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Created March 30, 2016 15:27
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'use strict';
.service('Contacts', function($rootScope, $http, $localStorage, $log, $q, $filter, $timeout, CBCore, AuthService, Sorting, Groups) {
var Contacts = {};
Contacts.byId = {}; // contactId: Contact
Contacts.byGroupId = {}; // groupId: {contactId: Contact} LIVE contacts only
Contacts.groupsByContactId = {}; // contactId: {id: group}
Contacts.trashById = {}; // contactId: Contact
Contacts.headerById = {};
Contacts.canonicalNameById = {};
// Private utility functions
* Applies a function to all cached contacts, trash and live.
* @param fnToApply the function to apply.
function applyFnToAllCachedContacts(fnToApply) {
if (angular.isFunction(fnToApply)) {
angular.forEach(Contacts.byId, fnToApply);
angular.forEach(Contacts.trashById, fnToApply);
* Updates the local group indexes for a contact.
* @param contactId the contact to update
* @param added added group ID list
* @param removed removed group ID list
function updateGroupIndexes(contactId, added, removed) {
// Removed
angular.forEach(removed, function(groupId) {
delete Contacts.byGroupId[groupId][contactId];
if (Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId]) {
delete Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId][groupId];
// Added
if (added) {
var contact = Contacts.byId[contactId];
if (angular.isObject(contact)) {
angular.forEach(added, function(groupId) {
if (angular.isUndefined(groupId)) {
throw new Error("Null group ID");
// Make sure the objects we need exist
if (angular.isUndefined(Contacts.byGroupId[groupId])) {
Contacts.byGroupId[groupId] = {};
if (angular.isUndefined(Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId])) {
Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId] = {};
// Update them
Contacts.byGroupId[groupId][contactId] = contact;
Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId][groupId] = Groups.getById(groupId);
* Moves a cached contact between two objects.
* @param contactId the contact id.
* @param src source object
* @param dst destination object
function moveCachedContact(contactId, src, dst) {
var contact = src[contactId];
delete src[contactId];
dst[contactId] = contact;
* Saves a contact in local storage.
* @param newContact the contact to save.
function updateCachedContact(newContact, contactsByIdObject) {
var oldContact;
if (angular.isDefined(contactsByIdObject)) {
oldContact = contactsByIdObject[newContact.contactId];
} else {
// Look in the live contacts list for the contact
oldContact = Contacts.byId[newContact.contactId] || Contacts.trashById[newContact.contactId];
// Update our cached strings
// Add (or update, maintaining the contact object references)
if (newContact !== oldContact) {
if (angular.isUndefined(oldContact)) {
contactsByIdObject[newContact.contactId] = newContact;
// Update groups indexes
updateGroupIndexes(newContact.contactId, Contacts.getGroupIds(newContact), []);
} else {
// Update groups indexes
var groupDiff = Contacts.diffGroups(newContact, oldContact);
updateGroupIndexes(newContact.contactId, groupDiff.added, groupDiff.removed);
// Clear the old keys
angular.forEach(_.keys(oldContact), function(key) {
delete oldContact[key];
// Copy the data into the old object
angular.copy(newContact, oldContact);
* Caches the header and sorting strings for each contact
* @param contact
function updateCachedStrings(contact) {
Contacts.headerById[contact.contactId] = Sorting.getSectionHeader(contact);
Contacts.canonicalNameById[contact.contactId] = Sorting.getCanonicalName(contact);
* Removes a contact from local storage
* @param contactId the ID of the contact to remove from local storage.
function removeCachedContact(contactId, contactsByIdObject) {
delete contactsByIdObject[contactId];
delete Contacts.imageByContactId[contactId];
// Remove all group indexes
if (angular.isObject(Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId])) {
angular.forEach(_.keys(Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId]), function(groupId) {
delete Contacts.byGroupId[groupId][contactId];
delete Contacts.groupsByContactId[contactId][groupId];
// Remove cached strings
delete Contacts.headerById[contactId];
delete Contacts.canonicalNameById[contactId];
* Removes a group from a cached contact and group indexes.
* @param contactId the contact ID
* @param groupIdToRemove the group ID
function removeGroupFromCachedContact(contact, groupIdToRemove) {
if (angular.isObject(contact) && angular.isArray(contact.groups)) {
contact.groups = _.without(contact.groups, function(group) { = groupIdToRemove;
updateGroupIndexes(contactId, [], [groupIdToRemove]);
* Adds and removes groups for a cached contact.
