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Last active October 2, 2022 14:18
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-- Introduction
SELECT column_1, column_2… [Returns entries per specified columns]
SELECT * [Returns all entries]
SELECT DISTINCT column_1, column_2… [Returns unique entries per specified columns]
SELECT DISTINCT * [Returns all unique entries]
FROM schema_name.table_name [Specifies table to return entries from]
WHERE column_1 = ‘value’ [Specifies condition per column]
May use =, >, <, >=, <=, <>
WHERE column_1 = ‘value’ AND column_2 = ‘value’ [Specifies both conditions must be met]
WHERE column_1 = ‘value’ OR column_2 = ‘value’ [Specifies one condition must be met]
WHERE column_1 = ‘value’ AND (column_2 = ‘value’ OR column_3 = ‘value’)
-- Aggregations
SUM(column_1) [Returns summation of column]
AVG(column_1) [Returns average of column]
MIN(column_1) [Returns minimum of column]
MAX(column_1) [Returns maximum of column]
COUNT(column_1) [Returns count of entries of column]
COUNT(DISTINCT column_1) [Returns unique count of entries of column]
Aggregations require a GROUP BY clause, i.e. GROUP BY 1, 2 or GROUP BY column_1, column_2
All non-aggregated columns are required to be in the GROUP BY clause
-- Null Handling
IS NULL [Evaluates if an entry is null]
IS NOT NULL [Evaluates if an entry is not null]
NVL(column_1, ‘alternative value’) [Replaces entry with an alternative value if found to be null]
NULLIF(column_1,’value’) [Replaces entry with null if entry meets value]
-- Aliases
column_1 AS ‘value’ [Renames column]
schema_name.table_name AS ‘value’ [Renames table]
-- Joins (added in From and then join on primary keys)
INNER JOIN schema_name.table_name ON table1.value1 = table2.value1 [Merges tables on matching values, contains only records with matching values found in both table 1 and table 2]
LEFT JOIN schema_name.table_name ON table1.value1 = table2.value1 [Merges tables on matching values, contains all records from table 1]
RIGHT JOIN schema_name.table_name ON table1.value1 = table2.value1 [Merges tables on matching values, contains all records from table 2]
FULL OUTER JOIN schema_name.table_name ON table1.value1 = table2.value1 [Merges tables on matching values, contains all records from both table 1 and table 2]
UNION [Merges two tables whose structures are the same, removes duplicative records]
UNION ALL [Merges two tables whose structures are the same]
-- Miscellaneous
LIMIT x [Limits returned records to a specified number]
ORDER BY 1, 2 or ORDER BY column_1, column_2 [Orders returned records by specified columns]
LIKE ‘%value%’ [Used to find near matches when evaluating conditions]
IN (‘value 1’,’value 2’) [Used to find matches within a list of values when evaluating conditions]
BETWEEN ‘value 1’ AND ‘value 2’ [Used to find matches where an entry falls between two values when evaluating conditions] (inclusive)
HAVING [Used in place of WHERE for aggregate clauses]
(WHERE filters before data is grouped. HAVING filters after data is grouped.)
CASE WHEN column1 = ‘value’ THEN ‘value’ ELSE ‘value’ END AS ‘value’ [Returns entries by evaluating when/then statements]
NOT [Used to limit to where a condition is not met]
-- Date Management
CURRENT_DATE [Returns current date]
TO_CHAR (column name, 'date format') [converts the date to a character string in a specified format]
Date formats:
'Q' = Quarter number
'MM' = Month number
'Month' = Month name
'W' = Week of the month (1-5; first week starts on the first day of the month)
'WW' = Week number of year (1-53; first week starts on the first day of the year)
'Day' = Day name
'DDD' = Day of year (1-366)
'DD' = Day of month (1-31)
'D' = Day of week (1-7; Sunday is 1)
'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS' = Year, month, day, hour, minutes and seconds
TO_DATE ('string', 'date format') [opposite of TO_CHAR]
DATE_TRUNC ('datepart', column) [truncates a time stamps expression to a specified date part, such as hour, week or month]
Datepart formats:
'year' = truncates to the first second of the first hour of the first day of the year
'quarter' = truncates to the first second/hour/day/quarter
'month' = truncates to the first second/hour/day/month
'week' = truncates to the first second/hour/day/week (Monday)
'day' = truncates to the first second/hour/day
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