C0 = 5.0
td, θs, ηs, αs, p = MicrostructureNoise.MCMC(prior, t, y, α, σα, 3_000, printiter=500);
# θs: iterates of θ
# ηs: iterates of η
# αs: iterates of α
println("acceptance probability $p")
# further processing of iterates
posterior = MicrostructureNoise.posterior_volatility(td, θs)
# Julia plotting
tt, mm = MicrostructureNoise.piecewise(posterior.post_t, posterior.post_median[:])
using Plots
Plots.plot(tt, mm, label="posterior median", linewidth=0.5, color="dark blue")
Plots.plot!(t[1:10:end], (s0.(t[1:10:end])).^2, label="true volatility", color="red")
plot!(MicrostructureNoise.piecewise(posterior.post_t, posterior.post_qlow[:])...,
fillrange = MicrostructureNoise.piecewise(posterior.post_t, posterior.post_qup[:])[2],
fillalpha = 0.2,
alpha = 0.0,
title="Volatility estimate", label="marginal $(round(Int,posterior.qu*100))% credibility band")
# display(p)
# exporting data to csv
# posterior has fieldnames
#(:post_t, :post_qlow, :post_median, :post_qup, :post_mean, :post_mean_root, :qu)
# write to csv files
pp = posterior
d = DataFrame(bin = 1:length(pp.post_qlow), t=pp.post_t[2:end], post_qlow= pp.post_qlow, post_qup = pp.post_qup, post_mean= pp.post_mean, post_mean_root=pp.post_mean_root, post_median = pp.post_median)
s0_df = DataFrame(t = t, s0 =s0.(t) )
naming = string(forwardmodel)*"_"*string(NBINS)*".csv"
CSV.write("/Users/frankvandermeulen/Sync/DOCUMENTS/onderzoek/code/microstructure/out/posteriorinfo"*naming, d)
CSV.write("/Users/frankvandermeulen/Sync/DOCUMENTS/onderzoek/code/microstructure/out/truevol"*naming, s0_df)
# R ggplot plotting
using RCall
@rput d
@rput s0_df
L <- nrow(d)
d <- d %>% mutate(time=bin,xmin = breaks[-(L+1)],xmax=breaks[-1])%>%
d_step <- data.frame(x=breaks,y=c(d$post_mean_root,d$post_mean_root[L]))
ggplot() +
geom_rect(data=d,aes(xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin = post_qlow, ymax = post_qup), fill = "lightsteelblue1")+
geom_step(data=d_step, aes(x=x,y=y),colour='black',size=1,alpha=1)+
geom_line(data=s0_df, aes(x=t, y=s0), colour='red',size=.5,alpha=0.8)+
ylab("")+xlab("") #+ggtitle('Posterior mean and 95% marginal credible bands')
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