* @param contactId the contact ID
* @param added array of group IDs to add.
* @param removed array of group IDs to remove.
function assignCachedContactGroups(contactId, added, removed) {
var contact = Contacts.getContact(contactId);
// Remove groups
angular.forEach(removed, function(groupId) {
for(var i = 0; i < contact.groups.length; i++) {
if (angular.isObject(contact.groups[i]) && contact.groups[i].id == groupId) {
contact.groups.splice(i, 1);
// Add groups
angular.forEach(added, function(groupId) {
var group = Groups.getById(groupId);
id: group.groupId,
type: group.type
updateGroupIndexes(contactId, added, removed)
function isContactInMap(contactId, contactsByIdObject) {
return angular.isDefined(contactsByIdObject[contactId]);
// Utility methods
* Updates an object to add missing and remove old contacts.
* @param map the object, indexed by contact ID.
* @param newContactIds the new contact IDs to be contained in the map.
Contacts.updateContactIdMap = function (map, newContactIds) {
var currentContactIds = _.keys(map);
// Delete any old IDs
var idsToDelete = _.difference(currentContactIds, newContactIds);
angular.forEach(idsToDelete, function(contactIdToDelete) {
delete map[contactIdToDelete];
// Add any new IDs
var idsToAdd = _.difference(newContactIds, currentContactIds);
angular.forEach(idsToAdd, function(contactIdToAdd) {
map[contactIdToAdd] = Contacts.getContact(contactIdToAdd);
* Gets the size of a contacts object.
* @param contactsByIdObject
* @returns {*number} the size, or zero if not an object.
Contacts.size = function(contactsByIdObject) {
if (angular.isObject(contactsByIdObject)) {
return _.size(contactsByIdObject);
return 0;
Contacts.countByGroupId = function(groupId) {
if (Contacts.byGroupId[groupId]) {
return _.size(Contacts.byGroupId[groupId]);
} else {
return 0;
// Contact list
* Fetches contacts and saves them in local storage.
* @private
* @param trash {boolean} false to get live contacts, true to get trashed ones
* @param since {int} the last time the list was fetched.
function fetchContacts(trash, since) {
$log.log("Contacts:fetchContacts(trash, since)", trash, since);
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get(CBCore.coreConfig.contacts, {params: {viewTrash: trash, changesAsOfTicks: since, _nocache: new Date().getTime()}})
.success(function(response, status, headers, config) {
if (angular.isArray(response.contactList)) {
Contacts.setContacts(response.contactList, trash);
// Remove deleted contacts
angular.forEach(response.deletedContactIds, function(contactId) {
if (trash) {
removeCachedContact(contactId, Contacts.trashById);
} else {
removeCachedContact(contactId, Contacts.byId);
$rootScope.$broadcast('Contacts.fetchContacts', response.contactList.length);
} else {
// TODO: Handle responses intelligently. What are the possible errors?
deferred.reject("Unexpected response from server.");
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// TODO: Handle responses intelligently. What are the possible errors?
return deferred.promise;
function filterContacts(filter, key, contacts) {
var filteredContacts = $filter(filter)(contacts, key);
return filteredContacts;
* Sorts and filters a list of contacts by the current group an search filters.
* @param list of contact ids to sort and filter
Contacts.getFilteredContactList = function(contactIdList, searchTerm) {
$log.log("Contacts.getFilteredContactList(contactIdList.length, searchTerm)", contactIdList.length, searchTerm);
// Get an array of contacts
var contacts = _.chain(contactIdList)
// Apply the search filter
if (searchTerm) {
contacts = filterContacts('contactsFilter', searchTerm, contacts);
return contacts;
var lastRefresh = 0;
var lastTrashRefresh = 0;
Contacts.promise = null;
Contacts.refreshContacts = function() {
Contacts.promise = $q.all([fetchContacts(false, lastRefresh), fetchContacts(true, lastTrashRefresh)])
.then(function(responses) {
lastRefresh = responses[0].queryDetails.currentServerTime;
lastTrashRefresh = responses[1].queryDetails.currentServerTime;
}, function(status) {
$log.log("Failed to refresh contacts", status);
return Contacts.promise;
* Set contacts from a list.
