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Created August 31, 2020 12:52
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set exchange
set surround
set commentary
set visualbell
set noerrorbells
set textobj-entire
set highlightedyank
set multiple-cursors
set ReplaceWithRegister
set number
set showcdm
set showmode
set ideajoin
set gdefault
set smartcase
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set scrolloff=10
set ideastatusicon=gray
set clipboard=unnamedplus
noremap <CR> :
let mapleader = " "
noremap <leader>a :action GotoAction<CR>
noremap <leader>b :action ToggleLineBreakpoint<CR>
noremap <leader>c :action GotoClass<CR>
noremap <leader>d :action GotoDeclaration<CR>
noremap <leader>e :action OpenFile<CR>
noremap <leader>f :action GotoFile<CR>
noremap <leader>g :action GotoLine<CR>
noremap <leader>h :action Back<CR>
noremap <leader>i :GotoImplementation<CR>
noremap <leader>j :action AceWordAction<CR>
noremap <leader>k :action Run<CR>
noremap <leader>l :action Forward<CR>
noremap <leader>m :action ShowBookmarks<CR>
noremap <leader>n :action NextTab<CR>
noremap <leader>o :action GotoTest<CR>
noremap <leader>p :action PreviousTab<CR>
noremap <leader>q :action CloseEditor<CR>
noremap <leader>r :action RenameElement<CR>
noremap <leader>s :action GotoSymbol<CR>
noremap <leader>t :action RerunTests<CR>
noremap <leader>u :action FindUsages<CR>
noremap <leader>v :action ViewSource<CR>
noremap <leader>w :action Git.Add<CR>
noremap <leader>x :action QuickActions<CR>
noremap <leader>y :action GotoTypeDeclaration<CR>
noremap <leader>z :action CollapseAll<CR>
noremap <leader>A :action About<CR>
noremap <leader>B :action ViewBreakpoints<CR>
noremap <leader>C :action ChangeColorScheme<CR>
noremap <leader>D :action Debug<CR>
noremap <leader>E :action RecentFiles<CR>
noremap <leader>F :action ActivateFavoritesToolWindow<CR>
noremap <leader>G :action Generate<CR>
noremap <leader>H :action HelpMenu<CR>
noremap <leader>I :action ImplementMethods<CR>
noremap <leader>J :action AceLineAction<CR>
noremap <leader>K :action Rerun<CR>
noremap <leader>L :action RecentLocations<CR>
noremap <leader>M :action ToggleBookmarkWithMnemonic<CR>
noremap <leader>N :action NextSplitter<CR>
noremap <leader>O :action OptimizeImports<CR>
noremap <leader>P :action PrevSplitter<CR>
noremap <leader>Q :action CloseProject<CR>
noremap <leader>R :action Move<CR>
noremap <leader>S :action ChangeSignature<CR>
noremap <leader>T :action RerunFailedTests<CR>
noremap <leader>U :action Unsplit<CR>
noremap <leader>V :action ChangeView<CR>
noremap <leader>W :action Git.Commit.And.Push.Executor<CR>
noremap <leader>X :action ActivateProblemsViewToolWindow<CR>
noremap <leader>Y :action CallHierarchy<CR>
noremap <leader>Z :source ExpandAll<CR>
noremap <leader>` :actionlist<CR>
noremap <leader>. :action ShowSettings<CR>
noremap <leader>, :action IdeaVim.ReloadVimRc.reload<CR>
noremap <leader>- :action SplitHorizontally<CR>
noremap <leader>= :action ReformatFile<CR>
noremap <leader>- :action ReformatCode<CR>
noremap <leader>\ :action SplitVertically<CR>
noremap <leader>( :action FindPrevious<CR>
noremap <leader>) :action FindNext<CR>
noremap <leader>{ :action GotoPreviousError<CR>
noremap <leader>} :action GotoNextError<CR>
noremap <leader>[ :action MethodUp<CR>
noremap <leader>] :action MethodDown<CR>
noremap <leader>/ :action Find<CR>
noremap <leader>> :action GotoNextBookmark<CR>
noremap <leader>< :action GotoPreviousBookmark<CR>
noremap <leader>! :action ToggleBookmark1<CR>
noremap <leader>1 :action GotoBookmark1<CR>
noremap <leader>@ :action ToggleBookmark2<CR>
noremap <leader>2 :action GotoBookmark2<CR>
noremap <leader># :action ToggleBookmark3<CR>
noremap <leader>3 :action GotoBookmark3<CR>
noremap <leader>$ :action ToggleBookmark4<CR>
noremap <leader>4 :action GotoBookmark4<CR>
noremap <leader>% :action ToggleBookmark5<CR>
noremap <leader>5 :action GotoBookmark5<CR>
noremap <leader>% :action ToggleBookmark6<CR>
noremap <leader>6 :action GotoBookmark6<CR>
noremap <leader>& :action ToggleBookmark7<CR>
noremap <leader>7 :action GotoBookmark7<CR>
noremap <leader>* :action ToggleBookmark8<CR>
noremap <leader>8 :action GotoBookmark8<CR>
noremap <leader>9 :action GotoBookmark9<CR>
noremap <leader><Tab> :action GoToLastTab<CR>
noremap <leader><Space> :action ShowIntentionActions<CR>
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