* @param contactList the list of contacts
* @param trash true if the contacts are going in the trash
Contacts.setContacts = function(contactList, trash) {
// Update the cached contacts
angular.forEach(contactList, function(contact) {
if (angular.isUndefined(contact)) {
throw new Error("Undefined contact in contact list.");
// Move the contact to the proper list to maintain the object reference, then update it
if (trash) {
if (isContactInMap(contact.contactId, Contacts.byId)) {
moveCachedContact(contact.contactId, Contacts.byId, Contacts.trashById);
updateCachedContact(contact, Contacts.trashById);
} else {
if (isContactInMap(contact.contactId, Contacts.trashById)) {
moveCachedContact(contact.contactId, Contacts.trashById, Contacts.byId);
updateCachedContact(contact, Contacts.byId);
* Gets the time of the last successful refresh.
* @returns {number}
Contacts.getLastRefresh = function() {
return lastRefresh;
// Individual contacts
Contacts.getHeader = function(contactId) {
return Contacts.headerById[contactId];
* Gets a list of groupIds from a contact.
* @param contact the contact
* @returns {Array}
Contacts.getGroupIds = function(contact) {
if (angular.isUndefined(contact)) {
throw new Error("contact is undefined.");
return _.chain(contact.groups).map(function(group) {
* Gets a map of added and removed group IDs.
* @param newGroupIds new group ID list.
* @param oldGroupIds old group ID list.
* @returns {{added: (*|Array), removed: (*|Array)}}
Contacts.diffGroupIds = function(newGroupIds, oldGroupIds) {
var addedGroupIds = _.difference(newGroupIds, oldGroupIds);
var removedGroupIds = _.difference(oldGroupIds, newGroupIds);
return {
"added": _.compact(addedGroupIds), // HACK: Group IDs can be blank.
"removed": _.compact(removedGroupIds) // HACK: Group IDs can be blank.
* Gets a map of added and removed group IDs.
Contacts.diffGroups = function(newContact, oldContact) {
var newGroupIds = Contacts.getGroupIds(newContact);
var oldGroupIds = angular.isDefined(oldContact) ?
Contacts.getGroupIds(oldContact) :
return Contacts.diffGroupIds(newGroupIds, oldGroupIds);
* Assigns and removes contacts to groups.
* @param contactIds list of contact IDs.
* @param groupIdsToAdd list of group IDs.
* @param groupIdsToRemove list of group IDs.
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.assignContactGroups = function(contactIds, groupIdsToAdd, groupIdsToRemove) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// filter sigcapture groups
groupIdsToAdd = $filter('rejectSigCaptureGroups')(groupIdsToAdd);
groupIdsToRemove = $filter('rejectSigCaptureGroups')(groupIdsToRemove);
// Stop now if there's nothing to do
if (groupIdsToAdd.length == 0 && groupIdsToRemove.length == 0) {
return deferred.promise;
"assign": {
groups: groupIdsToAdd,
contacts: contactIds
"remove": {
groups: groupIdsToRemove,
contacts: contactIds
function(response) {
// NOTE: Refetching the contact immediately can return stale data, handle the update locally
angular.forEach(contactIds, function(contactId) {
assignCachedContactGroups(contactId, groupIdsToAdd, groupIdsToRemove);
$rootScope.$broadcast('', contactIds);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
* Adds the contact to a group.
* @param contactIds
* @param groupToAdd the group object
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.addContactToGroup = function(contactIds, groupToAdd) {
$log.log('Contacts.addContactToGroup', contactIds,;
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (angular.isString(contactIds)) {
contactIds = [contactIds];
// Make sure we have some contacts to update
if (!angular.isArray(contactIds) || contactIds.length == 0) {
'assign': {
'groups': [groupToAdd.groupId],
'contacts': contactIds
function(response) {
// FYI: Refetching the contact immediately can return stale data, handle the update locally
_.each(contactIds, function(contactId) {
var contact = Contacts.getContact(contactId);
// Skip bad contacts
if (!angular.isObject(contact)) {
// Add the groups array if the contact doesn't have on yet
if (!angular.isArray(contact.groups)) {
contact.groups = [];
// Skip this contact if it already has the group
if (_.some(contact.groups, function(group) {return ==})) {
// Add the group
id: groupToAdd.groupId,
type: groupToAdd.type
// Update the contact
assignCachedContactGroups(contactId, [groupToAdd.groupId], []);
$rootScope.$broadcast('', contactIds);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
* Removes the contact from a group.
* @param contactIds
* @param groupToRemove the group object
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.removeContactFromGroup = function(contactIds, groupToRemove) {
$log.log('Contacts.removeContactFromGroup', contactIds,;
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (angular.isString(contactIds)) {
contactIds = [contactIds];
// Make sure we have some contacts to update
if (!angular.isArray(contactIds) || contactIds.length == 0) {
'remove': {
'groups': [groupToRemove.groupId],
'contacts': contactIds
function(response) {
angular.forEach(contactIds, function(contactId) {
assignCachedContactGroups(contactId, [], [groupToRemove.groupId]);
$rootScope.$broadcast('', contactIds);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
* Determines if a contact is in the trash.
* @param contactId the contact ID
* @returns {boolean} true if the contact is in the trashContactIdList.
Contacts.isTrash = function(contactId) {
return angular.isObject(Contacts.trashById[contactId]);
* Fetches a single contact and saves it in local storage.
* @param contactId the contact ID to fetch.
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.fetchContact = function(contactId) {
$log.log("Contacts.fetchContact", contactId);
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (!angular.isDefined(contactId) || contactId == null) {
throw new Error("contactId must not be null");
// Fetch the contacts
CBCore.contacts.get({contactId: contactId},
// Success handler
function(result) {
if ( {
updateCachedContact(, Contacts.byId);
} else {
// TODO: Handle responses intelligently. What are the possible errors?
deferred.reject("Unexpected response from server.");
// Error handler
function(status, data) {
// TODO: Handle responses intelligently. What are the possible errors?
return deferred.promise;
* Fetches an array of contacts
* @param contactIds
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.fetchContacts = function(contactIds) {
var promises = [];
angular.forEach(contactIds, function(contactId) {
var promise = Contacts.fetchContact(contactId);
return $q.all(promises);
* Gets a contact from local storage.
* @param contactId the contact to get.
* @returns {*} the contact.
Contacts.getContact = function(contactId) {
return Contacts.byId[contactId] || Contacts.trashById[contactId];
* Creates a contact.
* @param contact the contact to create.
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.createContact = function(contact) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var contact = new CBCore.contacts(contact);
var extId = new Date().getTime().toString();
contact.externalSourceInfo = {sourceContext: "WebSync", externalSourceId: extId};
function(response) {
// Check for errors
if (!angular.isObject( || responseHasErrors(response)) {
// Add the contact to local storage
updateCachedContact(, Contacts.byId);
$rootScope.$broadcast('Contacts.createContact', response);
function(status, data) {
return status;
return deferred.promise;
* Gets a Contact's canonical name.
* @param contact or contactId
* @returns {*}
Contacts.getCanonicalName = function(contact) {
if (angular.isObject(contact)) {
return Contacts.canonicalNameById[contact.contactId] || '';
} else {
return Contacts.canonicalNameById(contact) || ''; // contactId
function responseHasErrors(response) {
return angular.isDefined(response.errors) ||
angular.isDefined(response.errorMessage) ||
* Updates a contact.
* @param contact the contact to update.
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
Contacts.updateContact = function(contact) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var contact = new CBCore.contacts(contact);
function(response) {
// Check for errors
if (!angular.isObject( || responseHasErrors(response)) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('Contacts.updateContact', response);
function(status, data) {
return status;
return deferred.promise;
Contacts.trash = function(contactIdsToTrash) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (!angular.isArray(contactIdsToTrash)) {
contactIdsToTrash = [contactIdsToTrash];
{idList: contactIdsToTrash},
function(response) {
angular.forEach(contactIdsToTrash, function(contactId) {
moveCachedContact(contactId, Contacts.byId, Contacts.trashById);
updateGroupIndexes(contactId, [], Contacts.getGroupIds(Contacts.getContact(contactId)));
$rootScope.$broadcast('Contacts.trash', contactIdsToTrash);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
Contacts.purge = function(contactIdsToPurge) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (!angular.isArray(contactIdsToPurge)) {
contactIdsToPurge = [contactIdsToPurge];
{ 'purgeContacts': true, 'idList': contactIdsToPurge },
function(response) {
angular.forEach(contactIdsToPurge, function(contactId) {
removeCachedContact(contactId, Contacts.trashById);
$rootScope.$broadcast("Contacts.purge", contactIdsToPurge);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
Contacts.restore = function(contactIdsToRestore) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (!angular.isArray(contactIdsToRestore)) {
contactIdsToRestore = [contactIdsToRestore];
{'idList': contactIdsToRestore},
function(response) {
angular.forEach(contactIdsToRestore, function(contactId) {
moveCachedContact(contactId, Contacts.trashById, Contacts.byId);
updateGroupIndexes(contactId, Contacts.getGroupIds(Contacts.getContact(contactId)), []);
$rootScope.$broadcast("Contacts.restore", contactIdsToRestore);
function(status, data) {
return deferred.promise;
// Create byGroupId object when a group is created
$rootScope.$on('Groups.create', function(event, group) {
if (angular.isUndefined(Contacts.byGroupId[group.groupId])) {
Contacts.byGroupId[group.groupId] = {}
// Update local contacts when a group is deleted
$rootScope.$on('Groups.delete', function(event, group) {
applyFnToAllCachedContacts(function(contact, contactId) {
removeGroupFromCachedContact(contact, group.groupId)
// Update local contacts when a group is renamed
$rootScope.$on('Groups.update', function(event, newGroup, oldGroup) {
applyFnToAllCachedContacts(function(contact, contactId) {
// Skip bad contacts
if (angular.isObject(contact)) {
// TODO: Use the canonical groups directly in the contacts
// Update the group's name
if (angular.isArray(contact.groups)) {
_.each(contact.groups, function(existingGroup) {
if ( == { =;
// Contact image URL by contact ID
Contacts.imageByContactId = $localStorage['contactImageByContactId'] || {};
if (!angular.isObject(Contacts.imageByContactId)) {
Contacts.imageByContactId = {};
$localStorage['contactImageByContactId'] = Contacts.imageByContactId;
* Contact images stored as: Contacts.images[contactId][type][size] = url
Contacts.images = $localStorage['contactImages'];
if (!angular.isObject(Contacts.images)) {
Contacts.images = {};
$localStorage['contactImages'] = Contacts.images;
* Fetches the Contacts Images since the last time they were requested
* @returns {Promise.promise|*}
var imagesSince = 0;
Contacts.refreshImages = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get(CBCore.coreConfig.contactImages, {params: {updatedSince: imagesSince, _nocache: new Date().getTime()}})
.success(function(response) {
if (response) {
if(response.currentServerTime) {
imagesSince = parseInt(response.currentServerTime, 10);
if (response.contactImages && angular.isArray(response.contactImages)) {
// Store images by contactId.type.size
_.each(response.contactImages, function(contactImage) {
// Skip unavailable images
if (contactImage.available !== true) {
// Look for and cache contact profile images
if (contactImage.typeOfImage == 'ContactProfile' && contactImage.imageSize == 'Large') {
Contacts.imageByContactId[contactImage.contactId] = contactImage.accessUrl;
// Contact
var contact = Contacts.images[contactImage.contactId];
if (contact == null) {
contact = {};
Contacts.images[contactImage.contactId] = contact;
// Type
var type = contact[contactImage.typeOfImage];
if (type == null) {
type = {};
contact[contactImage.typeOfImage] = type;
// Size
type[contactImage.imageSize] = contactImage.accessUrl;
$localStorage.contactImages = Contacts.images;
.error(function(data, status) {
$log.log('Contacts.refreshImages error', data, status);
return deferred.promise;
* Fetches all the images for a contact.
Contacts.fetchAllImagesForContact = function(contactId) {
$log.log('Contacts.fetchAllImagesForContact', contactId);
var deferred = $q.defer();
CBCore.allImagesForContact.get({contactId: contactId},
function(response) {
if (response.contactImages && angular.isArray(response.contactImages)) {
} else {
}, function(data, status) {
return deferred.promise;
* Clear the status.
Contacts.clear = function() {
if (!AuthService.currentAuthInfo) {
$log.log("Contacts service logout");
// Delete contacts from local storage
_.each(Contacts.list, removeCachedContact);
// Clear contacts
Contacts.trashById = {};
Contacts.byId = {};
Contacts.byGroupId = {};
Contacts.groupsByContactId = {};
Contacts.images = [];
$localStorage.contactImages = [];
// Reset the lastRefreshes
imagesSince = 0;
lastRefresh = 0;
lastTrashRefresh = 0;
function() {return Groups.byId},
function() {
_.each(Groups.byId, function(group, groupId) {
if (angular.isUndefined(Contacts.byGroupId[groupId])) {
Contacts.byGroupId[groupId] = {}
// Keep the cached strings up to date
function() {return Sorting.current},
function() {
$log.log("Sorting changed, updating cached strings.");
return Contacts;
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